Hella Vegan Eats

How to Find the Best Turnip Recipes

If you're looking to add more veggies to your diet, look no further than turnips. This cruciferous vegetable is packed with fiber and Vitamin C and can be cooked in a variety of ways. They're also a delicious salad ingredient and an easy low-carb substitute for potatoes. Here are some of our favorite turnip recipes to get you started!

Roasted Turnips

Roasted turnips are an easy low carb option for a side dish or a crunchy veggie platter. They come out browned and crispy around the edges and tender and creamy inside!

They taste like a cross between a potato and a cabbage with a hint of spice. They may be a little bitter when raw, but roasting them cuts back on that slightly and makes them much more pleasant to eat.

A little extra salt and a pinch of pepper, if you can tolerate it, goes a long way to brighten up roasted turnips. Sprinkling them with herbs such as rosemary before serving is another delicious way to add a little more flavor and make them extra appetizing.

Some recipes call for a bit of bacon or pancetta to make this dish more hearty, but you can easily substitute with any other kind of fat you have on hand. Red wine vinegar, shallots and Dijon mustard will also work nicely with these savory roasted turnips.

It is important to choose smaller, more tender turnips for this recipe; larger ones will need a longer cooking time. They should be peeled and cut into bite sized pieces or quartered.

If you can find them, be sure to pick up turnips that have their greens still attached; these are the best for roasting and will crisp up nicely in the oven. They are also a great source of vitamin A, C and K, as well as vitamins B6 and B2 and fiber.

They can be stored for a few days in the refrigerator if they are covered with an airtight container. You can also freeze them in freezer bags for up to 3 months.

Mashed Turnips

Turnips are a delicious low-carb, high-fiber root vegetable that has a smooth and creamy texture. They are a great option for mashed potatoes, soups, and pans of roasted vegetables.

The best way to find the best turnip recipes is to search for them online. You can find them on blogs, websites, and cookbooks. You can also ask friends and family members if they have any favorite turnip recipes.

This will help you to narrow down the choices and choose the most appropriate one for your needs. You should try to choose a recipe that is easy to make and does not require too much effort.

You should also check the ingredient list for ingredients that are good for you, such as low-carbohydrates and fiber. This will ensure that the dish will be a healthy choice for you.

Once you have found a recipe that suits your needs, it is time to make the dish. The best way to prepare mashed turnips is to boil them until they are tender. Once they are tender, you should drain them and mash them with a potato masher or a food processor.

While boiling the turnips, you should also add some salt and a little butter. The butter will mellow the bitter flavor of the turnips and add more flavor to them.

Before serving, sprinkle the mash with a few pinches of salt and black pepper. If you want to enhance the mash's flavor even more, you can add a little sugar.

Mashed turnips are a perfect option for any meal or occasion. They are low in calories and carbs, as well as fat. They are also extremely versatile and can be eaten as a side dish or added to meaty dishes like meatloaf, braised short ribs, or roast turkey breast.

Collard Greens

A staple of Southern soul food, collard greens are a hearty, nutritious vegetable that can be prepared in many ways. They pair well with meat dishes like fried chicken, oxtail, or pork chops. They can also be served as a side dish with rice dishes or even desserts.

Collards are best when they are fresh, dark green, and free from discoloration and odor. They are a cold-weather crop, and their peak season runs from January through April.

To keep collard greens crisp, you should wash them before cooking. This will remove any dirt that may have built up. It also makes it easier to cut them.

Rinse the greens under cool water and drain well. Use a colander to remove any excess grit that may be stuck on the leaves.

Once the collard greens are clean, rinse them again under running water to remove any remaining dirt or odor. You can also use a salad spinner to help remove the dirt that remains.

Then, add the greens to a pot with onions and garlic. This will help infuse the greens with a lot of flavor and aroma.

Pour in broth and seasonings, and cook until the greens are tender. If the greens seem a little overcooked, add more broth.

For even more depth, try adding bacon or ham hocks to the pot. This will really add a smoky flavor to the collard greens.

When cooked, the greens will turn into a thick, rich soup with tons of nutrients and flavor. This soup is perfect for those who aren’t feeling well. It can also be a great meal for those who are recovering from an illness.

Turnip Soup

Turnip soup is a delicious meal that's both nutritious and easy to make. It's a perfect choice for a cold winter evening. It's also a healthy alternative to potatoes, which are high in calories and fat.

There are plenty of tasty turnip soup recipes that you can try. However, it's important to know which types of turnips to choose for the best results.

First, you should find small turnips that have a smooth skin. They have a sweeter taste and lower levels of bitterness.

You can find turnips in stores throughout the year in most major supermarkets and farmers' markets. They're available in various colors, including white, red and yellow.

The best way to pick turnips is to go to the store or farmers' market and look for smaller ones that have a smooth skin. Be sure to choose the smallest ones possible for this recipe because larger turnips have a stronger flavor and tend to be bitter.

Next, you should cook the turnip pieces at low heat to minimize the amount of burning that takes place. This will help to keep the soup as white as possible and prevent it from turning brown.

Finally, you should add some spices to your turnip soup. You can use celery, thyme, basil, rosemary, and Italian seasoning to add more flavor. You can also add vegan bouillon.

Using spices to cook your turnip soup helps to boost the nutritional value of the dish. These spices will help you get more vitamins and minerals from the soup. In addition, they will help you feel satisfied for longer periods of time.

Roasted Potatoes

A great way to enjoy a side dish of roasted potatoes is to make them extra cheesy. This simple method can easily be transformed into a delicious main course, by adding shredded cheese to the roasted potatoes during the last 5 minutes of roasting.

You can use a variety of different butters to make these roasted potatoes, but it’s important to ensure that the melted butter does not burn. The key is to keep a close eye on them during the cooking process, flipping them once or twice to ensure they brown evenly.

If you’re looking for a way to add more flavor to these roasted potatoes, try using fresh rosemary instead of dried. This will not only give them a new twist, but also add more nutrients to the recipe.

Another great option for roasting turnips is to use a cast iron skillet. This will ensure that the roasted potatoes cook quickly and evenly, without burning them. You’ll want to place the skillet in the oven and roast until they are browned and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Alternatively, you can try making your own homemade potato chips by tossing halved potatoes in olive oil and salt and pepper before roasting them until crisp and golden on the outside. Once you’ve seasoned your potatoes, spread them out in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast them for about 40 minutes or until golden brown and crisp.

Besides being an easy side dish, these roasted potatoes are a great way to introduce more veggies into your diet. They go well with a range of dishes, such as chicken, seafood or simple salads.