Diet to follow After Medical Abortion

Medical abortion

Medical abortion is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. It’s also a good option if you’re not sure if you want to keep the baby. Although medication abortion pills such as Mtp Kit are generally considered safe, it is important to follow certain guidelines after taking them and take care of your body in general.

Eat food rich in vitamin C

Take food which contains Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, broccoli, kale and bell peppers. Vitamin C can be taken as a supplement as well.

Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement

  • Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement

  • Make sure you take a high quality one

  • Make sure it contains folic acid

  • Make sure it contains iron (in the form of ferro

Quit smoking and drinking alcohol

This is a pretty easy one. Smoking and drinking are bad for your health, period. Smoking has been linked to several health problems including heart disease as well as some cancers. It can also increase the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight in babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy. Alcohol consumption post-abortion should be limited because it can increase bleeding, which may require additional medical intervention such as suction aspiration or a blood transfusion. Additionally, alcohol can cause nausea and vomiting (which you already know) but also dizziness which could make driving dangerous if you need to leave home suddenly or go straight home after an abortion procedure like medical abortion at home with misoprostol pills only or mifepristone in combination with misoprostol pills (the so called RU486).

Have fibrous whole foods

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans are rich in nutrients and fiber. Fibrous foods help you feel full longer, aid digestion and promote regular bowel movements.

Replace refined with wholegrain foods

  • Replace refined food with wholegrain foods. Refined foods are processed, have lost most of their fiber and nutrients.

  • Wholegrain foods are the whole grain without the bran and germ removed. Whole Grains are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that can help you recover faster. Examples: brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal etc.

  • Prioritize high protein food

  • Protein is an important part of a balanced diet, and it's particularly useful after a medical abortion. Protein helps your body recover from the emotional and physical stress of an abortion, as well as to make up for any lost nutrients. It's also a building block for muscle—which is why athletes are encouraged to eat high amounts of protein in order to bulk up or maintain their muscles.

  • While it may seem counterintuitive that you should be eating more food when you're feeling nauseous, taking in more calories will help you feel full faster (and longer), which may help reduce cravings for sugar or alcohol during this difficult time.

  • Avoid caffeine and sugar

  • Avoid caffeine and sugar. The simple carbohydrates in sugar can cause mood swings, and caffeine is a stimulant that can increase blood pressure. Both of these elements can lead to dehydration, which will only worsen the symptoms of your PMS. Therefore, it's important to avoid sugary foods or drinks with caffeine if you're experiencing nausea after having a medical abortion.

  • Drink lot of fluids

  • The most important thing you need to do to help your body recover is drink plenty of water. It’s important to drink a lot of fluids right after your medical abortion, as this helps flush the uterus and prevent infection.

  • You should avoid alcohol and caffeine as well, which can cause dehydration and make you feel nauseous. You could also try drinking fruit juice, tea or soup (but avoid carbonated drinks like Coke).

  • Medical abortion pills are safe but it is important to follow a healthy diet after.

  • After the procedure, you may not feel like eating much. This is normal and will pass soon if you eat a healthy diet. It is important to keep your blood sugar levels balanced during this time by eating small meals every 2 or 3 hours. You should also make sure that you drink plenty of fluids such as water (8-10 glasses per day) and fruit juices such as lemonade or cranberry juice (about 2 glasses per day). If your appetite picks up within 24 hours after taking mifepristone then have some soup or crackers with peanut butter on top which will help keep your appetite in check.

  • Conclusion

  • You should consult your doctor before starting any diet. He or she will help you choose the right foods and supplements to eat after medical abortion.

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