Communication & Announcements

Mon, Nov 15, 10:32 AM

Hello Pack 3520!

Just a reminder that we will be having a packwide meeting this Wednesday evening 11/17 at 6 PM.

We will be gathering at Our Lady of Grace in the hall downstairs. Scouts will be getting the awards they have earned so far this year, and we will do a fun activity!

We hope to see everyone there.

If you can please, have your scouts wear their Class A uniforms.


Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 11:25 PM

Good Evening All!

It was great to see everyone this evening who attended our Den Meetings! The scouts had a great time seeing each other, and it was awesome to see all of our scouts working together to learn how to set up tents. Many thanks to Lindsey and Chuck for leading this activity, to the Boy Scouts from Troop 520 who spent some time advising and teaching, and our awesome Arrow of Light cub scouts for passing along their earned experience to our younger members. We are fortunate to have so many scouts and leaders as great examples to follow.

As many of you learned this evening, we have had a large change to our Pack Campout that is scheduled for this weekend. These changes have happened over the last few days, and some of the details had just had final confirmation come through today that we felt we could change plans effectively.

I apologize for the long email, please see below for as much info as I could get together.


We have been invited to join our friends at Scout Troop 520 (our partner troop at Our Lady of Grace) at the Soaring Eagle District Camporee that is being held at Manatoc Scout Reservation in Peninsula, OH. From what we hear, the Troop is very excited we are coming to join them, and have even covered the cost of our campsite reservations for us!

This annual fall event is being held with troops and packs from across the Soaring Eagle District (Medina County, parts of Summit and Wayne) The details for what is happening this weekend can be found at this link.

Troop 520 will be doing their annual "Survival Camp", which sees the older scouts building a shelter, then staying the night with a limited amount of supplies that they earn throughout the day. The Cub Scouts will NOT be staying out in handbuilt shelters, have no fear!

This provides an awesome opportunity to have interaction with the older scouts, satisfies a requirement our Webelos and Arrow Light have to annually camp with the Troop, and introduce our local Scout Reservation to all of the new families that have joined us.


Everyone is welcome to just come for the day Saturday and not camp if they so desire. All of our Pack 3520 big activities like this are open to the whole family as well.

If you have not RSVP'd yet, please do so. Most of you have, thank you for that. If you are going to bring more family members than you already RSVP'd, please update accordingly.


9 AM Saturday October 16th - 11 AM Sunday October 17th

We will maintain our 4-8PM "Program" time for the whole pack, but now that we are going to Manatoc, we are invited to join the Troop as early as 9AM and join them in their activities. There are some really cool things happening for anyone who is interested in joining them. This is up to you what time you want to show up on saturday, we will be doing activities from 4-8, but can find plenty of fun the whole day.


1075 Truxell Rd, Peninsula, OH 44264

For those familiar with the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Truxell Rd is where Virginia Kendall Ledges are located.

FYI - Akron Peninsula Rd is closed from RT 303 to Truxell Rd in Peninsula.

From Hinckley, you can either go East on 303 through Peninsula turning right before you get to Rt. 8 on Akron-Cleveland Rd, Go south on Akron- Cleveland until turning right on Truxell and coming down the hill. Camp Entrance will be on your right.

You can also go down into the valley on Everett road until you get to Riverview, Turn right on riverview, then left on Bolanz (Szalays Farm), Turn left on Akron-Peninsula, then right on Truxell. Camp entrance will be on your left right past the old golf course.

There is a large wooden arch sign that says MANATOC on it.


The Pack will be providing dinner on Saturday night, as well as marshmallows for the fire! For any other food, snacks, or drinks, please plan on bringing your own. If you so desire, bring extra of your favorite treat, and we will have all kinds of fun stuff to share!

DO NOT PLAN ON FEEDING THE WHOLE CROWD, DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED TO SHOW OFF OR OBLIGATED TO BRING MORE THAN YOU PLAN. No expectations on anyone to do anything above and beyond you and your scouts.

Please plan at least snacks for Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. If you are planning on attending for the day on Saturday, please pack a lunch.

Reminder - No Alcohol or Drugs are permitted.


Based on the forecast I just looked at, it is calling for some rain in the morning, clearing up through the day, and then a 40% chance overnight saturday. The temperature will be around 40-45 degrees overnight Saturday. Could be a little windy as well, but that looks worse on Friday.

If you plan on staying overnight, please plan accordingly. Bring an extra blanket to throw over your sleeping bags in the middle of the night if you think you need it. Wearing a winter hat while you sleep really helps!


Warm Clothes

Extra Change of Clothes

Clothes for Sleeping that are different than what you wear during the day

Waterproof boots/shoes

Rain Jacket


Camping Chair if you have it



There is a main gate where you may be asked to check in. Tell the campmaster that you are with Pack3520/Troop 520 and are staying at Birchbark Cabin. Please see attached camp map for location within the reservation. There is a large parking lot a short walk from the cabin. I would encourage you to park your car, come to the cabin and check in with the group before you start unloading everything. I (Jeff Schuster) will be there around noon on Saturday, get the lay of the land and assist everyone as they show up. We have a cabin in our "area", but will be camping in tents outside, as COVID rules restrict how many people can be in the space at any given time.


Please see the medical pre-check form attached from the Council. Please follow the protocol listed and stay home if you have any symptoms as described. You will be asked these questions upon arrival, as well as have your temperature taken I believe. That is done by the Camp staff, not by Pack 3520. Even though we have a cabin, based on Covid rules, it cannot accommodate more than 8 people at a time. Please also bring a mask for you and your scout in the event you head inside somewhere. They are not required outdoors.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, or your den leaders. There should be cell coverage at the camp, and I will have my cell phone on me if you need any help getting there.

We are all looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!

Yours in Scouting,

Jeff Schuster

Thu, Oct 14, 10:17 AM

Good Morning All,

Please see the attached pack calendar for the year, sorry for the delay in sending this out, but we had a few items get ironed out.

Den leaders will continue to communicate with their groups on Den specific items.

We will continue to update everyone on happenings, offer additions to the schedule as opportunities arise, and be flexible on things as the year goes on, as COVID continues to impact the ability for society at large to hold events. We have already had to cancel our annual Veterans Day events in November because the school is not holding those this year.

Yours in Scouting,

Pack 3520 leadership team

Hello Pack 3520 families! Please see the October Pack Newsletter.

Pack 3520




Hello Pack 3520 and Happy Fall!

As we settle into the new year, and for many of our families a new normal in these times, we are very excited for the new scouts joining 3520 and want to pass along a warm welcome to our new families.

Thanks to those of you who joined us for our recruiting event and Boat Regatta. We had some of that spectacular early fall weather and the scouts had a blast. We had three new scouts join that day, and have had even more interest since.

Coming up in October, we have a few items on the schedule.

October 4th - Pack Leadership Zoom Meeting 7PM - this is open to all parents who wish to join, we meet the first Monday of every month. If you wish to attend, please reply and we will make sure you get the zoom link.

October 8th - No School NEOEA Day

October 13th - Den Meetings 6-7:30

October 16-17th Pack CAMPOUT!

Den Meetings - Den Leaders will be reaching out to their respective dens to finalize location and times for den meetings. These are a great opportunity for our new scouts to meet those that are in their grades and work on advancement and scout skills.

Save the Date! Pack Campout - We will be doing a pack campout at the Top O’ Ledges area on Bellus Rd in Hinckley Reservation. This will be 2PM October 16 - 12 PM October 17th. More details to follow.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to or to Jeff Schuster. 440-665-0327
