A common rule for the availability of new heroes in original game (RoE, AB and SoD) maps is the following: all non-campaign heroes are always available. Campaign heroes are only available in the scenarios where all original campaign heroes are present.

Ja to zrovna vcera zkousel, ale porad mi pri instalaci zakladni hry chtelo odinstalovat tu kde mam HoTu. Takze jsem to pak uz ani nezkousel. Nevim jak oblbnout PC abych si nainstalovat dvakrat heroes jednu s HoTa a druhou s WOG

Heroes 3 Hota Download

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The HotA project fills the empty space on the Regnan topic, and provides new related campaigns for players to know more about the Regnan Empire and the Cove faction in specific. Several heroes from the other games of the series, like Astra, appear in the Cove's hero roster.

The Cove faction is mainly attack-oriented, with its heroes having their primary skills growth prioritized like 45/25/20/10 for Captains and 15/10/40/35 for Navigators before 10th level; with 30/30/20/20 for both classes after the 10th level. The playing strategies often concern the Accurate Shot ability of the Sea Dogs, Revenge ability of the Haspids, and often the good defensive stats of the Nixes and Nix Warriors. In addition, the new Cannon war machine native to the Cove faction is also considered a very helpful addition to every army due to its advantages over the classic ballista.

Amongst other developments, HotA also brings some careful adjustments to the vanilla Heroes III mechanics. For instance, the creature dwellings are able to accumulate creatures, necromancy skill has undergone a major reform (the percentages are halved in comparison to those of SoD) and some heroes have their specialties reconsidered.

If you want all heroes, make edit another template so it has all heroes you want. Then save. Open the file in EXCEL, find column HEROES and copy those numbers (=1+2+3+4...) then open the template you want to edit, copy paste there that number and save.

Author: Arsen (Russia), 20-12-2022 18:12 

Amazing... - Gelu and Hota

I've been playing heroes 3 for over 20 years and have tried all the top maps. But I would put this map in the first place, it is truly amazing in every sense! I really enjoyed going through it! Landscapes amazing in their beauty and picturesqueness, puzzles that involve many different non-standard approaches to defeat the enemy, colossal armies, as well as competent scripts and the absence of bugs!!! All this together turned into a wonderful masterpiece!


Looking forward to the next masterpiece, no matter how long it takes!

Horn of the Abyss jest fanowskim nieoficjalnym dodatkiem do Heroes of Might and Magic III. Jego historia siga roku 2008 kiedy doszo do poczenia kilku projektw rosyjskich fanw, ktrzy postanowili zjednoczy swe siy pod kierownictwem Docenta Picolana i hippocamusa. Zapowiedzi byy obiecujce. Zesp mia doda trzy nowe zamki - piracki Cove, krasnoludzki Kronverk oraz gotycki Cathedral, co jak na tamte czasy byo niezwykle mia deklaracj. Pojawiy si te wzmianki o alternatywnych ulepszeniach. Zapowiedzi ozdabiane byy wieloma screenshotami, ktre - powiedzmy szczerze - rwnie potrafiy przyku oko fana serii.

Pocztkowo efektw pracy HotA Crew nie byo wida prawie wcale, a ktrego dnia doszo do wycieku roboczej wersji modyfikacji, tak zwanej "alfa". Mimo e paczka bya chroniona hasem, rozprzestrzenia si niezwykle szybko. Co najwaniejsze, potwierdzia ona, e zesp nie rzuca sw na wiatr i faktycznie doda nowe miasto do gry. Niestety, wyciek alfy nie przyczyni si do przyspieszenia prac nad dodatkiem. Caa sytuacja zostaa te bardzo negatywnie oceniona przez twrcw HotA.

Gdy 31 grudnia 2011 roku ukazaa si rosyjskojzyczna wersja 1.0, zaskoczenie wrd fandomu byo cakiem spore. Dodawaa ona - teraz ju oficjalnie - nowe miasto, co nie udao si dotychczas nikomu - w najlepszym wypadku modderom udawao si zamienia jedno z istniejcych na fanowskie.Oprcz tego dodatek wprowadza now, oryginaln kampani. Zapocztkowa te tradycj umieszczania kolejnych odson Horn of the Abyss na Sylwestra. Wersje, ktre ukazyway si poza tym terminem zawieray mniej nowoci, za to atay bdy gwnych wersji. Dopiero wersja 1.3 z 2014 roku zawieraa tumaczenie na angielski.

All heroes have access to all secondary skills (the exceptions being Necromancy and Diplomacy), with might heroes having a higher chance of gaining might skills but lower chance of gaining magic skills (vice-versa for magic heroes). Also, stronger skills have a lower chance of appearing. 17dc91bb1f

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