Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy includes all the details about the data collected in Hind Apps and how it’s used.

As a user we also do not like to give personal informations and we don’t want to see our informations collected without knowing what will going to happen to those datas. Hind Apps has been alive with the support and trust of it’s users. We want to keep the trust; you can find all the details about the data usage below.

Hind Apps does collect anonymous usage data. This data does not include your original device identification numbers, your real personality or your personal data if it’s not directly given by you in an open form.

Hind Apps can not access to your real information and your purchases or any other action may not be restored without associating purchases with some information. This is why it is recommended to fill the registration form in the application. That form contains personal information which helps us contact the user easily, help quickly and solve possible licensing problems.

Usage / interactions in the application are used to determine what stations is being listed at most and which functions attracts the most attention so we can improve those sections. This information also allows us to be able to serve better features like listing most popular stations according to a specific region.

These data may be used to serve additional services to 3rd parties like station statistics. NONE of these services will include sensitive information/personally identifying data if not permitted by you.

In some cases Hind Apps may communicate directly with a 3rd party server to obtain latest data for display within the app (such as rss feeds, artist/song images and information) . When this happens – we don’t transmit any data about you or your usage to these 3rd parties except where explicitly stated. Please check these 3rd parties (where applicable) for their additional privacy policies.

Advertising Banner Privacy Policy

Hind Apps may display advertisements on various places in the application. This system may use and transmit basic regional/language information about you to the advertising banner system in order to provide you with relevant ads. In some cases, we may have agreements with sponsors and we may hide advertisements in that situation. Even though the advertisement may get hidden in that situation, we may provide similar information to sponsors or 3rd parties.

Hind Apps allows User Data to be utilized for advertising communication purposes displayed in the form of banners and other advertisements on Hind Apps, possibly based on User interests.

This does not mean that all Personal Data are used for this purpose. Information and conditions of use are shown below.

Some of the services listed below may use Cookies to identify Users or they may use the behavioral re-targeting technique, i.e. displaying ads tailored to the User’s interests and behavior, including those detected outside Hind Apps. For more information, please check the privacy policies of the relevant services.

In addition to any opt out offered by any of the services below, the User may opt out of a third-party service's use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

AdMob (AdMob Google Inc.)

AdMob is an advertising service provided by AdMob Google Inc.

In order to understand Google's use of Data, consult Google's partner policy.

Personal Data collected: Cookies, unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example) and Usage Data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy PolicyOpt Out. Privacy Shield participant.

StartApp (StartApp Inc​.)

StartApp Inc. (“we,” “us,” “our” or “StartApp”) is a mobile advertising and data company that provides its mobile application developers, advertisers and publishers (“Business Partners”) with an advertising platform for the purpose of delivering targeted and personalized advertisements to individuals (“User(s)”) that download, use or otherwise interact with an App Developer’s app or our Services, as defined below.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how StartApp collects, uses, shares and secures the data provided or collected from visitors of our Site, Users, and Business Partners (collectively “you” or “yours”) through our various services and features, as follows (collectively shall be defined hereinafter as the “Services”):

This Policy is an integrated part of StartApp’s Publisher Agreement available at: as well as StartApp’s Advertiser Agreement available at: and other policies are available at:

If you have any questions about StartApp Policy or StartApp privacy practices, please do not hesitate to Contact.

3rd Party Content Privacy Policy

Hind Apps may display live web pages or images from 3rd party sources and in these cases you should read the privacy policies displayed by these websites. We use Google Image Search for some of the images related to now playing info.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at