Help Ya Dam Self Podcast



Hello world, 

my name is Lacey C. Riley and I am the creator and host of Help Ya Dam Self Podcast. I am a Detroit, Michigan native but I currently reside in South Carolina. I attended Greenville Technical College and graduated with an AAS in the Supply Chain Management and Logistics field.  I am currently employed full time, pursuing my goals in the Logistics field. 

I created Help Ya Dam Self podcast to offer different perspectives on many topics related to life and living in general. My podcast is a self-help podcast just like the name states! Help Ya Dam some knowledge. 

In the coming episodes, my main focus will be to instill knowledge and guidance on how to efficiently navigate through tough situations, how to set yourself up for success, how to organize your life, resourceful job tips, and so much more! I want to help and be helped. My podcast is a Learning and Teaching Podcast. I learn from my own material as well. Join in the conversation and let's help each other.