Heiko Gerlach

Associate Professor

School of Economics

University of Queensland, Australia

Email:   h.gerlach@uq.edu.au

Office:  Rm 549, Colin Clark Building (39)

              University of Queensland

              St Lucia, QLD 4072 Australia

Research Interests

Industrial Organization, Competition Policy, Law and Economics, Digital Economy, Experimental Economics.

Current ARC Grant on Digital Economy and Competition Policy

DP240102584. Privacy, Data Protection and Market Structure. [More Information]


Collusion, Price Discrimination and Retailer Bond, The Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming. [PDF]

Collusion in the Presence of Antitrust Prosecution: Experimental Evidence, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.222, pp. 427-445, 2024 (with Junqian Li). [doi]

Experts, Trust and Competition, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 198, pp 552-578, 2022 (with Junqian Li). [doi]

Price Staggering in Cartels, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 77, 2021 (with Lan Nguyen). [doi]

Platform Competition, Vertical Differentiation and Price Coherence, The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 64(3), pp. 439–477, 2021 (with Junqian Li). [doi]

Optimal Cross-Licensing Arrangements: Collusion versus Entry Deterrence, European Economic Review, Vol. 120, p. 103315, 2019 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

A Model of Patent Trolls, International Economic Review, Vol. 59(3), pp. 2075-2106, 2018 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Preferences for Green Electricity, Investment and Regulatory Incentives, Energy Economics, Vol. 69, pp. 430-441, 2018 (with X. Zheng). [doi

A Theory of Patent Portfolios, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 9(1), pp. 315-51, 2017 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Patent Pools, Litigation and Innovation,  RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 46(3), pp. 499-523, 2015 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Cartels and Collusion - Economic Theory and Experimental Economics, Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Vol.2, Ch. 17, pp. 415-441, 2015, edited by Roger D. Blair and D. Daniel Sokol (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi] [PDF]

Selection Biases in Complementary R&D Projects, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 23(4), 899-924, 2014 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Self-Reporting, Investigation and Evidentiary Standards, The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 56(4), 1061-1090, 2013. [doi]

Multi-Market Collusion with Demand Linkages and Antitrust Enforcement, The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 61(4), 987-1022, 2013 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Global Cartels, Leniency Programs and International Antitrust Cooperation, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 30(6), 528-540, 2012 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

International Antitrust Enforcement and Multi-Market Contact, International Economic Review, Vol. 53(2), 635-657, 2012 (with Jay Pil Choi). [doi]

Stochastic Market Sharing, Partial Communication and Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 27 (6), 655-666, 2009. [doi]

Labor Pooling in R&D Intensive Industries, The Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 65 (1), 99-111, 2009 (with Thomas Roende and Konrad Stahl). [doi]

Project Choice and Risk in R&D, The Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 53 (1), 75-103, 2005 (with Thomas Roende and Konrad Stahl). [doi]

Announcement, Entry and Preemption when Consumers have Switching Costs, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 35 (1), 184-202, 2004. [doi]

Editorial Work

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Short Bio/CV

since 2010: University of Queensland, Australia

2007-2010: Ramon y Cajal Fellow, IAE-CSIC Barcelona, Spain

2002-2010: University of Auckland, New Zealand

2001-2002: Research Fellow INSEAD and CERAS-Ecole Polytechnique Paris, France

1996-2001 PhD in Economics, U of Mannheim and U of Toulouse