As for the absence of benefit to many of the ill from the Prophetic medicine, that is not to be shown rejection because only those benefit with it who wholeheartedly accept it, believe firmly in its ability to cure, and perfectly accept it through faith and submission.

Integrative Holistic Care, Inc. was founded by Dr. Jannat Chowdhury. She established the company in 2020, and all of the dedication and love she pours into it is not only to assist her clients in healing but also to memorialize her brother, who died in the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center tragedy.

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I then review what the schedule is for the day and any changes in case there are emergencies or other unexpected events. Then the rest of the day is filled with appointments, listening to and engaging with my patients so that I can start the healing journey with them. I also remain engaged in patient care while working in a hospital, there I help my patients in a different role (as an Assistant Director in Psychiatric Department) which is also very rewarding.

I lost both of my parents within 9 months last year. I lived with them from birth for more than fifty years. I left my job a few years ago to take care of my elderly mother and disabled sister and then my father. I never married and treated and cared for them as my children. Now they have left this temporary duniya my heart is shattered ???? ????. Some days I am an emotional wreck so depressed nothing can console me. Then I remember my promise to Allah to take care of my sister as she has no one. Only Allah knows my pain. Only Allah sees my tears only Allah hears my dua. My ongoing dua for my parents is to be blessed with Jannat d Firdous. I know one day we shall all be together again.

Jazakallahu khairan for this piece of advised, it could help me somehow though the pain i have right now is burden Allah knows how the sadness and pain i felt right now he sees my pain my suffering for the loss of my daughter I cant explain it as if i wanna die too but i believed that Allah swt will help me through this Im process of healing which i dont know if this could pain will stop.

Salam.I lost my beloved wife on 11/8/2023 precisely Friday around 10am.we were married for about 31 years and blessed with five children including twins.she was so dedicated in prayer and Sunnah fasting for Monday and Thursday.I am demoralised,but then I remembered that every soul must test death.I pray Allah Forgive her and make jannatul Firdausy her permanent home.I love her but Allah love her must

My sister.ur husband is in jannat inshaAllah.Ur husband had no single sin considering the circumstances he passed away.we should be thinking of how we are going to die.I lost my wife to around 11/08/2023 she was the best.May Allah Forgive them all and make Aljannat their abode.Ameen

Also lost my beloved husband 8 days ago. He was also killed.

He was also good, kind and very generous.

He never hold grudges at all.

May His soul rest in jannatul firdaus

May all the souls of the departed ones rest in jannatul firdaus..

Please when you see this post, help me say a prayer to him. Jazakumullahu bi ahsanil khair


I lost my brother 3 months ago and was in depression. After reading this I have gained some hope and truly believe that Allah SWT is always with us. I pray to Allah SWT to grant jannath Firdouse to my brother. Ameen

My dear colleague whom i truly love lost her younger brother today, he was very young and my heart grieves for her and her family. I am a Christian and she is a Muslim and although i will do my best to express my genuine sorrow for her loss in words and in actions this article has helped me to offer the greatest of comfort. Thank you, truly.

Very beneficial jzk, my mother past away yesterday after spending 2 months in hospital. Not being able to see her was very painful. May Allah (swt) have mercy upon her and all who have passed and grant them the highest place in jannatul firdous

I lost my husband unexpectedly on 9/27/23. He was only 36 years old. My heart shattered into pieces and my mind was numb. I had no idea what to do. I started to pray 5 times a day and have been following the 7 peices of advice. My mind feels at ease. Im more closer to Allah SWT Alhumdulilah. We all belong to him. May Allah grant my dear husband highest place in jannah.

A reasonable intellect always agrees with the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunna. Reason prevents a person from doing what is inappropriate for a servant of Allah. By reasoning, a person can hold himself back from the vain desires of his heart. With the intellect, a person can see the merits and drawbacks of things and then act on that knowledge. A person is not considered wise if he does not act on useful knowledge.

Reason and intellect guide a person to distinguish between wisdom and stupidity. A person who does not act according to their reasoning and what they think is right is neither wise nor intelligent. We should therefore use our minds and intellects to follow the Quran and Sunnah and to heal our hearts.

