Battle of the Bands!

At Heathfield we have recently started a new challenge for all children to enjoy from the school years 3-6.This challenge gets all the kids to learn times tables while having fun! It is done on TTRS (timestabelsrockstars) where everyone has a login for themselves. All children are expected to try do at least 5 minutes on TTRS everyday, they can do it from the time 7:30AM to 8:30PM. The challange is actually done in our house colours. The house colours are: red, green, yellow and blue. Each week the winner of the house that did the most TTRS overall is a step closer to a yummy pizza party at the end of term! 

The first successful winners, were..  GREEN HOUSE! The winners of the second week were.. YELLOW! Every class teacher can also check who has played in the week and who has not. Out of the kids who played everyday in that week, including the weekend, the teacher will put all those kids names on a wheel and spin the wheel. Whoever it lands on will then get to choose a prize from a box. The thing in the box will be pencils or toys and much much more! What colour do you want to win next time?