Your family tradition during the holidays every year is to "adopt" a different tradition from another culture around the world. Your mom builds up the suspense and keeps you and your family from snooping at the new tradition by keeping the one that was chosen in a locked box in her room. It's not just any locked box, it's a locked box with four different locks because you've become so good at figuring it out. She worries she will forget one of the locks so has placed clues for herself around the house that she thinks you'll never figure out.

The big reveal is less than an hour away! You are so pumped to see the tradition for this year! Then, disaster strikes. Mom trips and falls on your dumb cat! On the way down she smacks her head on the coffee table and can't remember what day it is...let alone the combinations to the locks or what the clues meant! You have forty-five minutes to find and solve the clues that Mom placed around the house to unlock the box before the holiday season is ruined!

Breakout made by Alex Michelle Case
