HEC Economics 

PhD Conference 2024

HEC Economics PhD Conference is a student-led workshop supported by the Faculty of Economics and Decision Sciences Department at HEC Paris. Its purpose is to provide an opportunity to Economics PhD students to share their work, obtain valuable feedback, network with international peers and improve their presentation skills.

The conference will be held on June 10-11, 2024 at the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en-Josas. It will include paper presentations, two keynote lectures and several social interactions. Applications submission is now closed. 

Keynote Speakers

Organizing PhD Students

Supporting faculty

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is the program?

The conference will start Monday morning and end Tuesday late afternoon. The cornerstone of the workshop will be paper presentations, 30 minutes sessions including questions from the audience. To stimulate discussion, each presentation will be assigned a discussant among speakers.

We plan to have 18 presentations grouped by theme. Each day will begin with a keynote lecture. Coffee breaks, lunches and one social dinner will be provided for presenters. A detailed workshop schedule will be published before the event.

What is it expected from speakers?

All speakers will have to present their work and informally discuss one of the other accepted projects. Discussants should read their assigned paper, prepare a few questions and/or comments and share them at the end of presentations as members of the audience. Papers will be assigned to each speaker few weeks before the workshop.

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from PhD students in all fields of economics and related disciplines. Last year conference program is available here for reference. 

What is the cost of attending?

There are no submission or registration fees thanks to the generous support of EUR and GDR Jeux. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide funding for accommodation or traveling, but we can provide options for accommodation in the campus surroundings.

How do I submit my application?

Submissions are now closed. We will communicate acceptance decisions by April 12th. Refer to the section "Call for Papers" for additional information.

My project is not completely polished, can I still submit my work?

Yes! Working papers and early-stage projects are both welcome.

Can I participate remotely

We see interaction among participants as one of the main benefits of the event. Consequently, attendance is possible only in-person.

I have additional questions, how can I contact you

For all questions, please send an email to: hecon.committee@gmail.com