Ngoc Hoang Anh MAI
Ngoc Hoang Anh MAI
Welcome to my homepage!
I am a postdoc at Inria, ENS Lyon, France. My current mentor is Daniel Stilck França. Before that, I did a postdoc at University of Konstanz, Germany.
Since December 2023, I have been a researcher at Institute of Mathematics, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam.
I was a Ph.D. student at LAAS (Laboratoire d'Architecture et Analyse des Systèmes), in the MAC team, located in Toulouse, France. My supervisors were Victor Magron and Jean-Bernard Lasserre.
Please find a link to my PhD defense slides as well as a link to the final version of my PhD manuscript.
My research interests include quantum computing, applied real algebraic geometry, optimization, probability, and machine learning.
For more information about me, please see my CV.