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This course combines language study with the investigation of a critical theme. The narratives set for translation provide a thematic coherence as we dig into the language of Old English, which is the vernacular used in England from the sixth century until about 1100. Although some of its features remain recognizable today, Old English needs to be learned as a foreign language with its own spelling, pronunciation, syntax, and so on. The term begins with an emphasis on grammar, which will be covered in graduated steps until midterm, after which the readings and translation will take up more of our class time.

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English 1110.02 (100): First-Year English CompositionĀ 

Instructor: Francis DonoghueĀ 

This is a first-year writing course with a focus on literature. After a brief time doing ethnographic exercises, we'll move through some of the major genres of literature - fiction, drama, poetry. We'll also spend time during every class doing grammar exercises and discussing critical writing. Four papers and a final exam.

English 2464: Introduction to Comic StudiesĀ 

Instructor: Jared GardnerĀ 

This class introduces students to the history, forms and study of graphic storytelling. We will approach comics as a medium which expresses stories and ideas across a wide range of genres using a blend of text and images. Beginning by learning the grammar of comics and the terminology for how comics texts achieve their effects, we will study the ways comics are made and the ways they are received readers and fans. The range of texts will include newspaper comic strips, comic books, graphic novels and memoirs, manga, web comics and experimental comics. Requirements will include one in-class group presentation, short blog assignments (including at least one involving research at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum), a final paper and lots of lively discussion.

Investigations of classes of grammars that are nontransformational and at the same time highly constrained are of interest both linguistically andmathematically. Context-free grammars (CFG) obviously form such a class. CFGsare not adequate (both weakly and strongly) to characterize some aspects oflanguage structure. Thus how much more power beyond CFG is necessary todescribe these phenomena is an important question. Based on certain propertiesof tree adjoining grammars (TAG) an approximate characterization of class ofgrammars, mildly context-sensitive grammars (MCGS), has been proposedearlier. In this paper, we have described the relationship different grammarformalisms, all of which belong to MCSG. In particular, we have shown thathead grammars (HG), combinatory categorial grammars (CCG), and linear indexed grammars (LIG) and TAG are all weakly equivalent. Theseformalisms are all distinct from each other at least in the following aspects:(a) the formal objects and operations in each formalism, (b) the domain oflocality over which dependencies are specified, (c) the degree to whichrecursion and the domain of dependencies are factored, and (d) the linguisticinsights that are captured in the formal objects and operations in each formalism. A deeper understanding of this convergence is obtained by comparingthese formalisms at the level of the derivation structures in each formalism.We have described a formalism, the linear context-free rewriting system (LDFR),as a first attempt to capture the closeness of the derivation structures ofthese formalisms. LCFRs thus make the notion of MCSGs more precise. We haveshown that LCFRs are equivalent to multicomponent tree adjoining grammars(MCTAGs), and also briefly discussed some variants of TAGs, lexicalized TAGs,feature structure based TAGs, and TAGs in which local domination and linearprecedence are factored TAG(LD/LP).

Government Binding (GB) theory, as a competence theory of grammar, is intendedto define what a speaker's knowledge of language consists of. The theoryproposes a system of innate principles and constraints which determine theclass of possible languages and once instantiated by the parameter values for agiven language, the class of well-formed sentences of that language [Chomsky,1981].In this thesis, I address the problem of how this knowledge of language is putto use. The answer I give to this question takes the shape of an implementedcomputational model, a parser, which utilizes the formulation of knowledge oflanguage as proposed in GB theory. GB as a theory of grammar poses aparticular problem for instantiation within a cognitively feasiblecomputational model. It has a rich deductive structure whose obvious directimplementation as a set of axioms in a first order theorem prover runs upagainst the problem of undecidability. Thus, if we accept GB theory aspsychologically real, and thus as functioning casually with respect tolinguistic processing, there seems to be a paradox: we need a way of puttingour knowledge of language, represented in GB theory, to use in a processingtheory in an efficient manner. I will suggest a way out of this paradox. I propose to constrain the class ofpossible grammatical principles by requiring them to be statable over alinguistically and mathematically motivated domain, that of a tree adjoininggrammar (TAG) elementary tree. The parsing process consists of theconstruction of such primitive structures, using a generalization of licensingrelations of proposed in [Abney, 1986], and checking that the constraints aresatisfied over these local domains. Since these domains are of bounded size,the constraints will be checkable in constant time and we will be guaranteedefficient, linear time, parsing. Additionally, the incrementality of theconstruction of the TAG elementary trees is consistent with intuitions ofincremental semantic interpretation.

Most current linguistic theories give lexical accounts of severalphenomena that used to be considered purely syntactic. Theinformation put in the lexicon is thereby increased both in amount andcomplexity. We explore the view that syntactic rules are not separatedfrom lexical items. In this approach, each elementary structure isassociated with a lexical item called the anchor. These structuresspecify extended domains of locality (as compared to context-freegrammars) over which constraints can be stated. The `grammar'consists of a lexicon where each lexical item is associated with afinite number of structures for which that item is the anchor. Thereare `rules' which tell us how these structures are composed. Agrammar of this form will be said to be lexicalized. The process of lexicalization of context-free grammars (CFGs)constrained by linguistic requirements forces us to use operations forcombining structures that make the formalism fall in the class ofmildly context sensitive languages. We show that substitution, thecombining operation corresponding to CFGs, does not allow one tolexicalize CFGs but the combination of substitution and adjunctiondoes. We show how tree-adjoining grammar (TAG) is derived from thelexicalization process of CFGs. Then we show that TAGs are closedunder lexicalization and we illustrate the main structures found in alexicalized TAG for English. The properties of TAGs permit us toencapsulate diverse syntactic phenomena in a very natural way. TAG'sextended domain of locality and its factoring of recursion from localdependencies enable us to localize many syntactic dependencies (suchas filler-gap) as well as semantic dependencies (such aspredicate-arguments). We investigate the processing of lexicalized TAGs. We first presenttwo general practical parsers that follow Earley-style parsing. Theyare practical parsers for TAGs because, as for CFGs, the averagebehavior of Earley-type parsers is superior to its worst casecomplexity. They are both left to right bottom-up parsers that usetop-down predictions but they differ in the way the top downprediction is used. Then we explain the building of a set of deterministic bottom-up leftto right parsers which analyze a subset of tree-adjoining languages.The LR parsing strategy for CFGs is extended to TAG by using amachine, called Bottom-up Embedded Push Down Automaton (BEPDA), thatrecognizes in a bottom-up fashion the set of tree-adjoining languages(and exactly this set). Finally we show how lexicalized grammars suggest a natural two-stepparsing strategy. We consider lexicalized TAGs as an instance oflexicalized grammar and we examine the effect of the two-step parsingstrategy on main types of parsing algorithms. 17dc91bb1f

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