Carbon-neutral Energy Materials Laboratory
Our research aims to accelerate the global energy transition from Carbon to Hydrogen and establish a carbon-neutral hydrogen energy center in DMSE at Dankook University (DKU). To achieve these goals, we specifically cover four different research branches including materials design, solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells for power generation and value-added fuel production, respectively, and oxygen permeation membrane.
Our research aims to accelerate the global energy transition from Carbon to Hydrogen and establish a carbon-neutral hydrogen energy center in DMSE at Dankook University (DKU). To achieve these goals, we specifically cover four different research branches including materials design, solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells for power generation and value-added fuel production, respectively, and oxygen permeation membrane.
단국대학교 탄소중립 에너지 소재 연구실에서
현재 대학원생(석사/박사/석박통합)을 모집하고 있습니다.
Development of Materials of Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells for power generation and fuel production 에 관심있는 분들은 많은 지원 바랍니다.