Breeding hedgehogs: Everything you should know

Hedgehogs make great pets! This cute little animal is very active, friendly, and cute! So, if you are planning to bring it home, go for it! Well, the new owners often show concern regarding their breeding. So to help minimize all your doubts and misapprehensions, today, we will cover most facts about breeding hedgehogs in our blog.

Most Asked Questions About Hedgehog Breeding

Hedgehog owners weave a lot of questions inside their minds concerning their breeding and mating. Here we have selected the most asked questions and answered them briefly.

How Frequently Can a Female Hedgehog Breed?

Usually, a female hedgehog breeds 3 times a year. They need roughly 4 months after each litter to prevent exhaustion. The animal must receive enough food and nutrients at that time, else, they absorb it by consuming their own babies.

What Age Is Ideal For a Female Hedgehog To Breed?

A hedgehog takes around 6 months to become a fully grown-up adult. Once it reaches its adult age, you can think about its mating. But before that age, your hedgehog is not prepared for it. And Breeding hedgehogs at that time can be harmful to them.

However, make sure you do not wait as late as 12 months when your hedgehog is breeding for the first time. It is because waiting this long can fuse their pelvic bones, creating hindrances in the process of giving birth.

What Is The Ideal Age For A Male Hedgehog To Breed?

Unlike the female hedgehogs, the male partners can breed at any age. However, waiting until they are 4 to 5 months is safe.

How To Make A Pregnant Hedgehog Comfortable?

The best way you can make your pregnant hedgehog safe and homely is by providing them with adequate nesting material. This, in turn, reduces her stress level, ensuring a smoothing breeding process. You can also gift her a cozy snuggle bag or the best hedgehog bedding.

How To Choose The Best Bedding For Hedgehogs?

After mating, make sure you do not put the female hedgehog back in its old nest. The male’s scent can stress her out, harming the litter. A clean and fresh nest can make her feel relaxed. There are chiefly three types of bedding materials that are available for hedgehogs in the market, including:

Paper shavings

Paper shavings are usually delicate, porous, and are chiefly made from recycled elements. If you are choosing paper shavings for your pregnant hedgehog, make sure they are unscented. The perfumed one can be overpowering for the little animals as they are sensitive to strong fragrances. However, paper beddings tend to get stuck on your pet’s quill. So be careful enough.

Wood shavings

Wood shavings can be your perfect purchase as they are affordable, easily available, and keep odor away! Wood shavings can make the nest dusty, so make sure you clean it regularly.

Cage Liners

Cage liners made from fleece absorb liquid, come in all kinds of colors and patterns, and are washable/reusable, so they are a little more eco- and budget-friendly.

So, this is all you need to know about Breeding hedgehogs. If you have a hedgehog and need bedding, check out a wide range of beddings from our website.