指導教授: 吳中實教授(Jung-Shyr Wu)
學歷: 加拿大CALGARY大學電機所博士
分機: 03-4227151 #34473
電子郵件: jswu@ee.ncu.edu.tw
office : E1-412
Office Hours: 周一、周三 12:00~12:50
學術專長: 電腦通信、寬頻整合網路、行動通訊、無線網路
1. LTE物聯網使用非授權頻譜之比例公平排程決策
2. NB-IOT部分佈建下的動態干擾偵測與能量保存之研究
3. 透過機器學習降低NB-IoT網路通道干擾之研究
4. LTE聚合未授權頻譜之資源平衡分配策略研究
5. 適應性資源平衡分配演算法以減緩叢集小型基地台間干擾之研究
6. 以拍賣策略之動態分散式資源分配於降低叢集LTE-U系統小型基地台之間干擾的研究
1. Y.S. Liu and Jung-Shyr Wu “A Chunk-Based Scheduling Algorithm Considering User Satisfaction for SC-FDMA Transmission” ,Wireless Personal Communications, February 2017, Volume 92, Issue 4, pp 1387–1405
2. Jung-Shyr Wu, Yu-Shun Liu, Zhi-Kai Zhan ,“Adaptive Resource Balanced Allocation Algorithm for Inter-Cell Interference”, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IF=5.663), Volume 5, Issue 6, p. 35-48, December 2016
3. Jung-Shyr Wu, Ruu-Sheng Huey, “A Novel Routing Approach for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Based on Game Theory”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 16, No.4, P.601-614 (2015/7) (SCI)
4. Jung-Shyr Wu, Ruu-Sheng Huey, “Improved Joint Radio Resource Management Usage Grey Fuzzy Control in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 16, No.5, P.777-788 (2015/9) (SCI)
5. Jung-Shyr Wu, Ruu-Sheng Huey, “A Routing Protocol using Game Theory in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, journal Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Vol.89, Issue 1, pps187-189, Jan. 2013. (SCI)
6. S.T. Sheu, Y.C. Cheng, P.J. Hsieh, Jung-Shyr Wu, LW. Chen (2014, Apr). Agent Based Coordination Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks.
IEICE Transactions on Communication, E97-B, No.4, 849-866.
7. Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng, Jung-Shyr Wu, Frank Chee-Da Tsai,LuWei Chen (2014, Apr). Coordinated Interleaving Access Scheme for IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks.. IEICE Transactions on Communications,97-B(4): 826-842 .
8. Jung-Shyr Wu and Jiun-Yu Tu, "A Fast IMS Service Recovery Mechanism for the Handover Over MIH-Capable Heterogeneous Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, 2012, doi:10.1007/s11277-012-0549-y
9. J.S. Wu, S.F. Yang and C.C. Huang, “ Admission Control for Multi-services Traffic in Hierarchical MobileIPv6 Networks by using Fuzzy Inference System,” J. of computer Networks and Communications, Article id 109685, 2012.
10. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “A System with Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices Using Accelerometers,” Behavior Computing, Part 4, p.327-336, 2012 (book chapter).
11. C.C. Liang and Jung-Shyr Wu* ,"A Novel Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 TDD Mode Wireless Access Networks", Wireless Personal Communications. 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0403-7 (SCI) (IF:0.503)
12. S.F. Yang and Jung-Shyr Wu*, "Performance Evaluation of Priority based Adaptive Multi-Guard Channel Call Admission Control for Multiclass Services in Mobile Networks." International Journal of Communication Systems, DOI:10.1002/dac.1364, 2011 (SCI)
13. Jiun-Yu Tu, Jung-Shyr Wu* and Chiung-Fang Hsu, “ A Cross-multilayer Mechanism Design for Improving Video Quality of SVC Coded Video Streams over Mobile WiMAX Networks”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology , V6, n1-2, pp. 123-134, 2011(SCI).
14. Jung-Shyr Wu* and C.C. Liang, “An Integrated Buffer Management for the TDD mode in IEEE 802.16 BWA Networks , International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology Vol.7, no. 2, pp. 77-84, 2012(SCI).
