Session IV: Agroecology in the Himalayas

Sustainable agriculture in the Himalayas faces several challenges reinforced by climate change. To combat this, GIZ Nepal’s current work through the Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems (GRAPE) project in the Karnali and Sudur-Paschim provinces of Nepal focuses on strengthening the agricultural ecosystem by engaging various stakeholders for each field of action: economic governance, action research, rolling-out, and scaling-up. This method can be beneficial and adaptive for other countries in the region due to similarities in geography and climate. Thus, while GIZ Nepal's current model is focused on Nepal, this session provides an opportunity to converse with individuals in the agriculture sector from other Himalayan regions to discuss the adaptability of this program along with other methods to provide sustainable agriculture in the region. 

Anand Pradhan


Ramalaya Farm

Anand Pradhan is a farmer-proprietor of Ramalaya Farm, an organic farm established in 2018 in Rhenock, East Sikkim. The farm operates on an ethical business model, aiming to support small businesses and enhance the culinary scene in Sikkim. Ramalaya Farm adopts indigenous farming methods, utilizes organic fertilizers and crop rotation, and maintains the natural landscape

Erica Udas

Ecosystem Specialist

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Erica Udas works with the Ecosystem Services Thematic team and contributes her expertise to the adaptation and resilience building of mountain communities across the HKH region. She engages in the implementation of pilot projects to generate knowledge and science-based evidence to link with policy. 

Hari Bahadur K.C.

Director General

Department of Agriculture

Government of Nepal

Hari Bahadur K.C., PhD, is the Director General of the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Nepal. He worked as a member of the High-Level Task Force on Organic Agriculture which prepared a roadmap report on organic agriculture in Nepal. He had also served as a team member of a committee for designing the Organic Mission Program of DoA. He has also published more than thirty scientific articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals and workshop proceedings. 

Thinley Namgay

Founder & CEO

Bhutan Blossoms (Druk Metho)

Thinley Namgay, an IT graduate, hails from a rural farming community in central Bhutan. Inspired by the vital role farmers and farming communities play in sustainable economic development, he founded Bhutan Blossoms, a highly successful food business, in 2018, after five years in the food industry.


Binija Nepal

Programme Component Manager

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Binija Nepal, a seasoned professional in international development, leads the Knowledge Dissemination and Upscaling Component at GIZ Nepal. Specializing in cooperative and private sector development, she has consistently contributed to the success of diverse projects aimed to foster sustainable economic growth. For over a decade, Binija has provided strategic guidance, and supported partnerships acquisition and project implementation while mainstreaming GESI.
