How do I install .PKG files?

Make sure to follow the instructions document attached with the folder. If you have followed every instruction, be sure you are not including the quotation marks around the commands, and that you have pressed space.

More Solutions on TUTORIALS

I can't unzip the files!

If you are getting error code 0, you are out of storage and should check out our space saving guide

.ZIP Games are unverified or can't open!

Solutions on TUTORIALS

I haven't seen my requested game yet?

We get a lot of requests, and our team isn't always going to be able to reply to them all, keeping up with demand is hard enough. If your request hasn't been fulfilled, odds are we weren't able to find a working Mac version.

What else should I do to solve my problem?

If you cant solve your problem from these FAQ's, try asking the question on our help page, or joining us on discord to ask a team member or community member directly!