Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Viral Fever

Are you prone to getting infections and fever? Want a natural remedy? Well, then this read is really important!

Viral fever is an ailment occurring frequently these days affecting people irrespective of their age and gender. The change in climate and a fluctuating rise in temperature during present times is one of the risk factors behind viral fever. Viral fever is triggered by airborne infections that we get from the air we inhale and also transmitted from an infected person.

A wide range of viral infections can affect humans from the common cold to the flu, mild to a low-grade fever. Sore throat, cough, runny nose and body aches are some of the common symptoms of viral fever. Fret not mild viral fever can very well be treated with help of ayurvedic herbal medicines and by having a well-balanced diet, including a lot of comforting foods, drinking plenty of fluids and taking adequate rest.

Apart from this, there is also a rich array of herbs that work as an amazing natural remedy in curing viral fever. Sriram herbals offers the best Herbal medicine for viral fever.

Astounding Herbs To Treat Viral Fever

  • Honey Ginger Tea -

The potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties of ginger have the amazing potential to offer relief and reduce the symptoms of viral fever. Honey with potent antimicrobial properties aids in lessening infections and treating cough.

  • Coriander Seeds -

The goodness of essential plant phytonutrients in coriander seeds are well-known to trigger the immune system. Consuming coriander seeds on a regular basis instantly boost your immune system.

  • Tulsi Tea -

Tulsi leaves are known to be a storehouse of volatile oils including eugenol, citronellol and linalool facilitate to lessen inflammation. The strong antibacterial, germicidal, anti-biotic and fungicidal properties of tulsi leaves function well to lessen the symptoms of viral fever.

  • Garlic -

The potent antibacterial properties in garlic are effective in treating viral fever. Consumption of garlic serves as comforting food and reduces the fever.

  • Rice Starch/Water

Rice water is a very famous home remedy for treating viral infection. It works as a diuretic agent that detoxifies the system and clears out toxins from the body thereby assists in treating viral fever.


The common black elderberry) has long been used to reduce the length and severity of flu symptoms and studies. Elderberry is also effective against the herpes simplex virus and other HIV strains.

  • Echinacea -

The herb Echinacea is also supportive of the immune system and has a direct antiviral action against colds and viral bronchitis.

  • Green tea -

Green tea consists of a group of flavonoids called catechins, which serves well to inhibit viral infections by blocking the enzymes that allow it to reproduce.

  • Licorice -

Liquorice consists of a substance called glycyrrhizin that reduces the replication of viruses and halts their ability to replicate inside healthy cells.

  • Olive leaf -

The leaves of Olive trees contain a substance called elenolic acid and calcium elonate has been identified as a powerful inhibitor of a wide range of viruses.

Benefits of herbal treatment of Viral Infection

  • 100% natural

  • Safe to consume

  • Shows no side effects

  • It helps in curing the disease herbally.

Sriram herbals offer the best and effective medicine for Viral Infection.