I thought this was a pretty great game. I feel like it would be a no brainer to update it for full screen/ higher resolution support, throwing it on Steam, and making some money off of it. I like that it's not some one hour experience and that it takes it's time getting to the horror. I like the characters and felt like the puzzles were the right level of difficulty. The story was also engaging enough to make me want to keep playing.

My only "complaints" are pretty small, but I'll list them just in case the dev ever wants to come back to it one day.

-I wish I could name the MC. It would make you feel like you're the one the antagonist has a problem with, but I get that certain pictures and assets include the MC's name.

-Kyle and Maggie's portraits look too much alike. Between the same hair color and almost the same length, it made me not want to ask her to prom lol

-The antagonist's backstory is a little too tacked onto the end. I wish there were some clues for more of an "Ah-Ha!" moment or feel like a puzzle was coming together.

- The antagonist and their relative have a different hair color for their sprites and portraits and it was pretty noticeable.

-Let me skip on the game over screen. Some parts got a little annoying having to wait for that.

-I really, really wish there was a chance to save between the last "chase" sequence and the end. It made seeing the different endings tedious.

I think if certain things were added, this would go from great to amazing/masterpiece.

-A loop 0. A version of the loop that plays out events told later in the story from Kyle's perspective. Might take tweaking the story a little, but it would set up the ending better and give an opportunity to show the MC at their most self-absorbed and make you feel like the asshole by the end of the game.

-Change Maggie's role. What she did seemed a little weak and unimportant. I feel like she could do something that makes more sense for her character.

-Expanding prom night. Let me dance with my date. It would add more weight to the end. 

-Connect the tragedy at the school to the to the events of the game a little more. It makes sense thematically, but maybe we can see the story have some kind of impact on the antagonist leading up to their fall.

-Elevator key. Add a side quest on the first day that lets me get access to the elevator in the earlier loops to make navigating the school less tedious for thorough players. Maybe the quest changes with each loop, or I keep the key until the last loop.

-More character portraits. You kind of prepare yourself for anyone with one to play a larger part in the game. It made a certain someone too noticeable, but not through story telling. 

-Make prom night a little more humiliating for the antagonist. I felt like the part inside the gym could have been more dramatic. Maybe they see the prom king and queen being announced.

Thanks for the great game and thank you if you read this far down.

High School Love Story Game Download

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You'll be happy to know that I do intend to do a commercial remake of this game once my current project is finished - actually, said current project is primarily a way to fund a Prom Dreams remake lol. It will of course have massive graphical updates, but I also plan to include some quality of life changes similar to some things you suggested (e.g. a fast travel instead of access to the elevator key) and some story expansion with regards to the three love interests. This will probably not happen for a while, but my game pages will all be updated with more information when I actually get the project off of the ground, so I hope you look forward to it!

I literally made an account just to leave a comment on this game. I haven't had such good time playing a game in YEARS. I love the story, I love the false sense of security and how you aren't safe despite it being a cheerful day and lots of people around you. I also love the length. I spent over 12 hours on it because I wanted to throughly explore everything. The characters are amazing, the spooks are amazing, the writing. UGH. I wanna erase my memory of this game just to be able to relive it again. Great job!!! I'm looking forward to more games from you.

You are a new 11th grade student in SMA Negeri 11 in Jakarta. You just moved in from Central Borneo to get better education in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a successful engineer. Even regular school days prove to be unnerving for you due to the differences of how everything are in the capital. But that won't stop you from pursuing your dream.

During your time in Jakarta, you will encounter new people, new friends and new love interests, in which he will have to balance everything from maintaining relationship with his peers to improving himself to be a better person. All as part of his high school love life. Place yourself in in this Dating Simulation and experience your own High School Romance.

[From official website]

When asked about a person's impression of his high school years, perhaps most of the answers are: "Interesting", "unforgettable", "wow ,,, wonderful times ..." and many other versions of phrases that appear in the background different experiences and stories.

on the first day I went to school I sat down with a pretty nice friend and in front of me there are 2 funny funny ladies, we became close friends four and until now we still remain together. there is a man who at first always glance at me, I'm confused why he always glance at me and it turns out he likes me, and he invites me dating, but I refuse him because I do not want dating. then we became friends as usual.

harini is my last day school, this is hard enough for me, I shed tears. I have to part with my very good friends, gokil, cool, my goodness I can not imagine how much I missed. we will be hard to meet because each of us went to school out of town, it is very far not. that last day is a very meaningful one day day. really the word people mean the most is the high school, the time we are free from teenagers and mature, and now I feel the loss.

that day on Saturday we got together, I'm so glad I finally met them, at that time I met Jhon again, jhon is the person who first invited me to go out. when I first met him after so long why my heart was beating fast, maybe I already started to like it. and yes it's true I've started to like it, and it turns out that Jhon also likes me, wow this is cool. and next week he immediately invited me to get married, yaampun is very to the point. and we were married, now I am 25 years old. yes it was 3 years ago. My high school period is full of color instead.

"He always made me smile and made me feel seen and heard. He confessed to loving me since freshman year. We graduated high school together, dated all through college, and got married after my college graduation. We've been happily together for 10 years now, married for three. Long story short, always give the friend-zone guy at least one real date. He may be your prince charming after all. Mine sure was."

31. A woman seeks out the model that was used for a popular romance novel series.

32. One secret agent falls in love with another.

33. A popular character falls for an unpopular character.

34. An unpopular character learns that the popular character they had a crush on is not who they want to be with.

35. A character falls in love with an angel living on Earth for a limited time.

36. An angel falls in love with the human they are assigned to watch over.

37. A celebrity falls in love with a regular person.

38. Cupid is actually an angry relationship therapist.

39. A popular girl is highly attracted to nerdy types.

40. A popular guy is highly attracted to nerdy types.

41. The drama teacher's budget is reallocated to the football coach's program.

42. A chemist-by-trade finds a way to manipulate pheromones to make people attracted to them.

43. Two people drink a love potion that makes them fall madly in love.

44. An older woman is attracted to a much younger man.

45. A younger woman is attracted to a much older man.

46. A character falls in love with a fictional character, only to see them come alive.

47. A female coach's team budget is taken over by a male coach's budget.

48. A man who travels a lot falls in love with a flight attendant he always sees.

49. A woman who travels a lot falls in love with a small-town man that has never left his small town.

50. A woman falls in love with her AI phone.

51. A nanny travels abroad with the family she watches over, only to fall in love with a local.

52. One character must overcome a physical or emotional scar to find love.

53. There's a misunderstanding between a couple that is destined to be together.

54. A woman is attracted to both a man and a woman and must decide which one to choose.

55. A woman who was shamed by a bully in high school falls in love with him at the reunion.

56. A character comes home for the holidays.

57. A career-driven woman inherits a small-town property.

58. A businessman whose car breaks down while traveling cross country falls for a rancher.

59. A businesswoman whose car breaks down while traveling cross country falls for a rancher.

60. A character falls in love with the first human-looking android.

91. High school best friends reunite, only to discover they should be a couple.

92. A rich character hides their true wealth to find true love.

93. A werewolf falls for a vampire.

94. Single parents find love together.

95. Soul mates finally find each other against all odds.

96. A character falls in love with someone that is terminally ill.

97. A character falls in love with someone that is traveling in time.

98. Two characters that had a fling discover that they're having a baby together.

99. Characters fall in love at a wedding.

100. Characters are accidentally married.

101. Two characters vowed years prior to marrying each other if they had not yet found love. ff782bc1db

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