Affiliations and Memberships

University of Bonn, Economics Department, Finance Group

CEPR (Centre for Economic Policy Research)

CESifo network

Excellence Cluster ECONtribute

Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 (CRC TR224)


List of current papers at SSRN and Google Scholar

I sometimes make videos on my papers and put them on Youtube. Examples:

* Ethisches Investieren versus Ethisches Konsumieren (in German, Link)

* Über die Logik von Hamsterkäufe(r)n (in German, Link)

I also have some educational videos on Youtube. Examples:

* How Can Investment Decisions Influence Climate Change? (Link)

* Ito's Lemma ─ Some intuitive explanations on the solution of SDEs (Link)

* Ito's Lemma ─ Einige intuitive Erläuterungen zu stochastischen DGLn (Link)

* Niedrigzinsen ─ Lohnt es sich trotzdem zu sparen? (in German, Link)

* Should Governments Have Their Own Banks? (Link)


Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler'innen (Mathe A)

Investition und Finanzierung (IuF)

Corporate Finance (Master)


If you need a reference letter, or have questions about a potential thesis, see below. My email address is

Reference Letter

If you need a reference letter for the first time, please book a slot here. If you need follow-up letters, please just send me an email and let me know. Students that need reference letters should either have participated actively in class or have some other relation (research assistant, teaching assistant, supervision of thesis, other relation).

Bachelor Thesis

If you are thinking about writing a bachelor thesis with me, please join the according group on eCampus. At the moment, I am booked out, but I am willing (and happy) to supervise students that have participated actively in my lecture(s) and bring their own ideas.

Master Thesis

If you are thinking about writing a master thesis with me, please join the according group on eCampus. At the moment, I am booked out, but I am willing (and happy) to supervise students that have taken my course in Corporate Finance (and participated actively) and bring their own ideas.

Short CV

March 2011 – now: Professor of Economics, University of Bonn

April 2007 – February 2011: Professor of Financial Economics,Leibniz University Hannover

September 2005 – March 2006: Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

March 2004 – March 2007: Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany

August 2002 – April 2004: PostDoc, Department of Economics, Chair Prof. Martin Hellwig, Ph.D., University of Mannheim, Germany

November 2001: Dissertation (Dr. rer. pol.), Faculty of Economics, University of Münster. Thesis title: “Banks as Delegated Risk Managers”, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pfingsten

January 1998: Master (Diplom) in mathematics, University of Bonn. Thesis title: “Parametric Interpolation by Third Degree Polynomial Curves”

October 1991 – July 1993: Bachelor (Vordiplom) in mathematics and in physics, University of Münster