The expansion includes additional units and multiplayer changes from Wings of Liberty, as well as a continuing campaign focusing on the Zerg race and following Sarah Kerrigan in her effort to regain control of the swarm and exact her revenge on the Terran Dominion's emperor, Arcturus Mengsk.

Following the events of Wings of Liberty, Terran Dominion forces attack Sarah Kerrigan and her allies in a research facility in the territory of the Umojan Protectorate. Kerrigan and other residents escape to the flagship of Raynor's Raiders, the Hyperion, but Commander Jim Raynor is cut off by the Dominion. The Hyperion escapes, but Kerrigan remains behind to locate Raynor, only to hear a Dominion newscast announcing that he has been captured and executed. Enraged, Kerrigan returns to Zerg territory to retake control of the swarm and overthrow the tyrannical Dominion.

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On the volcanic planet Char, Kerrigan subdues a renegade brood led by the broodmother Zagara, who refuses to join Kerrigan's Swarm until she proves she is truly the Queen of Blades. Kerrigan, impressed by Zagara's strength and desire to lead a strong and independent Zerg, lets her live, and Zagara begins to learn from Kerrigan. On Char, Kerrigan and her Zerg attack the occupying Dominion forces. In a rage, Kerrigan destroys a Dominion command fortress and kills its commander, General Horace Warfield. After a change of heart, she allows the wounded and the unarmed to evacuate. On the frozen planet Kaldir, she annihilates the local Protoss forces, reclaiming the local brood and evolving the swarm to survive in the harsh climate.

Having united all Zerg under the swarm, Kerrigan launches an invasion of Korhal, concentrating on the capital city of Augustgrad. With the aid of Dehaka and his pack, she destroys Mengsk's Psi Destroyer, a device that hurts the swarm from afar but is ineffective on the primal Zerg. As Kerrigan sends the swarm to assault Mengsk's palace, Crown Prince Valerian urges her to slow down her invasion to minimize civilian losses; she accepts, understanding that Valerian is not like his father. This conversation is also witnessed by Raynor, who sees her attempt to save civilian lives as proof of her character. Midway through the final battle, Raynor arrives to assist Kerrigan, much to her surprise. Together, they succeed in breaching the imperial palace. In the confrontation that follows, Mengsk reveals that he has the Xel'Naga artifact in his possession, intending to use it to kill Kerrigan. Before Mengsk can do so, Raynor interferes, allowing Kerrigan to impale Mengsk. Kerrigan kills Mengsk by injecting psionic energy, causing him to explode.

As the dust settles, Kerrigan thanks Raynor before joining her swarm. Raynor simply replies, "My pleasure darlin'. Always was." With her quest for vengeance completed, Kerrigan renounces everything she once was or had and prepares to face Amon, the enemy of all living things, in a conflict that will not only decide the fate of the Koprulu Sector but of the entire galaxy.

Following the Dominion victory on Char, the Zerg Swarm was scattered, and Kerrigan was transformed into a human form but still has some infested elements (such as her zerg "dreadlocks"), and whether she had her original personality back. Kerrigan was taken by Jim Raynor and Valerian Mengsk to a Umojan Protectorate lab in order to escape the pursuit of Arcturus Mengsk, who wanted her dead.[25] Valerian and the Umojan scientists experimented on her control of the zerg swarm, which angered Kerrigan, and she sent zerglings against the robotic defenses of the lab.[26] Valerian later let her go, but a Terran Dominion force under Nova stormed the facility to capture Kerrigan. Kerrigan escaped, but Jim Raynor was captured.[27] Kerrigan went to the rendezvous site to find Jim, but found only a Dominion force that had set up a Drakken pulse cannon. She reclaimed the Naktul Brood in the region, and destroyed the Dominion forces, but Jim was nowhere to be found. She tuned into a UNN broadcast reporting that Jim Raynor had been killed, which set her on the path of revenge against Mengsk.[28]

Kerrigan set her broods to reclaim the planet Char, which was under the control of the Terran Dominion under General Warfield. She first fought against the rogue Broodmother Zagara, who did not recognize Kerrigan's authority as the leader of the swarm. Kerrigan spared her, and began having Abathur manipulate her to make her more powerful.[33] She then broke through Warfield's Bone Trench, and assaulted his base. [34] The Dominion on Char were broken, and Kerrigan killed Warfield. However, his last condemning words gave Kerrigan a moment of mercy, and she allowed the wounded Dominion forces to escape.[35]

