Para Cleanse -- Herbal Cleanse For Parasites

This detox pak has been historically known to rid the body of foreign invaders...PARASITES!!! See Tape Worm Infestation X rays. more.

SEASONAL ALLERGY- Herbs For Allergies and Asthma This Season 


We use nitrate-dense Tibetan Beetroot, amplified by patented, proven botanical blends, resulting in the most potent and delicious beet formula you’ll find anywhere.


Herbs for Allergies, Asthma and more..

It helps support the body during seasonal changes. Fenugreek and mullein contain mucilage, a substance that causes the herbs to swell in water. This creates a viscous, fibrous substance that provides a soothing effect. . LEARN MORE



Vitamin D comes in two forms: D2 and D3. Of the two, D3 is more bioactive. The body synthesizes vitamin D3 from cholesterol and sunlight;  In 1937, vitamin D3 was identified by former Nobel-prize-winner Adolph Windaus and his associate. They found that vitamin D3 formed in the skin after it was exposed to sunlight.  

Cleanse With Safe Results

 Cleansing can help your body lose weight!  Clean Start 14 Day Cleansing Program encourages your intestinal system to function properly, so it can more easily handle the  rigorus job of sorting out what to use and what to throw away. When your colon  is clean, your body gets more nutrition from less food! Helps to Clear up  constipation, or diverticulosis.

An Herbal Cleanse That Can Actually Aid In Weight Loss

Taio He Cleanse is popular herbal cleanse
... among our customers.  Clean Start is a good alternative package that also helps with your weight loss plans. . Why?   The cleasing process, can help you loose weight. Clean Start is easy too. Its a Drink. Mix it and Go.  It's a little milder than Taio He Cleanse,  yet gets the job done just as well. .... more

Herbs For Eliminating Parasites!!!

 PARA CLEANSE contain herbs that have been historically known to aid in eliminating parasites from the body. 

Did you know that parasites can mimmick major illnesses, even depression? They have been known to rob your body of vital nutrients.

Herbs For Depression And Anxiety

St. Johns Wort.  it’s natural components have calming properties that may elevate mood. Supports the nervous system. Supports defense against occasional stress .more.

Power Meal 25g Protein




until next time..

Stay Healthy & Get Wealthy. Sincerely.

Gene Brown, 

NSP Herbal Consultant