荒張 秀樹  博士(理学) / Hideki ARAHARI, Ph.D.

日本学術振興会 特別研究員PD / JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists 

大阪大学大学院 基礎工学研究科 物質創成専攻 未来物質領域 石原研究室 

Postdoc at Ishihara Lab.,

Division of Frontier Materials Science, 

Department of Materials Engineering Science, 

Graduate school of Engineering Science, Osaka University

研究分野 / Research Interests

 (理論) 光マニピュレーション, 光圧, 発光, オプトメカニクス, ナノ光学, 量子光学, 光物性, 超蛍光, メタサーフェス

(Theory) Optical manipulation, Optical force, Luminescence, Optomechanics, Nano-optics, Quantum optics, Photophysics, Superfluorescence, Metasurface

研究技能 / Qualifications


電磁場解析, 光圧によるナノ物質の動的シミュレーション, 半導体ナノ薄膜の光学応答(発光, 吸収...)計算. 

Electromagnetic field analysis, Dynamics simulation of nanomaterials, Calculation of the optical response of semiconductor nanofilm (Luminescence, Absorption …)

結合機械振動子系の動的解析, 位相同期 ... Research internship in France

Dynamic analysis of coupled mechanical oscillators, Phase synchronization

Mathematica, DiffractMOD, MATLAB

EB蒸着, SEM, AFM, フォトリソグラフィ,  電気的, 及び光学的手法による機械振動子の共振測定

EB deposition, SEM, AFM, Photolithography, Resonance measurement of mechanical oscillators by electrical and optical methods

フェローシップ / Fellowships

  終了 / End

Program for Leading Graduate Schools: Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program 9th

The 3rd of Sumitomo Chemical Scholarship students for Information-Communication Technology Professionals, granted by Sumitomo Chemical      Company.

受賞 / Awards

Hideki Arahari, "Luminescence-driven optomechanical vibration   and its optical spring effect", Poster Award in 7th Photonics Workshop, granted by Photonics division of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, Okinawa seinenkaikan, Japan, 25-26 Nov. 2022.

Hideki Arahari, "Optomechanical vibration and optical spring effect induced by the luminescence of a thin film", Award for Encouragement of Research in Condensed Matter Photophysics, granted by Association for Condensed Matter Photophysics, Osaka University Japan, 28 Dec. 2022.

所属学会 / Memberships

連絡先 / Contact

〒560-8531  大阪府 豊中市 待兼山町1-3 基礎工学研究科 2階 E210
E210 Engineering Science building, 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531 JAPAN

Email:  arahari.h[at]opt.mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp ※Please change "[at]" to "@".