Whatever your intended goal of the workout, the list below of the best at-home workouts that require only your bodyweight has you covered. Try a bunch of these workouts from SELF to figure out your favorites!

Bodyweight exercises will make your at-home workout challenging no matter your fitness level. Start with our beginner routine, and in just a matter of months, you could be well on your way to mastering the advanced routine. Earn that sweat equity today!

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With beginner, intermediate, and advanced full-body workouts for each type of equipment, The Men's Health Home Workout Bible gives you more than 400 exercises altogether, photographed and fully described. From pushups to power cleans, from crunches to jump squats, we show you how to get more muscle and strength at home, whether you're a complete beginner or a competitive athlete.

Welcome home. We're glad you're ready to turn a piece of your humble abode into your personal war room. You're primed to use home exercise equipment to get your body into the shape it deserves to be in. You're not asking for much--just an awesome physique, better health, increased self-confidence, greater strength, and a longer life. In the pages ahead, you're going to get all of that--and then some. We assume you're not in the habit of doing things half-assed. Good. Rest assured that the information we're going to give you will be fully assed. In fact, the reason this book is more than 400 pages long is because a top-quality, beginner-friendly, long-haul home-workout program takes some time and space to explain. We're giving it 100,000 words and several hundred pictures. That doesn't cover everything, but it sure gets to most of it. Exercise is as simple or complicated as you want to make it. It's easy (in theory) to walk for a few minutes or do some pushups or jog or stretch. When you attach performance goals to those exercises, things start getting tricky. Adding muscle, shedding fat, building strength, or improving your ability to run or jump or play a specific sport--those goals require the right exercises, the right techniques, and the right mix of hard work and recovery. We've got all that, and more. How to Use This BookWe hope everyone who buys this book will eventually read every chapter. But we know many of you will go straight to the exercise sections and dive in. We anticipated this, because we're the same way. Our houses and garages are filled with appliances, tools, and vehicles for which we still haven't read the owner's manuals. That's why we made the book as modular as possible. The exercise chapters are arranged according to the equipment a guy is likely to have in his home. We start with the no-equipment chapter (chapter 6, which strongly encourages you to add a chinning bar and Swiss ball to your minimalist setup), then progress to chapters on dumbbells, barbells, cable machines, and, finally, multistation home gyms. Chapter 11 shows you several routines you can do if you have all the equipment mentioned in chapters 6 through 10. Each chapter is itself divided by muscle groups, so all the dumbbell arm exercises are in one place, all the barbell chest exercises are together, and so on. We recommend how many exercises to choose from each group, and how many sets and repetitions to do. For the most knowledgeable and self-motivated among you, that's probably enough. But in case you don't have much experience putting together workout routines, we've taken the extra step and put some together for you. Starting on page 357, you'll find sample routines for three skill levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), with six equipment options (no equipment except a chinning bar and something that can be used as a bench; dumbbells; barbell; cable; multistation; and all equipment). If you have more than one type of equipment, we've made it easy to mix and match.This book's authors, as well as other experienced trainers and knowledgeable readers, will be happy to help you find the answer.

Working out at home can be a formidable weapon, mainly if you utilize strategies like tempo training to increase your time under tension. Getting stronger in your own living space will involve disciplining your mind as much as your body, so consider meditating or doing some deep breathing before your home training session. These five home workouts can help you crush your fitness goals, whether you want to get stronger, build muscle, develop power, improve your cardio, or find a home workout for beginners.

Perform this workout two or three times a week. You might be able to increase that number to four if you are accustomed to a higher training frequency. Rest for at least 90 seconds between sets. Use that time to take long, slow breaths. This will help you remember the importance of breathing during tempo training.tag_hash_107

You can perform this workout between two and four times a week, depending on your experience level and the quality of your recovery. Rest as needed between sets, but try to keep track of your rest time. Your goal, over the weeks, will be to gradually and naturally reduce the amount of time you feel you need to continue with quality reps. That will help you measure how much your endurance is improving.tag_hash_108

This study aimed to develop a smartphone-based home workout program for shift-work nurses to increase their levels of exercise and examine its effects on health (sleep disturbance, fatigue, musculoskeletal problems, and resilience) and nursing performance. For this quasiexperimental study with a nonequivalent control group, 54 shift-work nurses were recruited from two general wards at a hospital in Korea and assigned to the intervention and control groups. Nurses in the intervention group were encouraged to exercise regularly using the home workout application for 18 weeks. For the first 12 weeks, text-message counseling and environmental improvement were carried out; only environmental improvement was implemented in the remaining 12-18 weeks. The control group did not receive any intervention. After excluding dropouts, the data of the final 25 participants in the intervention group and 24 participants in the control group were analyzed. Compared with the control group, the intervention group showed statistically significant improvements in physical and psychological health. Hospital organizations could adopt a smartphone-based home workout program to overcome obstacles to exercise, which could lead to positive health outcomes for shift-work nurses.

Introduction:  Balancing problems are prominent in stroke survivors with unilateral paresis. Recent evidence supports that dance interventions are associated with significant improvements in gait, stability and walking endurance in people with neurological conditions. The aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of a novel ballet-inspired at-home workout programme (Footprints to Better Balance (FBB)) for stroke survivors.

Methods and analysis:  A mixed-methods exploratory study incorporating a randomised controlled trial and qualitative evaluation will be conducted. We will recruit 40 adults with a first-ever ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke and mild-moderate lower limb paresis from two acute stroke units. The intervention group will receive usual care plus FBB, an 8-week home-based programme with ballet-inspired workouts underpinned by Bandura's principles of self-efficacy and outcome expectation. FBB will be delivered by trained lay and peer volunteers, with the support of volunteer healthcare professionals. Multiple data will be collected: Recruitment rate, adherence to FBB, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires on outcomes (balance, gait and memory) assessed at baseline and immediately post-intervention. The generalised estimating equations model will be used to compare differential changes on outcomes across time points between the two arms. Qualitative data will be coded and grouped to form themes and subthemes.

Home workouts have some great benefits over going to the gym. You don't need to spend time travelling to the gym, and you'll save money that you would have spent on a gym membership, which can average at around $50 a month.

If you feel anxious about going to the gym or self-conscious about exercising in front of other people, home workouts are a good alternative option. You can exercise with privacy in the comfort of a familiar space and don't need to wait your turn to use gym equipment.

If you work remotely or otherwise spend a lot of time at home, home workouts are highly convenient. You can simply hop from your computer to your designated workout space after logging off for the day.

Before exercising at home or buying any home workout equipment, set aside some space for working out. The space can be anywhere from your bedroom to the basement, but it should motivate you to exercise rather than making it feel like a chore.

You can incorporate step aerobics into your home cardio routine with the help of a step bench. Use an exercise mat for strength- and flexibility-related activities like yoga and Pilates, which you can practice with online videos.

The Home Workout program is designed to help you get (or stay) fit at home. It includes only exercises that you can do at home, with no need for specific equipment.Complete Calisthenics is more about mastering your body weight with strength, coordination, and balance. The nature of the exercises varies from those found in the Body Transformation program. A good example is a handstand, which is mostly about balance and not the best exercise for building muscle. Alternatively, the Body Transformation program is primarily for building muscle.The Home Workout program includes follow-along videos. Simply play the video and follow along in real-time. You can repeat the program phases as many times as you like to keep yourself fit over time.

In the Home Workout program, you will not learn any specialized skills. We included only basic and intermediate exercises that you can do at home. There are no skills like handstand, muscle-up, or planche. However, this program can help you build strength and prepare your body for upcoming training in advanced skills. ff782bc1db

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