I love thinking of our gracious, kind, and intelligent president taking pleasure in this dish. This is the kind of food and cooking we enjoy, too. And now, we need energy and good recipes to fuel the change that is coming.

Thanks Jenny for another fantastic recipe! I subbed 1/2 C arborio rice for the orzo to make it gluten free and it was fantastic. My two and five year olds loved it, and even the next day my husband was still talking about how much he loved dinner from the night before.

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HOPPER: An American love story is a production of M&C Media, Exhibition on Screen and Seventh Art Productions in association with American Masters Pictures. Written and directed by Phil Grabsky and Michael Cascio. Produced by Cynthia Weber Cascio and Amanda Wilkie. Phil Grabsky, Michael Cascio, Cynthia Weber Cascio and Amanda Wilkie are Executive Producers. Michael Kantor is Executive Producer for American Masters.

Elizabeth Thompson Colleary, Hopper Scholar: The major impact his father had on his life was clearly the love of reading. He was described as bookish. He said my father should have been a poet or a philosopher. The other major factor was a growth spurt. By all accounts, he grew approximately an entire foot in eighth grade. So, at one point he was six foot four as an adolescent, and that had a great impact. There were descriptions of him having painful discomfort as a result of this growth spurt, but also his self-image suffered. He was taunted by children at school. They bullied him.

Carmenita Higginbotham: Office at Night is a remarkable painting simply for the possibility that is there. What is happening that has allowed these two people to be in this office at the same time? We are able to build a story around them based on the choice of shoes, the quality of their dress, how tightly it hugs the body and how much is revealed, how sexualized the figures might be, based on that. They are little points of direction.

We are able to build a story around them based on the choice of shoes, the quality of their dress, how tightly it hugs the body and how much is revealed, how sexualized the figures might be based on that.

And hence it really is a statement of their creative partnership where she was very much part of the story in producing Edward Hopper for the public, for the audience, and so that public sense of they're taking a bow.

I thought when I married him that I could never love anyone more than I did that day. But I was wrong. We are in a new dimension of partnership now, and I am more in love and, frankly, more in awe of him with every day we spend together. His brain is outstandingly powerful and I am seeing things I never would have known he was capable of in any other way. He was meant to do this work, and the world will be better for it.

His mom worked for the school we attended, so we were spoiled and spent most lunch periods in her office. She made us a matching lunch everyday: turkey & cheese sandwich + chips + gummy life-savers, followed by a late pass back to class. Hand in hand we roamed those halls. That continued and so did this love. He was the captain of the football team, I was the Senior Class President. He lettered three sports, I ran the high school newspaper + hosted our radio station. He was the Homecoming King, I was the Prom Queen. He was being looked at by colleges across the country, and I was planning on staying in state to pursue interior design.

Freshman year was good. School was going well for both of us. I was working and saving money to fly back and fourth to Ann Arbor to watch as many home games as I could. Seriously, $79 bucks round trip on Spirt Airlines. Dear lord, why did my parents let me do that? Ha! I was getting to know his teammates and my way around campus. It was crazy to see his size change with each visit. He was stronger, more muscular and getting more handsome. How was that possible? I was smitten with him and loved watching him live out his childhood dreams. By this time both of our families were decked out in Maize + Blue, and college football Saturdays became a BIG DEAL.

I could write 10 more paragraphs about what happened next, but let me just sum it up for you real quick. I met a guy, we moved to Virgina for 6 months. Moved back home. He was in love with me. Popped the question on a Saturday night, I said yes. woke up in shock. Gave back the ring on Monday. Steve heard about that. Took a red-eye home. Asked me what I was thinking. We got in a fight. He flew back to Michigan. He was sad. So was I. That was December.


You seriously are just ALL THE THINGS! My husband and I just recently married this past New Years Eve and I can only hope our love will survive the test of time like your love story.

Happy Anniversary to you and Steve and thanks for being the perfect wifey inspo.


What an amazing love story. Thank you for sharing. I feel like you could turn this into a book and then a movie. ? I love following you on instagram and reading your blog. You are awesome! Thanks for keeping it real and sharing ALL THE THINGS with us. Happy Anniversary!

