Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 31 August, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines how "Hidden Objects" ("Game") handles user data and privacy. By playing the Game, you agree to the terms described in this policy.

1. Information We Collect

The Game does not collect any personal information or data from users. We do not require or store any information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other personal identifiers.

2. Data Collection and Usage

2.1. Anonymous Gameplay Data: The Game may collect anonymous gameplay data for the purpose of improving the gaming experience. This data may include gameplay statistics, levels completed, time spent playing, and interactions with in-game elements. This information helps us enhance the Game's design and user experience.

2.2. Device Information: The Game may collect general information about the device you are using to play, such as device type, operating system version, and screen resolution. This information is used to ensure compatibility and optimize the Game for different devices.

3. Third-Party Services

3.1. Third-Party Ads: The Game uses third-party advertising SDKs to display ads. These SDKs may collect the advertising identifier (Ad ID) associated with your device. The Ad ID helps advertisers deliver relevant ads and measure ad effectiveness.

3.2. Analytics Tools: We use Google Analytics to gather insights into user behavior and interactions within the Game. This data is used to improve the Game's performance and user experience.

3.3. Crash Reporting: We use Firebase Crashlytics to collect crash data in the event of errors or crashes within the Game. This helps us identify and address technical issues to enhance your gaming experience.

4. Children's Privacy

The Game is designed for players of all age groups. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided any information to the Game, please contact us so we can promptly delete any such data.

5. Data Storage and Security

5.1. Local Storage: Any data collected by the Game, such as gameplay statistics and device information, is stored locally on your device. We do not transmit or store this data on external servers.

5.2. Data Security: We prioritize the security of user data. Any information collected is stored securely on your device and is not accessible to us or any third parties.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the Game's data practices, please contact us at

7. Changes to This Policy

Any updates to this Privacy Policy will be made available within the Game. We recommend checking for updates periodically.