The Swarm got a psionic message from an infested terran named Alexei Stukov, who told Kerrigan of the Dominion Hybrid Breeding Program on Skygeirr Platform. Kerrigan agreed to help Stukov, and boarded the platform, infesting the marines guarding it.[42] She broke into the facility, discovering the ancient xel'naga Narud in the guise of a Moebius Foundation terran. Kerrigan destroyed the Hybrid dominators he sent to assault her, and pushed further into the xel'naga ruins the base was built on.[43] The swarm engaged the Tal'darim guarding the inner ruins, and Kerrigan engaged with Narud in single combat. Stukov set about commanding the swarm to deactivate the xel'naga shrines powering Narud, allowing Kerrigan to push his null zone back at him. He was wounded, but not killed.[44] Kerrigan then pursued Narud into the ruins, where he took the guise of Jim Raynor, then her in her uninfested form. After a close battle, Kerrigan slew Narud, but he told her of the fallen xel'naga Amon and his return. She was rescued by Zagara, who commanded the swarm while she recovered. Kerrigan swore that after she killed Mengsk, she would face Amon.[45]

There are 14 or so short skirmishes far from the standard missions. In one example, zerglings can be upgraded into raptors by absorbing the genetics of leaping creatures, while the alternative is to absorb a strain of feral zerg that have developed swarmlings.[69] This is a change from the old mutagen system of evolution, which developers felt was too similar to the system of upgrades in Wings of Liberty.[18]

There is a secret mission accessed in the final portion of the Dr. Narud series. During the mission you will be told to avoid two areas because they are not relevant to helping Kerrigan. These two areas contain the Tal'Darim bases. Ignore the warning and find a way to clear both bases while still managing to keep Kerrigan from dying to the null ray. If you do this you will be told that the swarm has found some of Narud's personal artifacts. These will lead to a side quest with some fun Easter Eggs and a hint that suggests that

When I click my profile then achievements then "swarm campaign" it shows me I've gotten 170/170 achievements, however when I select the "campagin" view, It says I've only completed 87% of the game. Any ideas?

The animation department have done great things, making a swarm of several dozen Zerglings move as one undulating entity, a flock of murderous starlings throwing sinister shapes across the landscape. It's so different from the usual RTS loose collective of stumblers, trundlers and stragglers: to see it is to fear it, even if you know full well that none of its denizens are individually much of a threat. It brings out the worst strategies in me, has me waiting and pooling and doing nothing until I've amassed a vast army of nothing but offence which I then order to the other side of the map. And it allows it.

No matter your experience with Heart of the Swarm's predecessor, Wings of Liberty - first of Blizzard's planned three StarCraft 2s - it's the campaign you should start with. Not simply because it does an appreciable job of teaching new players the basic mechanics for one of the game's three races - the Zerg, the swarmy stars of this StarCraft show - but also because it's incredibly well put together in its own right.

At the heart of said swarm sits Kerrigan. She's the game's cover star, and comes in two flavours in both HotS and the series fiction. She started life as a Terran ghost: a human super-sniper with brain-melting psionic powers. After some advanced Zerg gribblification, she grew a natty pair of bony wings and had her entire body turn sparkly purple, taking on the moniker 'Queen of Blades'. It's no spoiler to mention she flits between these forms in Heart of the Swarm - the game plasters her Zergified face all over the loading screen - but no matter her appearance, she retains a set of enemy-shredding abilities that get more powerful as the story progresses on.

That story is silly in varying ways, with varying degrees of success. Kerrigan begins proceedings trapped in a Terran lab. Semi-friendly to her captors - Valerian Mengsk, son of Terran despot Arcturus Mengsk, and other friends of her beau Jim Raynor - she's no longer in her guise as the Queen of Blades, de-Zergification having rendered her more human in appearance. A breakout is followed by daddy Mengsk's intervention, and Kerrigan is propelled back toward her Zerg swarm, and re-de-re-Zergification.

Later levels give Kerrigan full control of the swarm's Zerg strains and multiple bases from which to produce them. On normal difficulty, these felt more like showcases than strategy - too hard to lose against a lacklustre enemy showing, and more an opportunity to breed a few of my favourite units and give them names. There's less time to introduce people to Charles von Broodlordingtons on hard and brutal difficulties. These demand serious skill and RTS mechanics, particularly when the Zerg army Kerrigan controls is made powerful by multi-tasking and distributed thinking. If you can hack these, you'll do well on Heart of the Swarm's multiplayer ladder.

But even to my semi-trained eye - I've logged more than 500 hours of Wings of Liberty 1v1 multiplayer - these tweaks and additions change the complicated metagame that's built up around StarCraft 2 in wonderful ways. The Oracle promotes Protoss harassment and multi-tasking, a first for the race that's relied on sitting back and building up multi-unit 'deathballs' before rolling over the map like a golden fist. The Zerg Viper and Swarm Host finally give the swarm the options to deal with Terran Siege Tank lines, the latter distracting the Tank's guns while the former yanks it out of position with its abduct skill. And the Terrans have already altered fundamentally at the hands of highly skilled players: once the turtler's favoured race, they're now characterised by multi-pronged assaults and fine control. be457b7860

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