Cannabinoids may be seen as prospective gastroprotective agents as they reduce gastric motility and acid secretion while relaxing the lower esophageal sphincters, potentially aiding in the healing of gastric ulcers [9,10]. However, the odds of association between CUD and hospitalization for PUD were statistically significant in our study. Among the inpatients with PUD, 3.2% had comorbid CUD. Cannabis has the potential to increase the risk of inflammation, which factors into causing ulcers. It also reduces pain sensitivity, which could mask ongoing inflammation and lead to increased incidence of ulcers. Past studies have established the detrimental effects of cannabis on GI health. A cross-sectional study found that CUD had 40.7% higher odds for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) hospitalizations and worsened IBS and quality of life [24]. Another study investigating the relationship between CUD and persistent vomiting-related hospitalization found that CUD was independently associated with a 609% increased likelihood of persistent vomiting-related hospitalization [25]. Moreover, polysubstance abuse is common among cannabis users and could be a confounding factor in increasing the rates of PUD in this group. CUD was prevalent among males and blacks in our PUD inpatients, and a similar trend is supported by the current literature [26].

Background:  Punica granatum L. (pomegranate), is a shrub mostly available in the Mediterranean Sea region. The fruits have gained the substantial attention among researchers due to their promising biological activities including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antidiarrheal, immune modulatory, antitumor, wound healing and antifungal that have been attributed to various constituents of seeds, bark, juice, pericarp, and leaf of this tree across the globe. The phenolic compounds of pomegranate have been documented to possess numbers of prophylactic and therapeutic utilities against various pathological infections as well as non-infectious disorders.

Results:  Multi-dimensional beneficial application of pomegranate plant is recorded. The pomegranate seed oil has phytoestrogenic compounds and the fruit is rich in phenolic compounds with strong antioxidant activity. The fruit and bark of pomegranate are used against intestinal parasites, dysentery, and diarrhea in different animals and human models. Since the ancient time the juice and seeds had considered the best therapy for throat and heart disorders. Ellagic acid is one of the main components of pomegranate with potent antioxidant activity. Results from different studies reported that Punica granatum L or its byproducts can be used as natural food additives in human and animal nutrition in order to boost immunity, microbial safety and provide the housing environment without affecting body weight gain. In addition, Punica granatum L. byproducts can modulate immune function and gut microbiota of broiler chickens as well as reduce the odorous gas emissions from excreta. Naturally occurring polyphenols in a pomegranate can be a potential alternative medicine for the prevention of avian Colibacillosis diseases and can also be used as an intestine astringent to relieve diarrhea and enteritis in chickens.

As a person of color raised in the U.S. and of immigrant parents from Mexico, it has been a healing journey for me to process the impact of social-cultural trauma and break the cycles of intergenerational trauma. I am here to help you address issues pertaining to your past, present, and future self to heal and begin to take the steps in breaking negative generational cycles.

I will partner with you in addressing your concerns in a safe, supportive, and confidential space. I provide psychodynamic therapy with holistic tools for grounding the heart and mind, to help you feel more bolstered and connected. My practice is anchored in the belief that all people have the ability to shift gears when they want to feel change. I work with the following goals in mind: to help you gain more clarity, to encourage and challenge you, and to guide you in feeling more "at home" in yourself, whatever that might mean to you right now.

Bodies have great wisdom. Cultivation of capacity for bodily awareness provides access to that wisdom to harness it for healing. I offer a safe and curious space to explore which patterns and behaviors have protected you as well as the ones that no longer serve you, so we can work to release or repurpose them. We will work together to learn about any activation in your body and we will get curious about what works to regulate it.

Regardless of our circumstances, we are all capable of healing. I know this because I have experienced it myself and because I have witnessed and accompanied people in untenable conditions deepen awareness about their patterns and access the agency and resilience necessary to change. I see therapy as one way to heal backwards through the harm and trauma of our family systems, socialization, and systems of oppression and supremacy that have shaped our behaviors and beliefs. All parts of ourselves deserve to be treated with dignity. I offer a warm, collaborative, grounded and creative space to get curious about how you have been shaped by your experiences, while learning new strategies and skills to move towards acceptance and integration. 006ab0faaa

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