NCEI, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and the GeophysicalFluid Dynamics Laboratory provide remote access to high-volume numerical weatherprediction and global climate models and data.

Daily summaries of past weather by location come from the Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd) database and are accessed through the Climate Data Online (CDO) interface, both of which are managed and maintained by NOAA NCEI.

Historical Weather Data Download Excel


The National Centers for Environmental Information and the Midwestern Regional Climate Center fill various requests for climate data. These centers are responsible for monitoring and maintaining a large number of data sets for the National Weather Service and other organizations. Weather Service Forecast Offices (including NWS Chicago) are responsible for archiving daily weather conditions for their areas of responsibility and then transmitting that information to the climate centers, where the official archives for weather observations are maintained.

Azure Maps Weather Services, which became generally available in April 2021, has added three new services, Historical Weather, Air Quality, and Tropical Storms. The Azure Maps Weather Services data comes from our leading worldwide weather service provider AccuWeather. The addition of these three new services will empower developers and companies to expand capabilities even further when it comes to weather data.

Historical Weather data enables customers to get past climatology information to analyze and helps to make predictions on future weather conditions and support making informed business decisions. Historical Weather data can be used for many use cases such as forensics, weather studies, and most commonly for business analytics to determine how past weather impacted logistics, sales, and other business scenarios. For example, you can predict what products will sell better by specific weather conditions by adding weather data to your sales records or predicting the best time to change to winter tires for your location.

As soon as we enter the location information, the 15-day weather forecast is shown on the grid. However, in this panel there are other options as well including weather history queries, and hourly data. These are among the many options covered by our other tutorials and videos. Please take a look at those or reach out to us if you need more information on these options.

In addition to the default daily data, various additional data views are available. These include grids showing the hourly data. Also, for weather forecast queries, additional tables may be populated including any active weather alerts for the selected location.

You can see the various weather metrics that are provided in the output data. These metrics include common values such as temperature, precipitation, and wind as well as less common value such as heat index, cloud cover, and wind gusts. For more information on the details and how to use these various weather metrics in your own analyses, please see our weather data documentation.

Hello Kim, Thank you for reading. Unfortunately this service only includes real-time weather. In general accessing forecasted data through Excel is going to be a paid service. For that I recommend the Weather for Excel tools by Visual Crossing ( -weather).

You can use bracket notation to index XML notes in `FILTERXML()`. So, in this weather service, `//forecastGroup//forecast[1]` will pull the first forecast, `//forecastGroup//forecast[2]` the second, and so forth. I have mocked up an example of this here, pulling the forecast description for each available time period. Make sense? Please do not hesitate to keep the conversation going if you have more questions. This is dense material but fun and useful. I wish the American XML weather service had this much data!

We have a Bloomberg (BBG) Data License Subscription and want to include weather data into our application. However, we just found out that while they have current weather data, no weather data history is available.

Now, I have a hard time believing that a data provider as big as BBG offers no weather data history and I also assume that standard support never fully understands the problem, otherwise they'd work in development and not support. Finally, I am for sure not the only guy needing weather data history.

We resorted to use wunderground ( data which offers weather data and the first 500 requests per day (a request is a combo of place and time) are free. It took some programming but in the end we have a reliable and fully automatic weather data provider that (IMO) cannot compete with BBG

Join large warehouses or ad-hoc reporting data to years of historical hour-by-hour weather statistics. The Visual Crossing Weather Join Engine intelligently chooses the correct weather stations for your location and interpolates the local data to provide an accurate set of weather variables for each of your locations.

Anyone have any good sites they use for historical weather data? Looks like AccuWeather and Wunderground require a premium account to find it, and thanks to the government shutdown I can't access sites.

If you have historical time-based data, you can use it to create a forecast. When you create a forecast, Excel creates a new worksheet that contains both a table of the historical and predicted values and a chart that expresses this data. A forecast can help you predict things like future sales, inventory requirements, or consumer trends.

Pick the date for the forecast to begin. When you pick a date before the end of the historical data, only data prior to the start date are used in the prediction (this is sometimes referred to as "hindcasting").

Starting your forecast before the last historical point gives you a sense of the prediction accuracy as you can compare the forecasted series to the actual data. However, if you start the forecast too early, the forecast generated won't necessarily represent the forecast you'll get using all the historical data. Using all of your historical data gives you a more accurate prediction.

When you use a formula to create a forecast, it returns a table with the historical and predicted data, and a chart. The forecast predicts future values using your existing time-based data and the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm.

I found the weatherData package, but it seems to be out-dated and not working any longer. Does anyone know of a package that can pull historic data (specifically temperatures) by zip code and date? I've looked on the NOAA/NWS websites for raw data that I could organize myself, but I couldn't find any downloadable data sets.

Access historical weather, climate data, and related information for numerous locations across Canada. Temperature, precipitation, degree days, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, monthly summaries, averages, extremes and Climate Normals, are some of the information you will find on this site.

Linking historical weather data with tester profiles makes the process more efficient, accurate, and scalable. Brands can now search our community for testers who will experience rain in August, heavy snow in March, or warm temperatures in January.

Historical weather data refers to recorded information about past weather conditions over a specific period. It includes temperature, precipitation, humidity, clouds, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and more.

This data is collected from weather stations, APIs, satellites, and weather buoys. Historical weather data allows researchers, meteorologists, and businesses to analyze long-term climate patterns, track changes, and make informed decisions.

Moreover, historical weather data support disaster preparedness and response efforts by providing insights into extreme weather events. It also enables historical analysis for tourism planning, infrastructure development, and urban planning.

There are various sources to obtain historical weather data. These include government meteorological agencies, weather stations, research institutions, and weather API providers. One such example is Weatherstack.

When it comes to accessing reliable historical weather data, Weatherstack stands out as a trusted source. Weatherstack is a comprehensive weather API provider that offers accurate and up-to-date weather information, including historical data.

One of the main challenges is data quality and consistency. Historical weather data may vary in quality due to sensor calibration, data collection methods, and measurement standards. Ensuring data accuracy and reliability requires careful evaluation and quality control processes.

Dealing with missing or incomplete data poses another challenge. Historical weather records may have gaps or missing data points, which can impact the integrity and representativeness of the analysis. Imputation techniques and statistical methods are often employed to fill in missing data or estimate values based on neighboring data points.

Historical weather data is an invaluable resource that provides insights into climate patterns. Moreover, it supports research and analysis, aids decision-making, and enhances preparedness for weather-related events. Weatherstack, a reliable weather API provider, offers users comprehensive and accurate historical weather data across industries and applications.

Weather APIs like Weatherstack,, Meteostat, etc., can be considered the best APIs for accessing reliable and comprehensive weather history data. It can help in searching and reporting the weather search history.

Weatherstack is a weather app that provides historical weather data and current weather information. Multiple other apps also reflect weather history map accuracy. You can choose anyone based on your requirements. ff782bc1db

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