National Day of Solidarity

On August 17th, in a national day of solidarity, health and science professionals across the country took action and called on President Biden to revoke the permits and #StopLine3.

You can read about these events that received national news coverage here


Common Dreams

Line 3 cuts through the heart of the Anishinaabe territory in Minnesota, violating treaty rights, damaging sacred wild rice beds, and threatening the health of our Indigenous communities. Indigenous leaders in Minnesota have led the movement against Line 3 to protect sacred land, water and our climate. The oil from Line 3 will add emissions equal to that from 50 coal plants every single year it is in operation. Climate change is a public health crisis. Line 3 poses a threat to public health by damaging our climate.

Learn more about Line 3 tar sands pipeline expansion and ongoing efforts by Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate to oppose Line 3 below

even If you COULDN'T join us in-person ON AUG 17, MAKE SURE YOUR VOICE IS HEARD!

SEND AN EMAIL to President Biden, your U.S Representatives and Senators, and the U.S.Army Corps office.

Ways to Help #StopLine3

Here are ongoing ways you can support the movement against Line 3

  • Donate - Do you have money or supplies to donate? Visit (which has been recently updated!!) for a list of ways to donate to frontline groups and others supporting their work!

  • Join the frontlines - Indigenous leaders are calling for those who are willing and able to join them on the frontlines of pipeline construction - now. Construction is happening through Anishinaabe territory in Northern Minnesota. To learn about ways you can join the frontline resistance, attend an Orientation Call with a coalition of groups in the Stop Line 3 movement. Calls will be on alternating days every week -- Sunday at 10am CT or Tuesday at 7pm CT. RSVP by registering here.

  • Take action online - Join other pledge signers for a series of virtual Calls to Action held every other Thursday. These hour-long calls will provide brief, ongoing ways to deepen solidarity and keep updated on this rapidly changing fight. RSVP by registering here.