I have been using a house ball, but not using the thumb hole the entire time I have been in league and have not had any problems until last week. The league president called me out for not using a thumb and said he would let it slide but only this week.

I looked up the rules and found the on page 85 section 8 of the 2021-2022 rulebook, house balls are exempt from the hole filling rule. Looking through league rules, nothing is specified about the rule, which means it reverts back to USBC standards.

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The detail and feel of the house were developed in close collaboration with our clients. A restricted palette of natural materials and tactile elements were chosen to be improved by the patina of use and age to contribute to the ambiance of the house

The smell of timber, the feel of the flooring underfoot, tactile contours of handles and handrails, and the breeze that passes freely through the house when the glass walls slid open. The experience is sensory and authentic to the place.

Hole House is one of those great adult games where you get a chance to be with girls and interact with them to see what they reveal to you. Convincing girls to work is not easy and if you think you possess that skill then we welcome you to the house of surprise where you can recruit many girls for yourself.

And then, in March last year, we had a big van brake down, which meant Scout was out of action for a few weeks. So, we decided to fly back to South Australia and stay with family. It was on that trip that we found ourselves sitting at a dear friend's house, describing this vision, and they said they had a property they were just about to sell that we should look at. As in, their tenant was moving out the next day. So we drove down and as soon as we stepped onto the land we both welled up with tears. It's hard to explain this to people... but it was everything we had been describing to each other. We stood at the back of the property, and started pointing out all the places we'd been imagining and what we were going to create in this spot and that spot. Now it was all a bit overgrown and hadn't seen a lot of love in a few years, basically it was an old almond farm with rundown sheds - but we could see it all. Also, rather wonderfully, it backs onto the vineyard where all our grapes grow, with our production site right behind us. We'd never seen the property before, but if you asked me to draw on a piece of paper what we'd been dreaming of, it was this block of land.

Because of the tenant we couldn't go in or near the house, but we knew it was there and I remember saying to Dom... "I don't mind if we keep living in Scout for a year and just get our cellar door built first. There's a bathroom we can use - great. We're fine!"

So, in late September when we got the keys and drove down the driveway of this block of land where we hoped to bring our dreams to life for the first time, we also saw the house for the first time. In the months leading up to our return our friend did call us a few times and voiced his concerns that we hadn't actually seen the house... what if we didn't like it? And we honestly told him it really didn't matter... it was the land we loved and we'd just work with the house.

We've never renovated anything before. In fact, we didn't own any tools other than a screwdriver and a hammer until a year into our time on the road. But we started working on the house the very next day. We called our good friend Leigh, who is a carpenter, and told him we'd need his help for a little while. We gave ourselves 3 weeks to work on the house, before moving the focus to the cellar door.

Three weeks became three months... but in that time we worked on a whole lot more than just the house (all of which we'll share with you very soon!). We've never worked so hard in our lives. We worked all day, every day.

At first we decided to just give the exterior a facelift and worry about the interior later... and then we decided that if we just painted the walls and put some new floor down... it'd be a nice liveable space... I didn't really like the house (at all) but I thought we'd be alright living in it for a few years... and then we thought, we'll just change the bench top over... and then the kitchen wall fell down... and then we did a little more, and a little more, and then.. I started to get these ideas... and although Dom was exhausted, he kept working and working and working. We both did.

Well, it snowballed pretty fast. Probably because we had no idea what we were doing, and not much of a budget so we were doing as much as we could ourselves (Dom's become a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician, a landscaper, and a diesel mechanic in the last few months). But we're pretty over the moon with the result. I LOVE this house now. And I love that we've created this together. We've done something I never imagined we'd be capable of.

The first thing we started working on was the deck, we began building a wrap around deck, covering the old cement foot path that followed the house around.We built a frame and went straight over the cement, extended it out a little wider and adding on a few areas. We thought this was a much simpler task then it turned out to be, but it absolutely made the house a home - especially the big back deck. We used sustainably sourced cypress pine, and we have been greying off before we'll seal it with something that allows it to continue to grey off while still protecting it. I believe there's a product at Bunnings that allows this to happen, but once it goes on the silvering slows down immediately, so we've been advised to age it as much as we want to beforehand.

