The project watershed is located upstream of the USGS gage 11132500 Salsipuedes Creek near Lompoc, CA. You will create an HEC-HMS model to simulate a flood event during February 2017. Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) gridded precipitation has already been gathered for you. HEC-Vortex was used to convert the MRMS data to HEC-DSS format records. The gridded precipitation data is in the MRMS_Precipitation.dss file in the Precipitation folder.

The GIS datasets needed to complete the HEC-HMS project were gathered, processed, and are available in the zipped GIS folder. If you have time during the project, try to gather the GIS data yourself. Familiarize yourself with the GIS data available for the project. There is an ArcMap project in the GIS directory. There are shapefiles that include the stream gage location, the NHD streams and watershed, and a buffered watershed (buffer length was 1 mile). The terrain dataset is included as well. Once downloaded from the USGS National Map Viewer, the terrain data was projected, the vertical units converted to feet, and the extents were clipped to the buffered watershed extents. All GIS data were projected to the standard USACE Modeling, Mapping, and Consequence Production Center (MMC) projection which is summarized below:

Hec-hms Sample Project Download

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By testing and comparing different versions, I found out that the HEc-HMS 4.8 comes with GDAL missing some DLL files.The straightforward solution is to downgrade to 4.7.1 and make sure that the project is compatible.

The WinTR-20 software is a storm event (precipitation-runoff) model developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The model can be used for event based flood modeling for water resource projects and uses hydrologic techniques developed by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). HEC-HMS is another hydrologic modeling software that contains many different hydrologic methods and techniques, including methods from the NRCS. The information in this tutorial was originally developed for a WinTR-20 workshop example. As show in this tutorial, current HEC-HMS capabilities are available and provide similar workflow and results to the WinTR-20 software.

3) HEC-HMS includes a Frequency Analysis simulation type. This simulation type is a nice way of organizing simulations and results for creating flow-frequency information. A Frequency Analysis was added to the project, results are shown below. 

The HEC-HMS team recently updated the Basic HEC-HMS training class, link here, and added a final project where students created a model application from scratch and then calibrated the model to the same flood event. You can download the data and work through the example model application here. There was some guidance on parameter adjustments and model metrics to strive for while calibrating the model. HEC-HMS does include an automated tool to adjust model parameter in order to calibrate the model to observations. However, an experience modeler still needs to formulate reasonable minimum and maximum parameter ranges and interaction between model parameters. Performing manual calibration is a good way to understand the model's response to parameter changes and is necessary for new modelers to become more familiar with impacts from individual model parameters.

Uncertainty in hydrologic modeling results can come from many sources, including boundary condition data, model structure, model parameters, initial conditions, and experience of the modeler. HEC-HMS includes an uncertainty analysis simulation type where modelers can define uncertainty information for initial conditions and model parameters. There are different methods in HEC-HMS for sampling parameter values, the simple distribution, regression with additive error, and the specified values sampling options. The specified values sampling option allows the modeler to choose a paired data table for each model parameter and the program will systematically cycle through the values in the paired data tables. The specified values sampling option maintains correlation between parameter values (as defined by the modeler in how the parameter value sample curves were created). For example, sample 1 will include all values in row 1 of the paired data tables, sample 2 will include all values in row 2 of the paired data tables, and so on. The specified values sampling option is a way to ensure reasonable model parameters, or a parameter set, is being used for each simulation in the uncertainty analysis. It is up to the modeler to correctly configure the paired data tables, which could be populated from model calibration to different historic flood events. The simple distribution and regression with additive error sampling methods can lead to unreasonable combinations of parameter values (HEC-HMS does not currently include an option to set up correlation between parameters when using sampling). For example, a low constant loss rate and Clark storage coefficient might be sampled and both values might be reasonable; however, the combination of lower values for both parameters can lead to an unrealistic model.

