
Privacy Policy

Which of your data does Hidelike collect?

  • Your location according to your last scan (you decide when and where you want to share your location with hidelike by clicking on the scan button).

  • Your device motion (to show you cardinal direction of nearby other users)

  • Your account information (Email and Password for identification purposes only. Your password is hash encrypted.)

  • Your profile image and description (to show to other identified users)

  • Your chats (for the chat server)

  • Your given Hidelikes (When you click on the Hidelike button to give a Hidelike to a certain person)

Why does Hidelike need my location data?

Your location is needed for the sole purpose to show you people nearby.

Who can see my location data?

Only people nearby (maximum 100 Meter) might be able to locate you roughly (only cardinal direction of their point of view).

What data does hidelike share to 3rd parties?

Hidelike does not share any data to 3rd parties outside of the hidelike application/website. Within the Hidelike application/website other identified users can see your profile image and -if they are close to you (100m)- they might be able to estimate your location roughly by cardinal direction.

How is my data transmitted and stored?

All data is transmitted encrypted by SSL and saved on Google Servers (Firebase) in Europe.

How can I get or delete all my data?

Simply by sending your email address (the one you used to register on hidelike) with the tag "get my data" or "delete my data" to thehidelike@gmail.com. We might ask security questions to approve your identity.

How can I contact Hidelike in respect of privacy issues or any other issues?

Email: thehidelike@gmail.com

Postal: Dr. Louis Maag, Räfizweg 4, 8474 Dinhard, Swiss

Phone: +41764117676