15. Jung-Shyr Wu* and S.F. Yang, “Joint Radio Resource management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Using Combined Fuzzy Logic and MADM,” International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, 2011(SCI).
16. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang, and Jung-Shyr Wu, "Integrating LCS and SVM for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices using Accelerometers," WSEAS Transaction on Computers, vol.9, pp. 235-251,2010 (EI)
17. Pan, S.W. and J.S. Wu, ”Collision-aware adaption of contention window in 802.11e WLAN,” International journal of Computer Networks &Communications , vol. 1, no.2, pp.12-24, 2009
18. Yen-Chieh Cheng, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Vehicular Grouping Access Strategy for supporting Roadway Planning in IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks,” J. of Information Science and Eng., Vol. 26 no: 3, pp. 933-950, MAY 2010 (SCI)
19. S.F. Yang, J.S. Wu, Guard Channel based Call Admission Control Schemes in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.68-76, August 2010
20. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Kun-Yuan Tu , Jung-Shyr Wu, and Chia-Shu Liao, “Frequency Calibration Based on Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Inference System,”IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1229-1233, 2009.(SCI) (IF:1.025)
21. Yen-Chieh Cheng, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Vehicular Grouping Access Strategy for supporting Roadway Planning in IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks,” J. of Information Science and Eng., Vol. 26 no: 3, pp. 933-950, MAY 2010 (SCI)
1.. J.S. Wu and H. K. Lo, “Influence of Carrier Aggregation in LTE and LTE- A Coexistence Networks” in Int. Research Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science(IRCITCS), July 2014, Phuket, Tailand.
2. Yu-Shun Liu, Jiun-Yu Tu, Wei-Ting So, Jehn-Ruey Jiang and Jung-Shyr Wu ,”A Chunk-based Scheduling Algorithm Considering User Satisfaction for LTE Uplink Transmission”in ICPADS, Sep. 2013, Singapore
3. J.S.Wu and Y.S. Yang, “Spectrum Handover with Queues and Guard Channels in Cognitive Radio Networks,” 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET), May, 2012, Xi’an, China
4. Jung-Shyr Wu, Shun-Fang Yang, Chia-Ming Hsu, “User Satisfaction-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Uplink Transmission in Long Term Evolution System,” 2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Singapore, December 17-19, 2012
5. Wang-Hsin Hsu, You-Shun Liu, Wen-Yen Lin, Wei-Chen Tai and Jung-Shyr Wu, "A Measurement of Time synchronization On Mobile Devices," 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May 12-16 2012, Graz, Austria.
6. Yi-Yuan Chiang, Wang-Hsin Hsu, Sheng-Cheng Yeh, Yi-Chen Li and Jung-Shyr Wu, "Fuzzy Support Vector Machines for Device-free Localization," 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, May 12-16 2012, Graz, Austria.
7. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang, and Jung-Shyr Wu, "A System with Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices using Accelerometers," Workshop on Behavior Informatics 2010 (BI 2010), Hyderabad, India, June 21-24, 2010.
8. S.F. Yang, J.S. Wu, A Spectrum Sharing Method based on Fuzzy Logic in IEEE 802.22 WRAN, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2010), 21-23 October 2010, Suzhou, China (EI)
9.Tu, Jiun-Yu, Wu, Jung-Shyr; Hsu, Chiung-Fang; Wang, Chih-Sheng, “The adaptive seamless service mechanism design for scalable video coding extension of H.264/AVC video stream over IEEE 802.16e network”,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, v 2, p 1294-1299, 2010
10. Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng and Jung-Shyr Wu, “ A Channel Access Scheme to Compromise Throughout and Fairness in IEEE 802.11p Multi-Rate/Multi-channel Wireless Vehicular Networks”, IEEE VTC, Taipei, 2010.
