Heart Buddy

Apple App Store

My circumstances have changed recently and I am no longer in a position to be able to maintain Heart Buddy.   

The app is still currently available on the App Store in case it helps anybody out.  If Heart Buddy is important to you, then be wary of any future Apple updates as they may well stop Heart Buddy from working on your device. 

Best wishes


Heart Buddy - Quick Introduction

Heart Buddy - Peace of mind and simple to use

Heart Buddy is an easy to use iOS app for the iPhone or iPad.  Heart Buddy continuously monitors the heart rate and raises an alarm when it detects a low or high heart rate. This could be indicative of a seizure, a problem with a pacemaker, or other heart problems.

Heart Buddy is totally free: no subscriptions, no adverts, complete access to all advanced features. Heart Buddy is already helping people and it can help you too.

Heart Buddy - Heart Monitor

Heart Buddy continuously monitors the heart rate in realtime and raises an alarm when it detects a problem.

Monitor Screen

The Heart Monitor screen displays:

Heart Buddy - Heart Rate Charts

Heart Buddy displays the heart rates gathered for a session on a chart which allows you to visually check the heart rate over a selected period of time.

Chart screen

Heart Buddy - Heart Rate History

Heart Buddy builds up a history of heart rate data which allows you to revisit and review your previously recorded sessions.

History screen

Heart Buddy - Alarms

Heart Buddy allows you to customise alarms which alert a carer when they are triggered.

Alarm Screen

Heart Buddy - A quick preview

Below is a short video preview showing a few of Heart Buddy's screens.

Heart Buddy - In Action

If you have a camera monitor then you can switch on Heart Buddy's extra large display and get an up-to-date heart rate measurement at a glance.

In the video below, Heart Buddy is running on an iPhone 5S - which is visible in the top left-hand corner of the picture.

Heart Buddy is connected to a Wahoo TickR fit bracelet and is monitoring and displaying the current heart rate.

Heart Buddy is also connected to a Bluetooth speaker in another room and raises an alarm if it detects a low or high heart rate.

Spread the word and let other people know about how Heart Buddy could be helping them.