Social Studies k-12

Electronic Resource Notebook

Electronic Resource Notebook (ERN)

You must sign in with a google account in order to upload documents into the forms below.

This may require you to sign in with a different google account other than the one you have with your school. Some schools do not give permission for you to communicate or upload documents outside of their domain.

Your technology administrator may refer to the link below "G Suite Admin Help"

G Suite Admin Help

Teacher Design learning | TDL

Teacher Reflections

What is TDL? - Teacher Design Learning is a process for teachers to self reflect on teaching strategies, while taking on the role of a facilitator/coach for their students. Teachers are asked to look at instructional strategies, activities, formative assessment, and their overall methodology to improve student learning outcomes. Data is collected by 1) observing classroom strategies over a period of 22 minutes, recording which style of student engagement is developing within 2 minute intervals; 2) tracking which type of strategies where presented in the areas of technology, engagement, instruction, and methods; 3) reflecting on your level of performance when collecting feedback and promoting student engagement.

Teachers will submit Teacher Reflections (self observations on the TDL form). Teachers are encouraged to collect this data in their own classroom, while facilitating/coaching their students. When you record your data , you will input your data/information from your TDL form and you will need to also upload your TDL form in order to submit it. Fill out the google form below to record your data.

To learn more about TDL and your Teacher Reflections, contact


Student Engagement Activity

Participate and document one or more of the following: KYA (Kentucky Youth Assembly), KUNA (Kentucky United Nations Assembly), National History Day, or a student developed Capstone Project. You will want to upload your documentation once the activity is complete.

Documentation - using the form below, please upload any agendas, sign-in sheets, pictures, or presentations that support this activity. PDF copies only and please label your file with your name, activity, and date. Up to 5 files may be downloaded.

Lesson plans

Using the form below, you may begin uploading your lesson plans for your project. Since several formats will exist, please make sure that your lesson plan includes the following items: formative assessment, terminology, and at least one strategy supporting technology, blended learning, universal design for learning (UDL) or student engagement. Please give as much detail as possible for others to follow. Only one lesson plan may be uploaded each time.

To search for lesson plans, click here.

Public relations

Provide items for Public Relations

You will need documentation from this current school year that details information about the project and your involvement. Examples may include an article in your local newspaper, school board meeting, district newsletter, school newsletter, website article, etc.

This may also be a group effort with other teachers in your building or district. If this is done as a group, only one person needs to submit the documentation. All members of the group must have an active role for this activity.

Documentation - using the form below, please upload any agendas, sign-in sheets, pictures, or presentations that support this activity. PDF copies only and please label your file with your name, activity, and date. Up to 5 files may be downloaded.