Landyn, this is such a beautiful story! I loved reading it! I, too, shared my love story over on coldcoffeehotmess.com this week. I love reading love stories and I love how no two are exactly alike. Wishing you and Steve many many more years of happiness! xo-Court

Some of these pictures may look familiar. This may be because you read my blog post when it came out in 2017, or it could be because some of these photographs were taken without permission and used in a fabricated crow love story that went wildly viral across the internet. The story here is the true story of George and Mabel, and these (as with all of the images in my blog posts) are my photographs.

Hi! I thought you might like to know that someone stole your pictures and made up a story about them which has gone viral on Facebook. They even misidentified George and Mabel as ravens, in addition to misgendering them. The story has gotten 27K shares at this point.

We received City Crows 2019 calendar in the mail today and it is indeed a work of art and love. We live in the Cariboo and crows are everywhere, after seeing your photos and the stories of Mavis and George we shall regard these feathered friends with awe and admiration forever more!

I am featuring Camino love stories on this blog. Why? Because love is in the air! I certainly respect the premise of what happens on the Camino stays on the Camino. However, love is a splendid thing that should be celebrated. Has the Camino provided you with more than just a long walk? If you have a Camino love story to share, email me or use the form below. Photos and video links welcome.

Fifty years ago, a simple but tragic love story became a global sensation that stunned the entertainment industry. Love Story, the romantic tearjerker starring Ryan O'Neal and Ali MacGraw, broke box office records and the book it was based on was a bestseller that was translated into more than 30 languages.

They were gorgeous to look at as they frolic in the snow, argue, fall deeply in love and marry, despite the disapproval of Oliver's father. Just as they start a new life together, Jenny learns she has a fatal blood disease and dies. (Only in the book is the disease identified as leukemia.)

For purposes of staging, the question that lies at the heart of every love story is: How will the lovers come together? This implicitly asks another, more dramatic question: What is keeping them apart?

The third category of conflict, where it is the lovers themselves creating the problem, is the usual form in which the contemporary love story appears. The lovers themselves make complete commitment problematic. This takes several forms, which sometimes blur together:

The first type of story is particularly susceptible to comic treatment, and if badly done reduces the loved one to a mere love object. Woody Allen films, especially Play it Again, Sam; Manhattan; and Annie Hall are some of the best examples of the comic treatment of this form. Often the protagonist has a false idea of himself or the loved one and must put aside his own insecurity or his fantasy projections and see himself and the loved one honestly. Other times some experience in his past has caused extreme fear of intimacy or commitment, and he must work out those fears through his involvement with the loved one. In but another formulation, the character is obliged to choose between two equally compelling demands: love versus loyalty, love versus duty, love versus adventure, romance versus family, etc.

Thanks, Benjamin. I think as long as you think of genre conventions as mere guidelines, not binding rules, you allow yourself the freedom to let them inspire story ideas and innovations, not constrain them.

The inspiration for this mural was based on the story of how Martin and Corretta met and were active with Twelfth Baptist church that used to be located at the site where the mural currently lives. There were a few conversations and rough drafts proposed for the walls located on Shawmut Ave facilitated with my family at Black Market. When a decision was made the weather got bad and pushed the production time out to be done with better weather. During that delay Gofive and I had revisited the design for good measure for him to deliver the "Hero" of this composition which was the placement of the telephone between them to make that visual connection with a touch of a classic damask pattern behind them. The colors drew inspiration from the middle school named after Dr.King and hold the warm influence that their Love story could have to anyone who observes it.

My personal feelings on MLK's legacy in our city is something that's not personal in feeling, it was personal in impact. I learned a great deal about MLK and what he stood for at the middle school I am alumni of named after him. The phrase we adapted into our everyday as a young person is "The King School United Could Never Be Defeated!" I carry that with me like a precious gem. For Boston to serve as a backdrop for him means he left something here for us to pick up and follow. I stand proud to know that our city is rich with this level of history. 17dc91bb1f

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