I've done the 87+ hero player pick twice, the first time was yesterday when it first got released from my pc, but it gave me an 86+ one, then when it got re-released I've done it again because it said it will give me x11 of them on companion app, but I only received once, so I hope I get compensation for both of those.

86+ player picks 2x in a row in 87+ base/ triple threat/ucl heroers playerpick plus only base cards last 8 picks no yaya ginola lucio future pele tevez Di natale this sbc is providing nothing usefull to play with its becoming a joke and waste of players and coins I want a refund there mot picks at all

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The 86+ player pick was obviously bugged and most teams now have toty Messi. I completed it but was one of the very few who didn't pack him (my typical pack luck...). I don't know how you can resolve the situation, either giver everyone who completed it gets Messi or remove everyone's Messi. Seems unfair that nearly every squad I play against will have him, one of the best in the game and will destroy playing for fun... You may see alot if people not play this game if it doesn't get resolved...

I see compensation has been sent out for the hero pick but I've received absolutely nothing , I did it twice , I didn't check the first pick for an 86 but the 2 nd definitely had one in it but I've been given nothing , why??, why am I getting treated in this way????.....I await my promised hero pick compensation as promised eagerly

I post here 3 hours about compenastion for your mistake about 87+ hero pick. I dont recieve anything and i do it 4 times. My friend who do it once recieve 4 (FOUR) extra picks. 

If you dont give me back what is missing i will write to give me back the money i spend for this game bcs you lie.

I need a way to detect when a player has chosen a hero from the hero select screen. I am running a function that brings up the hero select screen for the player to swap hero, and when the player has swapped hero I want them to be teleported back to the location.

I have tried (Wait until(Is Alive, Event Player)==True) and entity exists and so on but no luck.

The temporary solution I have come up with is to just run a for loop with 100 iterations and a wait time of 0.1 (total of 10 seconds) which constantly teleports the player to the previous position. And when the player moves it breaks out of the loop.

The player is shown to be agile in their movements, being able to turn around corners, scale in any direction and even run quickly, while still holding the GrabPack. This is mostly shown when being chased by Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs.

With the Grabpack (both iterations), the player is able to reach long distances, propel themselves or pull/collect an object. It is also capable of connecting circuits, acting as a wire. There is a green hand capable of storing electricity for a maximum of 10 seconds, while a purple hand (exclusive to the 2.0 version) can propel the user in the direction that booster pads of the same color face towards. An orange hand (also exclusive to the 2.0 version), modeled more like a finger gun can shoot 5 flares at the cost of being able to be launched forward & used for electrical wiring puzzles. Thanks to the player's agility, when their GrabPack is pulling a heavy object, they can still move around with ease.

Any Champion/Hero groups out there needing more players? I have been yearning to play Champions (and Rune Quest) again. I'm in the Las Colinas area (North Irving, near the music sound factory). Looking forward to hearing from my fellow heroes Kind regards, Michael

I am a GM/Player in a game group in Northern Virginia. One of our players moved out of the area and some others are only part-time. We want another player that can show up for games (in person) regularly on Saturday late afternoon / early evening. The key part here is regularly, not just every once in a while. We like to run plot and character heavy games with long story arcs that work much better with the players there for the game sessions. Thanks!

RECRUITINGMy current Champions 6E game, featuring New York superteam Excelsior, has openings for two new player characters. We meet online weekly on Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm EST, using Discord and the free VTT Maptool. Sessions can go up to 4 hours, but most wrap up in 2-3. The existing group is a mix of Hero System noobies and veterans, and we are using a slightly modified version of the published Champions Universe, starting at 405 character points with some character creation houserules I will share as needed. Respond in comments.

I am looking for players or a GM for a game or three in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm not set on a certain frequency of play or a specific genre, although supers and fantasy are the top of my list. I would love to GM or play, I just want to hopefully get a group together. I've been running and playing the Hero System for a very long time as well as a lot of other rpgs.

