Hiroshi Ito

I am a researcher at Hitachi, Ltd. and Waseda University working on deep learning and robotics. My research focuses on motion generation using real robots based on the predictive coding principle. I received a Dr. Eng. degree in February 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Tetsuya Ogata

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List of selected publications

EIPL: Embodied Intelligence with Deep Predictive Learning

Hiroshi Ito, Tetsuya Ogata

OSS library for robot motion generation using deep predictive learning

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Deep Active Visual Attention for Real-time Robot Motion Generation: Emergence of Tool-body Assimilation and Adaptive Tool-use

Hyogo Hiruma, Hiroshi Ito, Hiroki Mori and Tetsuya Ogata

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, July 2022
SICE International Young Authors Award (SIYA-IROS2022)
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Efficient multitask learning with an embodied predictive model for door opening and entry with whole-body control

Hiroshi Ito, Kenjiro Yamamoto and Hiroki Mori and Tetsuya Ogata

Science Robotics, April 2022

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Contact-Rich Manipulation of a Flexible Object based on Deep Predictive Learning using Vision and Tactility

Hideyuki Ichiwara, Hiroshi Ito, Kenjiro Yamamoto, Hiroki Mori, and Tetsuya Ogata

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022)
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Integrated Learning of Robot Motion and Sentences: Real-Time Prediction of Grasping Motion and Attention based on Language Instructions

Hiroshi Ito, Hideyuki Ichiwara, Kenjiro Yamamoto, Hiroki Mori, and Tetsuya Ogata

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022)
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Sensory-Motor Learning for Simultaneous Control of Motion and Force: Generating Rubbing Motion against Uneven Object

Hiroshi Ito, Takumi Kurata, and Tetsuya Ogata

IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2022)
SICE International Young Authors Award (SIYA-SII2022), Best Paper Award Finalist
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