All you need to know about Hiko Nose Threadlift- How to get rid of pores?

Only a while ago, there were two types of treatment available for improving the shape of your nose.

  1. Rhinoplasty, which is a surgical process that includes several risks and relatively slow to show the results.

  2. Dermal fillers, which is an invasive and short term treatment.

Now there is a third and much better option is available, which is Hiko thread nose lift.

Before jumping on to the pros and cons, let’s clear our idea about the Hiko nose thread lift.

What is Hiko nose thread lift and how it is administered?

In this process, small threads are carefully inserted into the nose to give it a whole better look.

Hiko is a Korean word, which means high noise and that’s exactly the treatment is going to provide.

On the day of treatment, first, your skin will be cleaned with chlorhexidine and iodine as these two are disinfectants. So, if you were thinking about makeup, it’s probably the best idea not to open the box on that particular day. After proper cleansing, numbing cream will be applied by a qualified anesthetic. After 15-20 minutes of massaging, when the area finally gets numb, the specialist will start the process of inserting the threads one by one. Generally, 5-8 threads are inserted in a single session, but the number may vary depending on the individuals.

Advantages of Hiko nose thread lift

There are several advantages of Hiko nose thread lift treatment, such as

  • The treatment is a combination of Rhinoplasty and dermal fillers, though it’s a completely nonsurgical process.

  • Unlike Rhinoplasty, this treatment is much safer and provides ling term results.

  • It gives height and straightness to your nose.

  • The whole treatment will be concluded within 30-40 minutes, so you don’t have to cancel anything.

  • After the treatment, your nose will look like naturally high and defined.

  • The threads inside stimulate the growth of collagen production.

  • The best thing about the treatment is that you can apply makeup on the area just after the procedure.

  • Hiko nose thread lift treatment has more than 95% satisfying customers.

Disadvantages of Hiko nose thread lift

The disadvantages or side effects are very minimal and that is why the treatment is so much popular. But, still, you must be aware of the disadvantages of Hiko nose thread lift.

  • You might feel a bit uncomfortable after the procedure, but it will likely go away sooner.

  • If you don’t continue the treatment on time, the results will start to wear off.

  • Slight redness and swelling may be seen in the initial days.

  • Remember, if you have a history of any kind of infection or allergies; consult a dermatologist before going for Hiko nose thread lift treatment.

How to get rid of pores?

Pores can be very irritating, besides they will make your face look dull and sick, especially older than your actual age. But, fortunately, pore treatment is now available and all it will take is just 4 easy steps.


Use a face wash that contains natural acids, such as glycolic or salicylic. These acids will help to remove the excess oil and dead skin cells, which opens and closes the pores.


Again, apply a tonic that contains both glycolic and salicylic. You can also use oil control tonic that will prevent the excess oil to clog your face.


Use light and oil-free moisturizers or serums that are skin-friendly.


Exfoliate your skin at least two times a week with clay masque as it will prevent the large pores.