The group plays Champions but also other genres using the Hero System. We are looking for strong roleplayers more than rules lawyers or system engineers. We play on Monday nights at 630 PST and have played together for a few years, use Discord for voice and for group chats and Roll 20 for maps and such. No experience necessary but please be a fan of comic books. We play Champions and Fantasy Hero so far, and while I am the GM and facilitator it is "our" game, not mine. **Update** The spot has been filled. Thanks for the interest. All openings will be posted in the future.*****

Heya! I'm gauging the interests of anyone willing to join a paid online campaign. If anyone is interested, DM me on Discord. My user ID is ProfDogg. If we get enough players and can work out a shared schedule, I can start it up relatively quickly.

I'm offering a paid PbP campaign styled as an early TMNT series homage (i.e. mutated animal super heroes living in a gritty grimdark Iron Age comic world). DM me (Discord: ProfDogg) if interested or just sign up!

I am the owner of Wizard's Keep Games in Kent and I am interested in getting a new RPG group started on Thursday nights. My goal would be to find 2-3 more players, preferably one who is willing to alternate GMing duties. Game is flexible, including potentially non-Hero system games. However, I am considering a Space Opera type of game (basically Indiana Jones in Space) if we play Hero. Other games possible depending on player interest.

Max Lianna but in my opinion, you need some base 4* heroes to proceed further.

My biggest mistake was to do what you are doing now and focus on all those 5* heroes first. At some point you will hit a brick wall and run out of mats for your 4* ascension never mind 5*.

Think of this game as a marathon race rather than a sprint race.

It really is a game of patience

Good luck

First off, welcome home! City of Heroes Homecoming is an immense game with a lot of parts to it. With the recent license signing I've noticed a lot of new players that have no clue what anything means, so here's my own guide on what things are, how they work, and what you can do.

The first steps is selection your server. In City of Heroes Homecoming there's 5 servers you can choose from (as of the time of writing this). Each of these servers is different in terms of player base, but still relatively simple to understand. Those 5 servers in question are:

Excelsior: This is the server with the highest player count, and thus the most popular. It doesn't have any specific kind of mixture of player base, it's used by all equally by all. This server is also where the majority of the PVP community can be found after migrating from Indomitable.

Everlasting: This is the server with the most role-players, considered by many to be the unofficial RP Server. If you want to focus on roleplaying and inter-character activity. Many badge hunters reside here as well, so if you want to get involved with that community, here's your go-to.

Indomitable: This is server used to be considered the unofficial PVP server, but that's changed. Now it's more of just a general server that doesn't cater to any specific kind of player base.

Reunion: This is the UK server, hosted in Germany. It doesn't cater to any kind of specific players, but for those of you across the pond this server is best for connectivity and ping reasons.

Torchbearer: This server also isn't beholden to any kind of specific player base, but it's unique in that it was the first server to pop up.

For most new players, I'd highly recommend going with City of Heroes FREEDOM, which is selected by default. Both FREEDOM and Going Rogue have very different starting points so generally Going Rogue is only recommended once you've gotten used to the game itself.

But for now, here's the differences between them.

City of Heroes FREEDOM

Selected by default, this is the majority played version of the game. Here you begin in a tutorial (there are 3 kinds), and after or during that tutorial is when you would choose to play as a Hero or a Villain (later on you can become a Vigilante or Rogue).

-Most common starting point

-Has a tutorial for those new to the game

-Gives you a decent starting point for new players

City of Heroes Going Rogue

Not selected by default, this one puts you into an alternate timeline of the world you'll be playing in, in which the the biggest superhero in the main timeline went evil and took over the world. Here you don't pick whether you're a hero or a villain right away, instead you have to pick whether you're a rebel or a loyalist to the regime that rules the world. Your character will be considered a praetorian, as the world you're playing in is called Praetoria. There's a Praetoria specific tutorial, and you can't play certain archetypes here (the Arachnos or Kheldian/symbiote archetypes) and you'll be leveling here for a while. Once you reach Level 20, you get the choice to head to the main timeline (you can always come back) which at that point you would choose whether you're a hero or villain.

However, you can also come to Praetoria without making a character for Going Rogue too. It's not required to be a Praetorian in order to go there, it's just a different starting point.

-Uncommon starting point

-Has a Praetoria specific tutorial

-Interesting starting point character lore wise


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