Ok, if we had won the lottery that I entered just after we started this project, we'd have paid someone to come in and change the windows over. But I didn't and we couldn't even convince a painter to come and paint them for us. So we decided to tackle it, or rather I did. The Bunnings tutorial makes spray painting window frames look really easy and kind of fun.

I'm not going to lie... it wasn't. It was the worst job. It took us weeks and weeks and weeks. I'm fairly sure I cried while working on them for the 14th day in a row. You need to rigorously clean them (the dirtiest place in any old house - which I'm kind of glad we did clean so well now), getting them completely dust free - and then tape and cover all the glass, both sides, and then prime them - letting each side dry before priming the other side and all the cracks and gaps. And then a few coats of white paint (hours or days between each coat on each side). We had no windows on the house for weeks. Our biggest mistake was thinking we could smash out more than we could. Preparing all the windows, but only having time to do a fifth of them, and then having to re-prepare them again a week later (this happened a few times).

Our outdoor furniture on the big part of the back deck is from Australian brand Uniqwa Furniture. We first fell in love with the big daybed (originally thinking for our cellar door - but hey, I like it better here for us - and it's so comfy!) and had it on our mood board - and then after hours scrolling their website I was in love with the whole collection. Although we are South and they are based in Queensland, the women who we dealt with were amazing. The outdoor table is big enough for my big family, and is made from weathered, rustic teak - so much character!

This is from Alabaster Traders. Karmin (who runs it with her husband) sourced incredible pieces from India and imports / restores them. This would have to be one of my favourite pieces in the house, it is so special.

Once you know why woodpeckers are hammering on your house, you can develop strategies for stopping them. Take a look at Can Woodpecker Deterrents Safeguard My House? for ideas on how to deal with troublesome woodpeckers.

Researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have performed studies relating nuisance woodpeckers. One study, External characteristics of houses prone to woodpecker damage, found that lighter colored aluminum and vinyl sidings are less likely to be damaged by woodpeckers. Another paper, Assessment of Management Techniques to Reduce Woodpecker Damage to Homes, tested six common long-term woodpecker deterrents: life-sized plastic owls with paper wings, reflective streamers, plastic eyes strung on fishing line, roost boxes, suet feeders, and a sound system which broadcasts woodpecker distress calls followed by the call of a hawk. Researchers found that nothing deterred woodpeckers all the time, and only the streamers worked with any consistency.

Homeowners have reported some success deterring woodpeckers with windsocks, pinwheels, helium balloons (shiny, bright Mylar balloons are especially effective), strips of aluminum foil, or reflective tape. Other people keep woodpeckers away by covering an affected area with burlap or attaching bird netting (the kind designed for gardens and fruit trees) from overhanging eaves to the siding. If you use netting, make sure it is taut and set at least 3 inches from the siding to avoid birds pecking through it. Close off openings on the sides to prevent birds from becoming trapped between the netting and the house.

I spent a good portion of the evening editing a farm house that came with Riverview, which I just moved my Sims into. I decided to make the kitchen slightly bigger, and since it has external walls, I also had to make the upstairs a bit larger as well. I put the new roof on, but now it has large gaping holes on each side of the house. I tried to build walls over the holes but then the top part of the wall sticks over the roof.

So I'm just wondering how EA built this house. Has anyone come across something like this and figured it out? I have testingheatsenabled and moveobjects on enabled.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Seal any holes you find to stop rodents from entering. Fill small holes with steel wool. Put caulk around the steel wool to keep it in place or use spray foam. Use lath screen or lath metal, cement, hardware cloth, or metal sheeting to fix larger holes. Cut material to fit around pipes. Fix gaps in trailer skirting and use flashing around the base of the house. Outbuildings and garages should also be sealed to prevent the entrance of rodents. 17dc91bb1f

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