Hilal Atasoy

Associate Professor, Rutgers Business School

Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly 

Visiting Professor, IE Business School, Madrid

Email: hilal.atasoy@rutgers.edu

Healthcare IT | Digital Health | Labor Markets and IT | Social Impacts of IS

Dr. Hilal Atasoy is an Associate Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at the Rutgers Business School. She joined the faculty at Rutgers from the Fox School of Business at Temple University. She has a Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research analyzes the consequences of digitization for society by focusing on digital transformation in healthcare and labor markets. She studies how information systems and the associated flow of information across providers affect healthcare outcomes and the impacts of information technology and innovation on labor markets. Dr. Atasoy’s research has been published in leading outlets such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, and Industrial and Labor Relations Review.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Ganju, K., Atasoy, H., Pavlou, P. (2022) Do Electronic Health Record Systems Increase Medicare Reimbursements? The Moderating Effect of the Recovery Audit Program, Management Science, 68(4):2889-2913.

Atasoy, H., Banker, R., Pavlou, P. (2021) Information Technology Skills and Labor Market Outcomes of Workers, Information Systems Research, 32(2):437-461.

Atasoy, H., Demirezen, E., Chen, P. (2021) Impacts of Patient Characteristics and Care Fragmentation on the Value of HIEs, Production and Operations Management, 30(2):563-583.

Ganju, K., Atasoy, H., Greenwood, B., McCullough, J. (2020) The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery, Management Science, 66(11): 5171-5181

Atasoy, H., Greenwood, B., McCullough, J. (2019) The Digitization of Patient Care: A Review of the Effects of Electronic Health Records on Health care Quality and Utilization, Annual Review of Public Health, 40:487-500.

Atasoy, H., Chen, P., Ganju, K. (2018) The Spillover Effects of Health IT Investments on Regional Health Care Costs, Management Science, 64(6):2515-2534.

Atasoy, H., Banker, R., Pavlou, P. (2016) On the Longitudinal Effects of IT Use on Firm-Level Employment, Information Systems Research, 27(1): 6–26. (Lead Article)

Atasoy, H. (2013) The Effects of Broadband Internet Expansion on Labor Market Outcomes, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 66 (2): 315-345. (Single Authored)


Ayabakan, S., Atasoy, H., Pang, M.S., Where is My Money? The Interplay between Healthcare Information Technologies and Denied Claims 

Demirezen, E., Jain, A., Kumar, S. Atasoy, H. Impact of Health Information Exchanges on Lab Test Orders: An Empirical Investigation

Ganju, K., Atasoy, H., Pavlou, P., “Where to, Doc?” Electronic Health Record Systems and Mobility of Chronic Care Patients 

Pang, M.S., Atasoy, H., Kohli, R., Have Electronic Records Decreased Opioid Sales? Evidence from DEA records 

Issa, H., Appelbaum, D., Atasoy, H., Eastman, W. Assuring Equitable AI Systems: The Role of Social Justice Theories

working Papers

Atasoy, H. Connecting the Unserved: Social Impacts of Innovative Broadband Solutions

Zhang, G., Atasoy, H., McDonough R. Tracking Technologies: An Examination of Hospital Privacy Compliance and IT System Control Effectiveness

Meng Y., Michael, A. and Atasoy, H., Quality Assurance and Fraud likelihood: Unintended Consequences of Benchmarking in the National Health Service in the UK

Recent Awards