
Please do whatever you can to support the BLM movement, as well as Black artists.

Spread the message. Donate. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ <- visit this page. Consider supporting black artists before me (I'm not black).

Here are some cool artists who you can support:

DestinyMason, he writes a Terraria webcomic called UTOPIA, and it's one of the best out there. https://comicfury.com/profile.php?username=DestinyMason

Tamago2474, he makes really good gaming videos on Youtube, and I think he's mostly known for his Club Penguin and Simpsons videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/tamago2474

Raven Simone (Bobdunga), she runs The Bobdunga Show on youtube, where she talks mostly about videogames, with some 90s retro nostalgia. You can find her @bobdunga92 on twitter, or on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7GWq_TBvJKWLFIb2eLp-bw

Quill, a nonbinary artist who maks really good art. He's mostly known for the plague doctor gfs he draws. You can find him on twitter @Idolomantises

There are a lot of other artists out there, so please try to look them up and support them.


Ahoy there! I'm HelloThePixel, but you may call me Juana (she/her). I am a 2D artist, a musician, and a game developer - as well as an ambitious storyteller!

I like to dabble in a variety of styles in all of these narrative mediums. I am also a big fan of videogames, specially those with great story, dialogue, or character designs.

On the left of this block of text, you can see a gallery of some of my favourite drawings (including some Fanart) I've made. Under this, you'll find some music I made. Below that, some projects I've worked on, and below that, some links to the different social media pages you can find me.

Here's some of my favourite tracks I've made (and yes, I've made the images for them myself as well).

Previous projects I've worked in:

  • The Original first chapter of the DDLC Mod Project Outsider, helping with the writing and 3D renders, and making the music.

  • A Game Jam game called Distance Labs, on itch.io.

  • A small terraria webcomic, that lasted little more than a year and some months.

That's about it for now.

I am currently willing to help in almost* any project. So hit me up at hellothepixel@gmail.com if you want me to help you with anything, whether it be some art, some music, or some writing!

*almost means I won't help in any projects that are openly racist, homophobic, transphobic, that make fun of neurodivergent people (I'm autistic) or that require me to draw nudity. If you are not sure if your project falls into any of these, then feel free to contact me anyway and i'll tell you if it's ok.