Henrik Dreyer

I am a theoretical quantum physicist interested in quantum computation, tensor networks, and their application to condensed matter systems.

Currently, I am working as a Scientific Lead in the Condensed Matter group at Quantinuum. Before that, I was a post-doc in the Rudolf Peierls Institute for Theoretical Physics at Oxford University in the group of Sid Parameswaran. I did my PhD at the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics under the supervision of Ignacio Cirac and Norbert Schuch, entitled "Symmetries and Tensor Networks in Two-Dimensional Quantum Physics". I completed the Part III Maths at Cambridge and did my undergraduate studies at ETH Zurich.

My publications can be found on the arXiv.

If you are interested in collaborating with or working at Quantinuum, I am interested to hear from you.