Items are a very important part of heroes and castles 2, as they give you significant increases to damage and durability. There are 6 rarity types: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Godly. An item's name, visuals and stats are randomly generated based on the rarity.Godly tier items have been added, but can only be obtained in NewGame+.Items can be acquired by winning a battle, finding a treasure chest, by crafting them at the Blacksmith in Castle Draydon or by battling in the arena.

Heroes and Castles 2 was released in May 2015. It allows the character to fully customize their heroes and equipment, and take the fight to the enemy; reclaiming lands and pushing the forces of darkness back to their own stronghold.

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When it comes to discussing gods, demigods, and heroes Castles & Crusades is really second to none here. There Codex series, written by Brian Young, is some of the best-researched material for an RPG ever produced.

Heroes and Castles 2 Free is actually a standalone that's been adjusted to fit into the free market. The paid version is still very much available, but now players have the option of playing without paying if they so choose. So what's different? For the most part nothing. Crystals (needed to upgrade everything) take a bit longer to earn, heroes are a bit more expensive, and you'll need to watch an opt-in video ad if you want to collect the random loot drops you find during a siege.

Heroes & Castles is a new blend of action, strategy, castle defense, and RPG elements, combined into one seamless experience! Take control of one of three unique heroes, then participate in huge battles against hordes of the undead, orcs, goblins, and more! Summon an army to fight alongside you, build towers and upgrade your castle walls, build buildings to upgrade your units, and use your heroes active and passive skills - all in real time - to turn the tide of battle in your favor. In Heroes & Castles you will fight in the midst of an epic battle that you control!


- Unique blend of 3rd person action/RPG gameplay, strategy, and castle defense!

- 3 unique heroes to play as: the offensive minded Knight, the supporting healer - Paladin, and the defensive oriented dwarven Engineer

- Build a huge army to fight alongside your hero, in real time!

- Tons of ally units, from Catapults, Clerics, Giants, Dwarfs, and much more!

- A huge variety of enemies to fight, from undead skeleton hordes, to brutish orcs, to towering trolls!

- Upgrade you castle defenses with new towers, reinforced walls, or upgrade buildings that improve your troops!

- Randomized loot - find hundreds of thousands of combinations of Runes to customize your hero with!

- Deep, strategic gameplay - build the right units and towers to counter the right enemies

- Experience epic battles with over 75 detailed units on-screen at once!

- Gamecenter 2 player co-op multiplayer!

- Advanced graphics, lighting, and particle effects!

- Compatible with all iOS devices from the iPhone 3GS and above

Heroes and Castles 2 is a collection of action, strategy, tower defense and other elements of the RPG game. Players can choose one of the three heroes to play the game, each hero has its own special skills.

1. Kill Monsters Fast

In endless mode, the monster grows stronger with each given moment. This makes it worthwhile to kill them as fast as you can in the game. This means equipping on damage runes or build out your damage dealers as fast as you can. The longer you wait, the stronger the mobs become. If your goal is to farm exp and level up fast in heroes and castles, killing them fast is the way too go. Never go on the defensive.

This handsome pair boasts simple but classic renditions of lion insignia and castles. The thistles adorning the border and the fleur-de-lis backdrop indicate this may be a joining of two royal houses from Scotland and France.

Forts are fortified positions placed along the lanes in the battlegrounds. Each team has one or more fort in each lane, with one being their main base. Each fort contains their own towers, castles, healing fountains, and strong gates that prevent enemies from marching through them. Teams need to group up and make coordinated pushes against enemy forts due to how strong they are. Here is a breakdown of each type of building.

Every fort is fortified with multiple towers - two at each gate and one defending the castle. Towers attack enemy units and heroes that approach them, dealing damage with each attack. Towers only have limited ammo, however, and if a team doesn't defend them they can easily be rushed down and destroyed.

Castles are large structures at the center of forts that spawn minions that advance towards enemy towns and can be killed by enemy heroes for experience. Destroying castles disables the enemy fort and is a massive objective. Castles are often defended by an additional tower.

THE RUGGED INDIVIDUALISTS OF HENRY DE MONTHERLANT To PERUSE THE THEATER OF Henry de Montherlant is to encounter a number of characters who are among the most arresting in contemporary drama for their magnificence of stature and psychological complexity. Contained in forms which give evidence of a Greek and a French classical influence, their experience invariably involves a struggle of that intensity met in the hearts of the heroes of Euripides and Racine. Like these predecessors Montherlant creates drama where the most meaningful action takes place inside his protagonists. Besides their complicated interiors, however, the contemporary creations bear an exterior resemblance to the heroes of old, exteriors which are of account in summing up the nature of their tragedy. The face that they present to the world is that of the aristocrat. We have Aristotle's testimony regarding the uses to which Greek tragedians put illustrious men of great houses. What is interesting to consider is the presence of aristocratic heroes in Montherlant's works, especially in view of the dominance of naturalistic theory in twentieth-century drama. The triumph of ordinary man in our theater today and the ascendancy of the bourgeoisie in society have obscured the aristocrat from our view. If we come in contact with illustrious men bearing illustrious names we find them, with few exceptions, engaged in middle-class occupations. If discovered in castles at all, they are usually conducting middle class tourists through deserted halls maintained by admission fees. Montherlant's achievement is to awaken within us an awareness of what it means to be an aristocrat. He exhibits the extraordinary. And he reminds us that if there are no great heroes in our contemporary plays, it may well be because ordinary men perform no extraordinary deeds. He is sensitive to the unusual position in society which the aristocrat occupied in previous ages. When high social position was coupled with the sort of talent that made one a leader of men, the aristocrat found himself guiding the bulk of humanity by his counsel and actions. He existed as an individual in relation to a collective. Removed from the intercourse of common men, he was rendered a circle of insularity. It is in such solitude and in the privacy of their own minds that Montherlant's aristocrats make a discovery. They find that the exclusion formula works in more than one way. Separated from man by virtue of their social position, they soon experience another sort of isolation. Social detachment gives way to a detachment of the spirit as they come to 156 1970 MONTHERLANT'S INDIVIDUALISTS 157 realize that only their view of reality holds any meaning for them. The French dramatist prefaces his play Brac(Hiande with words (taken from another work, Service inutile) which could be spoken by any of his heroes: "Je n'ai que l'idee que je me fais de moi pour me soutenir sur les mers du neant." Ultimate reality resides within the individual. He is the locus of worth, authority, dignity, and will. Montherlant's heroes act under the impetus of an exclusive passion . which, while it affords them refuge from the incongruities of the life which surrounds them, finds no place in the popular imagination. Maintaining their insularity, they find themselves opposed to such collectives as society and the Church hierarchy and to such intangibles as the spirit of the times and "the human condition." They even discover themselves at odds with members of their own class and their own families. Their actions have a common cause: they are engaged in a rebellion-sometimes silent, sometimes explosive-to proclaim the sanctity of the individual as opposed to the tendencies and instincts of the masses. Montherlant does not hesitate to illuminate the whole man, exhibiting those traits of character which led to the erection of guillotines. But he ignores the makeup of his audience and suggests that the aristocrat's disdain for ordinary humanity may be deserved. His target is that which alarmed John Stuart Mill over a century ago: the dominant power among men which mediocrity has become and the threat such power poses to individuality. It has come to pass that the person of distinctive vision... ff782bc1db

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