The High-Level Shader Language[1] or High-Level Shading Language[2] (HLSL) is a proprietary shading language developed by Microsoft for the Direct3D 9 API to augment the shader assembly language, and went on to become the required shading language for the unified shader model of Direct3D 10 and higher.

HLSL is analogous to the GLSL shading language used with the OpenGL standard. It is very similar to the Nvidia Cg shading language, as it was developed alongside it. Early versions of the two languages were considered identical, only marketed differently.[3] HLSL shaders can enable profound speed and detail increases as well as many special effects in both 2D and 3D computer graphics.[citation needed]

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HLSL programs come in six forms: pixel shaders (fragment in GLSL), vertex shaders, geometry shaders, compute shaders, tessellation shaders (Hull and Domain shaders), and ray tracing shaders (Ray Generation Shaders, Intersection Shaders, Any Hit/Closest Hit/Miss Shaders). A vertex shader is executed for each vertex that is submitted by the application, and is primarily responsible for transforming the vertex from object space to view space, generating texture coordinates, and calculating lighting coefficients such as the vertex's normal, tangent, and bitangent vectors. When a group of vertices (normally 3, to form a triangle) come through the vertex shader, their output position is interpolated to form pixels within its area; this process is known as rasterization.

Optionally, an application using a Direct3D 10/11/12 interface and Direct3D 10/11/12 hardware may also specify a geometry shader. This shader takes as its input some vertices of a primitive (triangle/line/point) and uses this data to generate/degenerate (or tessellate) additional primitives or to change the type of primitives, which are each then sent to the rasterizer.

GPUs listed are the hardware that first supported the given specifications. Manufacturers generally support all lower shader models through drivers. Note that games may claim to require a certain DirectX version, but don't necessarily require a GPU conforming to the full specification of that version, as developers can use a higher DirectX API version to target lower-Direct3D-spec hardware; for instance DirectX 9 exposes features of DirectX7-level hardware that DirectX7 did not, targeting their fixed-function T&L pipeline.

For earlier shader models, HLSL programming exposes only a single thread of execution. New wave-level operations are provided, starting with model 6.0, to explicitly take advantage of the parallelism of current GPUs - many threads can be executing in lockstep on the same core simultaneously. For example, the model 6.0 intrinsics enable the elimination of barrier constructs when the scope of synchronization is within the width of the SIMD processor, or some other set of threads that are known to be atomic relative to each other.

Most of the intrinsics appear in pixel shaders and compute shaders, though there are some exceptions (noted for each function). The functions have been added to the requirements for DirectX Feature Level 12.0, under API level 12.

The parameter and return value for these functions implies the type of the expression, the supported types are those from the following list that are also present in the target shader model for your app:

These intrinsics perform swap operations on the values across a wave known to contain pixel shader quads as defined here. The indices of the pixels in the quad are defined in scan-line or reading order - where the coordinates within a quad are:

These routines work in either compute shaders or pixel shaders. In compute shaders they operate in quads defined as evenly divided groups of 4 within an SIMD wave. In pixel shaders they should be used on waves captured by WaveQuadLanes, otherwise results are undefined.

The HLSL shader model is a versioning approach indicating which new features are added to the language. Each level allows an application or game to target a well-known set of functionality for development, and allows hardware and driver developers to target that same description for support.

Advanced Texture Operations adds SampleCmpLevel, a new sample compare operation that neither uses the MIP level determined by the derivatives as with SampleCmp does, nor is it limited to MIP level zero as with SampleCmpLevelZero. The shader author can specify the level through a parameter.

Shader Model 6.7 adds two new builtin functions to HLSL: QuadAny and QuadAll. These functions return whether the provided expression parameter is true for any lane (QuadAny) or all lanes (QuadAll) in the current quad. With these you can avoid undefined behavior by executing shader code conditional on quad-level uniformity.

Shader Model 6.7 adds the WaveOpsIncludeHelperLanes entry function attribute. By applying this attribute, any wave ops invoked by shaders compiled with that entry function will include helper lanes in their calculations. This further advances the ability to leverage and identify helper lanes in shader development.

