Human-Object Interaction Compositional Learning

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Mission of the project

we propose a series of compositional approach to address the long-tailed, few-shot and zero-shot issues on HOI detection. The page gives a brief introduction to those works

Visual Compositional Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection (ECCV2020)

We devise a deep Visual Compositional Learning (VCL) framework, which is a simple yet efficient framework to effectively address this problem. VCL first decom- poses an HOI representation into object and verb specific features, and then composes new interaction samples in the feature space via stitching the decomposed features. The integration of decomposition and compo- sition enables VCL to share object and verb features among different HOI samples and images, and to generate new interaction samples and new types of HOI, and thus largely alleviates the long-tail distribution problem and benefits low-shot or zero-shot HOI detection.

Detecting Human-Object Interaction via Fabricated Compositional Learning (CVPR2021)

HOI detection usually suffers from the open long-tailed nature of interactions with objects, while human has extremely powerful compositional perception ability to cognize rare or unseen HOI samples. Inspired by this, we devise a novel HOI compositional learning framework, termed as Fabricated Compositional Learning (FCL), to address the problem of open long-tailed HOI detection. Specifically, we introduce an object fabricator to generate effective object representations, and then combine verbs and fabricated objects to compose new HOI samples. With the proposed object fabricator, we are able to generate large-scale HOI samples for rare and unseen categories to alleviate the open long-tailed issues in HOI detection.

Affordance Transfer Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection (CVPR2021)

Reasoning the human-object interactions (HOI) is essential for deeper scene understanding, while object affordances (or functionalities) are of great importance for human to discover unseen HOIs with novel objects. Inspired by this, we introduce an affordance transfer learning approach to jointly detect HOIs with novel object and recognize affordances. Specifically, HOI representations can be decoupled into a combination of affordance and object representations, making it possible to compose novel interactions by combining affordance representations and novel object representations from additional images, i.e. transferring the affordance to novel objects. With the proposed affordance transfer learning, the model is also capable of inferring the affordances of novel objects from known affordance representations. The proposed method can thus be used to 1) improve the performance of HOI detection, especially for the HOIs with unseen objects; and 2) infer the affordances of novel objects


Contact [zhou at uni dot sydney dot au dot cn] to get more information on the project