Commodity codes are internationally recognised reference numbers. A code describes a specific product when importing or exporting goods. You will use this code on any import declaration and can find them in the Trade Tariff tool.

If you are having trouble locating the correct commodity code within the tree in the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS), please download the excel spreadsheet (link below) and search for your commodity using the first tab named 'Search here'.

Hmrc Commodity Codes Download


Development of this list started with the aim to get agreement across the FSA on a standard list of 8-digit commodity codes that are allocated into different commodity categories. The purpose of this is to provide consistency across internal projects which can refer to this accepted list of how commodity codes are assigned to categories with their definitions. The list will additionally provide transparency for analysis on trade imports that was completed for the 2022 annual report on food standards. The list was finalised at the end of February 2023 alongside the final month of 2022 trade data being available at UK Trade Info.

This publication was produced internally by the Analytics Unit in conjunction with teams across the FSA including Risk Assessment Unit, Data, Veterinary Services & Trade Facilitation and FSA Northern Ireland as well as with Food Standards Scotland (FSS). Stakeholders contributed to developing categories with definitions to assign commodity codes into through a workshop and reviews of the list.

The commodity codes and descriptions in the list are sourced from HMRC trade data. The categories have been developed by the FSA. This version 1 of the list was applied in analysis on trade for the 2022 annual report on food standards.

The FSA List is a table that presents a comprehensive list of all food and feed under FSA's remit. Kitchenware that is subject to import controls is included in the list and allocated to the non-food items category. Each row of the table presents a commodity code, its description, whether the commodity is food, feed, POAO (product of animal origin), FNAO (food not of animal origin), the category the commodity is allocated to and a potential subcategory that it could be further allocated into.

The Category Definitions table presents a summary of the categories that commodity codes have been allocated to in the FSA list and provides a definition or example of what is included in the category. Potential subcategories are defined that could be developed in future work and versions of the list. These have not been applied in analysis for the 2022 annual report on food standards.

Assigning these codes to all product types for EU and any country can be time consuming and expensive. This is particularly the case for ecommerce suppliers with small package cross-border shipments. Contact Avalara. Additionally, the information required to determine the correct tariff code is often missing or not easily available, and therefore true import costs are not often well understood. Avalara has a fully automated system for low-cost classification, and will ensure you do not over pay any taxes.

It is important that you are satisfied the commodity code is correct, especially for large value items or items you import regularly because this dictates any tax liability and import/export controls.

1 Jan 2022 changes

The UK commodity codes have been incorporated into a UK Global Tariff. Please check that any codes that you have noted are still appropriate using the UK Global Tariff.

Commodity codes are a globally recognised means of identifying imported and exported items for Customs purposes. UK imports are classified to all 10 digits of the commodity code while exports are classified to the first 8 digits only. In conjunction with an imported item's Country of Origin (COO) and customs valuation, it is used to determine what level of customs duty is payable, whether to apply Rules of Origin and what regulatory requirements exist. Identifying the correct commodity code is crucial.

It is important that you are satisfied the commodity code is correct, especially for large value items or items you import regularly because this dictates any tax liability and import/export controls. The screenshots below explain how a commodity code can be checked in the UK Tariff.

Finding commodity codes for imports into or exports out of the UK is worth referring to if you are having difficulties identifying a commodity code. It includes a link to guidance on a variety of goods that are hard to classify, including:

HMRC uses the codes to work out how much customs duty or import VAT we owe on goods that are moving in or out of the UK. They also provide information on required licenses and certificates so, if you use the wrong code:

For all UK imports and exports, commodity codes are used to classify goods to ensure the right amounts of tax, VAT and duty are paid. Here, we explain why commodity codes are important and how to ensure you get the correct one.

Also known as tariff or HS codes, commodity codes are standardised throughout the EU and usually comprise ten numbers, with occasional exceptions. For example, for UK exports, you often only need the first eight digits. Nevertheless, some products have HS codes with up to 14 numbers. To find the correct code for your goods, visit the UK Online Trade Tariff, where you can look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates.

Once you have the correct commodity code, it will be used to identify your products. Also, securing the appropriate UK commodity codes can help you determine if you have any other obligations relating to your goods, such as requiring an import or export licence.

A classification ruling is an official determination by UK customs authorities assigning a specific commodity code to a specific product name. It helps determine the correct customs duties, taxes, and regulations applicable to your goods.

The UK Trade Tariff is a comprehensive list of commodity codes and their corresponding duty rates, regulations, and restrictions for goods imported or for travel goods exported from the UK. You can access it online through the official UK Online Trade Tariff page.

Yes, there are. Commodity codes in the UK determine customs duties, trade agreements, customs declarations, and regulations. Ensuring accurate classification is vital to comply with customs requirements and benefit from preferential trade agreements. We encourage you to stay updated with any changes in UK commodity codes and seek expert advice if needed.

This table (one of 3 available) is an expanded table showing the measures that apply to all declarable commodity codes. These are 10-digit codes which are at the lowest level in the commodity code hierarchy (for example, when they do not have any commodity codes below them in the hierarchy) and are therefore at the most granular classification for that product. Any code in this table is usable on declarations at the rates specified.

You can use this data when you need to make a calculation against the new duties that apply in the UK. You cannot use this data to calculate the total cost of an import because it does not include VAT. You also cannot use this data to understand the commodity code hierarchy because not all codes are present.

Importers and exporters alike find international trade complicated. Understanding and using commodity codes is essential to this strategy. Commodity code , often called Harmonised System (HS) codes, are essential to international commerce.

These numbers make it easier to identify and categorise different types of items. In this extensive tutorial, we will discuss the significance of commodity codes, their structure, and how to estimate them and make optimal use of them accurately.

Commodity codes are a string of numbers that give extra product details. Hierarchically, the first six numbers are the worldwide HS code. Each number gives more particular information, enabling exact product categorisation. The literal definition of commodity codes states that;

Commodity codes aid in customs clearance and trade data collection. These codes define customs charges, levies, and rules for certain commodities. Importers and exporters use commodity codes to comply with trade restrictions, permit correct customs assessments, and provide trustworthy trade data.

The commodity code HMRC is a national platform that provides the codes, including the VAT percentage, for almost every product. The tariff is the name of the platform that provides the codes. Hence, it offers several benefits that make it useful, such as:

HMRC commodity codes govern customs declaration categorisation. Customs paperwork must include the correct commodity code for imports and exports. The code helps customs officials determine customs duties, taxes, and rules for traded commodities.

Tariffs and trade policies employ the UK commodity code. These codes classify items to calculate tariffs, duty exemptions, and preferential trade agreements. HMRC enforces trade restrictions and trade agreements using commodity codes.

HMRC evaluates import/export risk using HS commodity codes. Some goods are regulated, licenced, or banned. HMRC may focus on inspections, identify high-risk shipments, and enforce trade compliance by precisely identifying products.

HS codes match HMRC commodity codes. The HS standardises product categorisation worldwide. HMRC harmonises and standardises international trade practices using HS-based commodity codes, making trade and data sharing easier.

Overall, customs declarations, trade data, tariff administration, risk assessment, and compliance employ HMRC commodity codes. They offer a standardised categorisation system for accurate customs duty assessment, trade policy execution, and UK trade statistics.

Customs commodity codes determine duties, taxes, and fees. Customs officials can precisely evaluate taxes and duties by coding goods. This promotes fair commerce and government income by ensuring importers and exporters follow customs procedures and pay suitable tariffs and taxes. 2351a5e196

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