You can use #pragma directives to indicate that a shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info

See in Glossary requires certain GPU features. At runtime, Unity uses this information to determine whether a shader program is compatible with the current hardware.

You can specify individual GPU features with the #pragma require directive, or specify a shader model with the #pragma target directive. A shader model is a shorthand for a group of GPU features; internally, it is the same as a #pragma require directive with the same list of features.

It is important to correctly describe the GPU features that your shader requires. If your shader uses features that are not included in the list of requirements, this can result in either compile time errors, or in devices failing to support shaders at runtime.

If the list of requirements (or the equivalent target value) does not already include these values, Unity displays a warning message when it compiles the shader, to indicate that it has added these requirements. To avoid seeing this warning message, explicitly add the requirements or use an appropriate target value in your code.

You can also use the #pragma require directive followed by a colon and a list of space-delimited shader keywords. This means that the requirement applies only to variants that are used when any of the given keywords are enabled.

You can also use the #pragma target directive followed by a list of space-delimited shader keywords. This means that the requirement applies only to variants that are used when any of the given keywords are enabled.

I am trying to have the .hlsl files in my project pre-/ offline/ buildtime compiled for my C++ DirectX 11 project. Visual Studio compiles the .hlsl files into .cso files. I am now having trouble reading .cso files of SM 5.0 into my program to create a shader.

The pixel shader is simply supposed to return blue pixels. It has been compiled to Shader Model 5.0 by changing its compile settings in Visual Studio 11. However upon running the program the triangle I am trying to render doesn't show up despite their being no build or runtime error messages.

Shader model 5 is supported by the GeForce 400 series and newer for nVidia cards, and the Radeon 5000 series and newer for AMD cards. Your GeForce 8800 only supports shader model 4, which is why the shader doesn't run. To get around this you can use the reference device (by using D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE) but this will be quite slow. Additionally you can use the WARP device if you have the Windows 8 preview (which adds WARP support for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0), which will perform better than the reference device but still nowhere near running on the hardware device.

To enable these gathers, resources with various formats can be aliased to unsigned integer resource views with unsigned integer formats of equal size to the full element. These resource views are then used in the shader to retrieve the raw texture data.

For example, a R32_UINT format resource view could be created for a R8G8B8A8 texture and then within the shader the R32_UINT resource view could then be raw gathered into four 32-bit unsigned integers that represent the raw representation of the R8G8B8A8 data.The author is then able to use that data however they wish.

Current Sample and Load operations require their offsets to be immediate integers. Programmers had to decide on the offset values they wanted prior even to shader compile time. To say the least, this made them of limited use.

The only options I have seen in the editor is shader model 4, 5 and if enabled 6. I believe the models are updated as the shader models update. So 5 should encompass the changes done to 5.1. At the moment, Unreal Engine 5 has support for shader model 6.

The shader model can be identified using a Microsoft utility called DirectX Capabilities Viewer. If the shader model is older than version 6, but the graphics card or chip is fairly new, the display driver may need to be updated.

The Source Engine uses the C-style HLSL (High Level Shading Language) for shaders. There is another language called CG (Which stands for 'C for Graphics'), which was developed alongside HLSL by NVIDIA. Cg is so similar that most Cg shaders can be quickly and easily ported to HLSL.

Direct3D 9 shaders can be designed using any of the following: Shader Model 1, 2 and 3. It should be noted that there are versions 2.0a and 2.0b which are optimized for specific vendor graphics cards.

In this post, I will discuss the Direct3D shader bytecode format, and how to parse it without using the Direct3D API. This is basically a write-up of SlimShader, a .NET library that can read in Direct3D 10 / 11 HLSL bytecode and give you back the shader instructions and metadata as nicely structured objects.

SlimShader exposes all of the data in all of these chunks (except the debugging chunks) through a nice friendly object model. Direct3D exposes some of this data through the ID3D11ShaderReflection interface. e24fc04721

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