The project watershed is located upstream of the USGS stream gage(11132500) at Salsipuedes Creek near Lompoc, CA stream gage (11132500). Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) gridded precipitation was used for this February 2017 flood event. The Gridded Data Import tool (available from File | Import | Gridded Data | Importer) was used to convert the MRMS data to HEC-DSS format records. Fifteen minute streamflow data was gathered from the USGS.

You can also access results for each sample from the simulation DSS file. The figure below shows all 62 hydrographs plotted on top of one another; each hydrograph was generated by one of the parameter sets (models) in the students results table. You could generate the same results by setting up 62 different basin models and simulation runs in HEC-HMS; however, the uncertainty analysis is much quicker.

HEC-HMS has an option to turn off writing notes and warnings to the message window and the output log file (see the Messages Table in the Program Settings editor). An uncertainty analysis with 1,000s of samples can generate a large amount of messages.

Hello. I wanted to ask if anyone had any insight on h&h modeling, particularly in when to use SWMM vs when to use HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS? The project being modeled includes a detention pond , pump station and culvert and would need to show existing and proposed WSE. Thank you in advance!

The path to terrain data specified above is located external to the project directory. Upon creation of the Terrain Data in HEC-HMS, a copy of the file will be created internal to the project directory.

My name is Toufik Maner. I am going to work on" Storm Water Modelling" project using SewerGEMS and I am new to this software. Could somebody please tell me whether I can use SewerGEMS Software to model storm water system having natural streams, minor and major rivers tributaries etc.? how it can be different from other software like HEC-RAS, SOBEK ,SWMM etc.

I would recommend taking a look at some of the links above, as well as the sample files that ship with SewerGEMS. The same files can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\SewerGEMS\Samples. If there are any specific questions you have, please let us know.

Your findings are interesting. I attempted to run DEM reconditioning with nothing but the base map and flowline data and HEC-GeoHMS says "Please add data with appropriate projection to the map, save and try again." Running it with Arc Hydro Tools does not produce this error, and instead runs DEM Reconditioning successfully.

Since the professor wanted to run HEC-GeoHMS DEM reconditioning, I ran project raster on the base map to satisfy the error message. Then, if I run DEM Reconditioning through HEC-GeoHMS with the project raster layer as the Input Raw DEM, I get the same error as originally. Same with Arc Hydro Tools.

I personally am satisfied with that result, but I am not sure if the DEM reconditioning and subsequent steps (the professor has students run fill sinks, flow direction, flow accumulation, stream definition, stream segmentation, catchment grid delineation, drainage line processing, adjoint catchment processing) would be affected by the data not being based on the project raster layer. I ran the subsequent steps and to my untrained eye it looks OK. Can you think of any reason this would be unacceptable?

This tutorial is designed to help new users of HEC-HMS learn how to setup and create a portable HEC-HMS model. A portable HEC-HMS model contains all of the data files within the project folder that can be zipped and transferred to another computer. By including the external data files under the HEC-HMS project folder, the user will prevent missing file messages as shown below and the need to repair HEC-DSS pathnames and GIS file pathnames to shapefile. When creating an HEC-HMS project, it is a best practice to place all external DSS files and GIS files. HEC-HMS will use a relative pathname when these external files are located within the project directly. One suggestion is to create a "data" folder to store DSS files and a "maps" folder for background shapefiles (HEC-HMS already creates these directories for you). 

This tutorial can be completed independently, beginning with a fresh version of the HEC-HMS project available on the Shared Component Data Overview page, or continuing from the Creating Time Series Data tutorial.

Step 1. Begin by opening the project in HEC-HMS 4.12 Beta 3 or later. You will see that this project has a basin model already created for you. If you are continuing on from the Time Series Data tutorial, you will also see time series data in your project, as below:

Step 10. Save your project by clicking the Save icon in the toolbar, or by pressing Ctrl+S. Then, from the Component Editor, switch from the table view to the graph view by clicking on the Graph tab. You should see a graph like below: e24fc04721

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