Harry Muzart's applicant profile for job applications

(last updated Aug 2023)


It can be of any type, in any field/industry, at any level. I can start immediately. I can work for any amount of hours per week (from part-time to beyond full-time). I am available 24/7/365 to work. The contract time length can be fixed-term or indefinite. I currently reside in Canterbury (Kent, UK), but can relocate to anywhere in the UK/world. I am very flexible with the pay.

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• My interdisciplinary knowledge and skills (tens of thousands of hours over 10+ years) are broadly applicable to any domain. I worked on optimising resources, processes, and value.

• Data / Analysis / Research / Scientific (Biosciences, Neuro-topics, Medical/Health, Psychological, Human Economics, Generalist): data collection from data sources and humans (in lab-based and naturalistic settings); integration of qualitative & quantitative metrics; data processing; modelling; publishing; solving difficult problems; iterative developments via meta-processes.

• Communication: I wrote hundreds of articles, literature reviews, and reports. All my activities involved verbally interacting one-to-one and delivering presentations to small and large groups, in-person and online, with individuals from a range of backgrounds. I also designed 2D/3D images and produced audio-video media. My dissemination has had international outreach and impact.

• Administrative tasks: note-transcribing in meetings, coordinating events, networking, organisational management, ensuring legal data compliance, etc.

• ICT/Computing: I have advanced competence (daily use over the last 15+ years) in all Microsoft and Google programs (text editors, databases, etc.), building websites & apps, troubleshooting specialist hardware & software, and using high-level computational tools (inferential statistics, programming). I also implemented artificial intelligence tools in several projects.

• I am fully fluent in English and French.

• I can also do physical manual labour that requires being actively fit and strong, and I have a car driver's licence.

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• MSc Neuroscience (cognitive-behavioural, clinical, imaging, computational), KCL - King's College London (Distinction) [2018-2020].

• BSc Biomedical Sciences (molecular biochemistry, physiological systems, human studies, psychiatry, methods), UCL - University College London (2:1) [2013-2016].

• I did short online courses in sociological studies (business, law, policy) and engineering sciences [2016-2018, 2020-2021].

• I have A-Levels/equivalent (3 A* 2 A) in sciences and humanities subjects [pre-2010].

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• Ambassador, Scientific Communicator, Academic Project Contributor; KCL - King's College London [Oct 2019 - Jun 2022, part-time, paid; with some voluntary work during 2018-2019 and 2022-2023].

• Researcher/Developer (Computational), Content Producer, Founder/Director; MNT - Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies [Nov 2017 - present, part-time].

• I also pursued support, contributor, and tutoring roles, in other organisations (in industry, businesses, universities, schools, and community/sports centres) [2006-2023].

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• My LinkedIn:


• Further details on all the above:


• Visual portfolio of samples:


• Videos of me communicating:


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Key Words: Sciences, Scientific, Research, Human Factors, Health, Technology, Data, Analysis, Communication(s), Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, Optimisation, Design, Consultancy, Biology, Psychology, Neurosciences, Physiology, Anatomy, Organisms, Molecular, Cells, Biochemistry, Pharma, Brain, Neural Systems, Multi-omics, Engineering, Laboratory, Bioimaging, Neuroimaging, Scans, Medicine, Clinical, Neurology, Psychiatry, Physical & Mental Health, Healthcare, Wellbeing, Psychometrics, Questionnaires, Interviews, Cognition, Behavioural, Economics, Capital, Business, Social, Sociological, Society, User Experience, Learning, Memory, Skills, Meta-cognition, Neurodivergent, Linguistics, English, French, London, UK, World, Science Policy, Legal, Datasets, Databases, Compliance, Safety, Sports, Driving (Car), Cycling, Walking, Information Gathering, Informatics, Data Processing, Analytics, Quantitative, Qualitative, Dissemination, Arts, Writing, Copywriting, Systematic Literature Reviews, Meta-analyses, Publications, Public Speaking, Oral Presentations, Tutoring, Teaching, Higher Education, Demonstrator, Customer Service, Neuro-marketing, Educational, Events, Image Drawing, Photography, Filming, Video Production, Multimedia, Digital, e-Learning Technologies, Telecommunications, ICT, Software, Computer, Computational, Windows, Microsoft Office, Word, Text Editors, Spreadsheet, Slideshow, Graphs, Coding, Programming, Data Visualisation, Websites, App Development, 3D, Space-time, 360, Virtual Reality, Student, Academic, Patient, Personalisation, 24/7, Open-Access, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Multivariate, Processes, Note-taking, Administrative, Organisational Management, Collaborative, Innovation, Mathematics, Statistics, Studies, Mapping Techniques, Holistic, Integrative, Models, Systems, Logistics, Outreach, Value-Optimisation, Applied Sciences.