Wu Research Group 

Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University 

Interfacial Materials Chemistry Laboratory 

Our long term goal is to advance the energy storage and conversion science and technology through in situ experiments. Currently, Materials and Interfacial Chemistry group works on several themes related to structure and reactivity at solid-liquid interfaces. Our research efforts are focused on the fundamental understanding of the structure-property and reactivity of materials at the interface of electroactive and photoactive materials for energy applications including next-generation battery devices and CO2 reduction. We utilize in situ vibrational spectroscopy (surface-enhanced IR and Raman spectroscopy), optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and on-line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry to investigate the reaction processes. We aim at achieving fundamental understanding of these processes that can be used to improve the reactivity and stability of materials. 

Group Picture, 2023.07.28

News and Events

2023.07. Open Positions for Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Research Fellow . Please contact hengliangwu<at>ntu.edu.tw

2022.02 Dr. Kassa Belay Ibrahim received the assistant professor offer from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Congratulations!

2021.04.27 Chang-An Lo  published a paper in ACS Applied Energy Materials. Congratulations!

2020.07 Dr. Tsu-Chin Chou received the assistant professor offer from NTHU, Taiwan. Congratulations!

2020.01.20 Dr. Tsu-Chin Chou published a paper in Journal of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!

2020.01.15 Congratulations! Dr. Jingling Yang published her work in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.  

2019.11.11 Dr. Tsu-Chin Chou received the Einstein Program. Congratulations!

2019.10.30 Dr. Jingling Yang  starts her new research career in Jinan University.  

2019.09.18 Tsu-Chin Chou won the award of recognition in 25th NSRRC users' meeting.

2019.01.25 Chun-Yao Wang won the poster award in 2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan.

2018.09.12 Chun-Yao Wang won the award of excellence in 24th NSRRC users' meeting

2018.05.31 Our research assistant, Ju-Ming Tsai (2017-2018) received the offer from department of Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA, USA. Congratulations on his offer of admission to UCLA graduate school! 

2016.12.01. Interfacial Materials Chemistry Laboratory