11. 楊(Yang) 蕣仿(Shun-Fang ),吳(Wu) 中實(Jung-Shyr),林(Lin) 強生(Johnson), “基於模糊邏輯之頻譜分享於IEEE 802.22跨基地台共存”, 2009 年全國電信研討會,NST2009,Paper ID: 396
12. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang*, and Jung-Shyr Wu, "SVM-based Fuzzy Inference System (SVM-FIS) for Frequency Calibration in Wireless Networks," CIT'09, December 29-31, 2009 Athens, Greece.
1. Jung-Shyr Wu , Ruu-Sheng Huey, “A Routing Protocol using Game Theory in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 1b, pages 187-189, 2013.
2. S.F. Yang and Jung-Shyr Wu*, "Performance Evaluation of Priority based Adaptive MultiGuard Channel Call Admission Control for Multiclass Services in Mobile Networks." International Journal of Communication Systems , Volume 26, Issue 5, pages 597–609,May 2013.
3. Jiun-Yu Tu, Jung-Shyr Wu*, “Active Seamless SVC Streaming Video Service over Wireless Access Networks,”Advanced Science Letters, Volume 9, Number 1, April 2012.
4. C.C. Liang and Jung-Shyr Wu*, ”A Novel Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for IEEE
802.16 TDD Mode Wireless Access Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications.,Volume 67, Issue 3, pp 665-688 December 2012.
5. Jung-Shyr Wu* and C.C. Liang, “An Integrated Buffer Management for the TDD mode in IEEE 802.16 BWA Networks“, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology ,vol.7, no.2, pp. 77-84, 2012 Nov.
6. Jiun-Yu Tu, Jung-Shyr Wu* and Chiung-Fang Hsu, “A Cross-multilayer Mechanism Design for Improving Video Quality of SVC Coded Video Streams over Mobile WiMAX Networks”, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology , V6, n1-2, pp. 123-134,2011 Nov.
7. Jung-Shyr Wu* and S.F. Yang, “Joint Radio Resource management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks by Using Combined Fuzzy Logic and MADM,” International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology , vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 135-145, 2011 Nov.
8. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Integrating LCS and SVM for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices using Accelerometers,” WSEAS Transaction on Computers, vol.9, pp. 235-251,2010 Mar.
9. Yen-Chieh Cheng, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Vehicular Grouping Access Strategy for supporting Roadway Planning in IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks,” J. of Information Science and Eng., Vol. 26 no: 3, pp.933-950, MAY 2010.
10. S.F. Yang, J.S. Wu, Guard Channel based Call Admission Control Schemes in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.68-76, August 2010.
11. Yen-Chieh Cheng, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Vehicular Grouping Access Strategy for supporting Roadway Planning in IEEE 802.11p Wireless Vehicular Networks,”J. of Information Science and Eng., Vol. 26 no: 3, pp.933-950, MAY 2010.
12. Pan, S.W. and J.S. Wu, ”Collision-aware adaption of contention window in 802.11e WLAN,” International journal of Computer Networks &Communications , vol. 1, no.2,pp.12-24, 2009 Nov.
13. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Kun-Yuan Tu , Jung-Shyr Wu, and Chia-Shu Liao, “Frequency Calibration Based on Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Inference System,”IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1229-1233, 2009 Mar.
14. S. W. Pan and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11e EDCA under Heterogeneous Traffic,” Computer Communications, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp.935-942. 2009 Dec.
15. Shun-Fang Yang, Jung-Shyr Wu and B. J. Huang, “A Terminal-Controlled Vertical Handover Decision Scheme in IEEE 802.21 Enabled Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" ,International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 819-834, 2009 May.
16. Wen-Yen Lin and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Mobility management in all-IP two-tier cellular networks”, Computer Communications, Vol. 30 , p. 3442–3446, 2007 Aug.
17. Shun-Fang Yang, Jung-Shyr Wu and, Wen-Yen Lin,” Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management in Integrated Wi-Fi and WiMAX Networks”, Journal of Internet Technology Vol.8 No.3 2007.
18. Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Jung-Shyr Wu, Chi-Hao Huang, Yen-Chieh Cheng and LuWei Chen,DDAS: Distance and Direction Awareness System for Intelligent Vehicles “, J. of Information Science and Engineering Vol. 23 No.3, pp.709-722 May 2007.
19. W.-Y. Lin and Jung-Shyr Wu, “ Modified EDCF to improve the performance of IEEE
802.11e WLAN”, Computer Communications, Vol. 30, pp.841-848, 2007 Aug.
1. S.F. Yang, J.S. Wu, A Spectrum Sharing Method based on Fuzzy Logic in IEEE 802.22 WRAN, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2010), 21-23 October 2010, Suzhou, China.
2. Tu, Jiun-Yu, Wu, Jung-Shyr; Hsu, Chiung-Fang; Wang, Chih-Sheng, “The adaptive seamless service mechanism design for scalable video coding extension of H.264/AVC video stream over IEEE 802.16e network”, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT, v 2, p 1294-1299, 2010.
3. Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng and Jung-Shyr Wu, “ A Channel Access Scheme to Compromise Throughout and Fairness in IEEE 802.11p Multi-Rate/Multi-channel Wireless Vehicular Networks”, IEEE VTC, Taipei, 2010.
4. 楊(Yang)蕣仿(Shun-Fang ), 吳(Wu)中實(Jung-Shyr), 林(Lin)強生(Johnson), “基於模糊邏輯之頻譜分享於 IEEE 802.22 跨基地台共存”, 2009 年全國電信研討會,NST2009,Paper ID: 396.
5. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang*, and Jung-Shyr Wu, "SVM-based Fuzzy Inference System (SVM-FIS) for Frequency Calibration in Wireless Networks," CIT'09, December 29-31, 2009 Athens, Greece.
6. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang*, and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Integrating LCS and SVM for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices using Accelerometers,” CIT'09, December 29-31, 2009, Athens, Greece.
7. J.S. Wu, S.F. Yang, H.H. Huang,” Performance Analysis of An Adaptive Multi-guard Channel Scheme based CAC Strategy in Wireless Networks”. IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Applications (CSNA 2009), Oct 12~ 14, 2009 , Beijing, China.
8. Jung-Shyr Wu, Juin-Yu Tu, Chiung-Fang Hsu, “QoS Optimized Cross Multi-layer Transmission for SVC Coded Video Stream over IEEE 802.16e Network,” IEEE ANTS,Dec. 14-16, India, 2009.
9. Jung-Shyr Wu, Juin-Yu Tu, Chiung-Fang Hsu, “QoS Optimized Cross Multi-layer Transmission for SVC Coded Video Stream over IEEE 802.16e Network,” IEEE ANTS,Dec. 14-16, India, 2009.
10. Jung-Shyr Wu, “A Pre-Binding Update Fast Handover Control Using IEEE 802.21 MIH over 802.16e Networks”, 2009 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, January 6-8, 2009,Kunming, Yunnan, China.
11. 林文彥、吳中實、胡國元、戴暐真,”802.11 Ad-Hoc 網路中 Rate-base 之路由協定設計”, pp. 388-393, 第七屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會, 2008 年 5 月 30~31 日,澎湖吉貝.
12. 鍾誠倫、徐旺興、吳中實”, 使用 ANFIS 之時間及頻率備援系統,” 第七屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,pp.413-416, 2008 年 5 月 30~31 日,澎湖吉貝.
13. C.C. Liang and Jung-Shyr Wu, “A Newly Proposed Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Access Systems”, 2008 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Oct. 21-23, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2008.
14. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Kun-Yuan Tu , Jung-Shyr Wu, and Chia-Shu Liao, “Frequency Calibration Based on ANFIS”, 2008 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2008) 8-13 June 2008, Broomfield, Colorado.
15. Bor-Jiunn Hwang, Jiun-Yu Tu, Jung-Shyr Wu,Fang-Chang Kuo andYu-Shun Liu,”Integrated QoS Signaling with Adaptive Resource Allocation Strategy for Multiservice Networks”, 2008 Int. Computer symposium, Taipei.
16. Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yen-Chieh Cheng, Lu-Wei Chen and Jung-Shyr Wu,”Listening Interval Spreading Approach (LISA) for Handling Burst Traffic in IEEE 802.16e Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks”, IEEE VTC fall, 2008.
17. J.S. Wu, S.F. Yang, H.H. Huang, A vertical Media-Independent Handover decision algorithm across Wi-Fi™ and WiMAX™ networks, Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008. WOCN '08. 5th IFIP International Conference on, May 5-7 2008,Indonnesia, pp. 1-5.
18. H.H. Huang and J.S. Wu,” Pre-Binding Update Scheme Using 802.21over IEEE 802.16e Networks”, Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008. WOCN '08. 5th IFIP International Conference on, May 5-7 2008.
19. H.H. Huang and J.S. Wu,”A Multiple Cross-Layers Explicit Fast Handover Control Using MIH in 802.16e Networks”, Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008. WOCN '08. 5th IFIP International Conference on, May 5-7 2008.
20. Wen-Yen Linand Jung-Shyr Wu,”802.11 Ad-Hoc 網路中 Rate-base 之路由協定設計”ITAOOI2008 p388-393. May,2008.
21. Wen Yen Lin and Jung-Shyr Wu, ”Modified EDCF to Improve the Performance of IEEE802.11 e Contention-Based Channel Access” ITC-CSCC 2008 , Japan,pp. 73 - 76 July 6-9 2008.
22. J.S. Wu,S.F. Yang, A IEEE 802.21 Handover Design with QOS provision across WLAN and WMAN, ICCCAS 2008, International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, pp. 548-552.
23. S.F. Yang, J.S. Wu, B.J.Hwang, “Admission Control for Multi-services Traffic in Hierarchical MobileIPv6 Networks using Fuzzy Inference System”, ACM Mobility Conference 2008,5th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems ,Ilan,Taiwan September 2008, pp.1-7.
24. Shun-Fang Yang and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Handoff Management Schemes across Hybrid WiMAX and Wi-Fi Networks”, IEEE TENCON 2007, WeCN-O1.1,34.
25. Bor-Jiunn Hwang, Wen-Yen Lin, Jung-Shyr Wu, “QoS Guarantee for Wireless LAN with Fairness Transmission“, IEEE TENCON 2007, WeCN-O3.4,192.
26. Jung-Shyr Wu, Shih-Wei Pan, Tsung-Jen Wan, “Congestion Control in QoS-Aware Wireless Enterprise Networks”, IEEE TENCON 2007.
27. Jung-Shyr Wu and W.S. Hsu, “A Study of Hierarchical Packet Scheduling on UMTS”,pp.1056-1060, IEEE VTC 2007-spring, Dublin, Ireland.
28. Shun-Fang Yang,and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management in Integrated WiFi and WiMAX Networks”, pp. 1152-1156, IEEE VTC 2007-spring, Dublin, Ireland.
29. Shun-Fang Yang and Jung-Shyr Wu, “Call Admission Control Schemes for QOS provisioning in Mobile IPv6 Networks”, ITC-CSCC 2007, WB3-2, July 8-11, Busan,Korea.
30. Bor-Jiunn Hwang, Wen-Yen Lin and Jung-Shyr Wu, “QoS Guarantee for Wireless LAN with Fairness Transmission”, ITC-CSCC 2007, WB3-5, July 8-11, Busan, Korea.
31. S.-F. Yang and J.-S. Wu , “Mobility based Call Admission Control in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks,” IASTED Communication Systems and Networks,4/2 - 4/4, 2007 ,Phuket,Thailand.
三、 專書或專章
1. Wang-Hsin Hsu, Yi-Yuan Chiang, and Jung-Shyr Wu, 2012. “A System with Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models for 3D Handwriting Recognition on Handheld Devices Using Accelerometers,” Behavior Computing: Modeling Analysis,Mining and Decision, ISBN: 978-1-4471-2968-4 (Print) 978-1-4471-2969-1 (Online), pp.327-336, Springer.