Herbal Medicine: what is it? What happens and what cures

As long as there are humans on earth, medicine will also exist. At first, it was very popular. Treatments are carried out by healers and therapists who prepare potions and lotions from ingredients of plant, animal, and mineral origin.

With the development and establishment of chemical science, traditional medicine gradually faded out of people's sight. Drugs have emerged that have been shown to be effective in treatment. Despite this, people have not stopped turning to alternative medicine and seeking salvation from it.

In this article, we will discuss herbal medicine and how it can help people in the 21st century. Can herbs really cure diseases? Find out in the article.

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine (from Greek phyton, meaning plant and cure) is a treatment with plants. Herbal medicine utilizes medicinal plants or their parts in fresh, dried form or in the form of juices, syrups, and tinctures to treat disease. The main art of the herbalist is to know how and when to correctly collect, dry, and prepare therapeutic mixtures from herbs, as well as what bioactive substances the plants contain and what properties they have (antioxidants, preservatives, etc.).

The history of herbal medicine

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered the first evidence of plants as medicine. For example, dishes of crushed herbs or clay tablets describing diseases, medicines, and how to use them The first discovery takes us to the time of the Sumerians (6000 BC), Babylonians, and Assyrians, the oldest people in the world.

One of the most famous pieces of pharmacological evidence from ancient Egypt is the Ebers Papyrus, which dates to 1570 BC. It lists hundreds of plants and contains recipes for treating various ailments.

Features of herbal medicine

Herbal treatments provide antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, and diuretic effects, relieve pain, and influence the immune system.

This type of therapy is distinguished by three factors:

Most commonly, herbs are used to treat chronic diseases of the following systems:

Seven principles of herbal medicine

Clinical herbalism is integrated into the curriculum at some universities, which means there are experts teaching the basics of herbal medicine who you can turn to for help. Don’t self-medicate!

Herbal medicine is more than just "drinking weed." The method is based on scientific knowledge and experience. You need to know when, where, what time of day, on which day flowers bloom, collect plants, how to use them and in what form to consume them, what parts to use for processing (roots, stems, leaves, flowers), and understand toxicology. If you're interested in exploring the benefits of herbal medicine, it's essential to source your herbs from a reputable herbal medicine manufacturer to ensure the highest quality and safety of the products you use.

In herbal medicine, there are seven principles of patient treatment: