this is a sad bug, that is still present in the current ilastik version: hdf5 internal path is not supported in batch processing applet  Issue #1854  ilastik/ilastik  GitHub

As a workaround for this you could use the ilastik headless mode where you control ilastik via the command line to apply a pre-trained project to new data. Would be happy to help setting that up.

Yeah, good idea. Taken a break from working with Ghost. But adding a swap file helped in my case. And I was thinking of just using Ghost in this vps as a headless cms, so if the (admin) site slows down, the production site will not be affected that much.

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As for headless linux installation, IMO it is easier to learn than the constantly changing and broken/WIP linux graphical desktop where you can get stuck with issues irrelevant to your long-term plan.

I would start with an old regular x86 machine with monitor, install debian stable netinstall (very bare installation) and learn how to add the missing pieces for the headless MPD server using network file storage and PCI or USB soundcard. Once you get a bit proficient with the command line approach and the common CLI tools, you can start playing with some non-x86 distributions for embedded linux. Or you can stay in x86 world to make your life easier if you can find hw you like and want to pay the extra money for the x86 comfort. Debian will serve you well for most of your needs, except for some real embedded devices where e.g. openwrt would be more appropriate.

I just recently tried AP-Linux and I do prefer it to both Lubuntu & Ubuntu. Why is there so much forum related hatred for this software? My only complaint is that I cannot figure out how to run it headless without just using a program like VNC to remote into it. If there was a remote app for my phone or Ipad, this may be my solution.

However, I disagree with (some of) you about that you need a special Linux distribution for this purpose, like AP-Linux, Daphile or preferably one that has no graphical environment at all (like Voyage). With my 2,6GHz i7 processor, high resolution music rendering works (up to DSD128) without any audible difference when a graphical client (i am using GMPC) is running on the same computer at the same time (not even Fedora's screensavers can disturb MPD). However, GMPC offers another interface to the server which is a nice alternative to the iPhone since the touchscreen can be used for browsing the music library and it displays cover art, lyrics etc. which looks pretty cool (as do the screensavers). I am still using a minimal desktop manager (XFCE) and GMPC is running in full-screen mode, most of the time. Another advantage of Fedora (over a headless Linux) is that I can run other media playback software than MPD on the same laptop: I run, e.g., XBMC for streaming movies from my NAS to my TV and Mopidy to stream music from Spotify (using my standard MPD clients for remote control) and Rhythmbox for Internet Radio.

I am far from a Unix expert, but I believe it is somewhat dependent on the hardware you plan to use. I really advise you to go to the Logitech forum and ask on the Squeezelite thread. It's here: Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only) It also runs on OSX and Windows

Enhance your retail display with the sleek and stylish Econoco Gene male headless seated mannequin. This headless design allows the focus to be on the garments, making it an ideal choice for showcasing a variety of clothing items. With its seated pose, this mannequin presents a relaxed and unique stance that will draw attention and allow customers to see clothing offerings from another perspective.

Its realistic hands with slightly detailed fingers and abstract foot style add a touch of realism to your displays, allowing customers to envision how the clothing will look and fit. Its fiberglass construction and matte white finish give a modern and clean aesthetic, perfect for any retail setting. Whether you're showcasing casual wear, formal attire, or athletic apparel, this versatile mannequin will suit your needs. Additionally, it comes with a setup kit that includes all the necessary tools and accessories for easy assembly. The touch-up paint allows you to maintain the pristine appearance of the mannequin, while the handling gloves protect it from fingerprints and smudges. Pair this mannequin with a cube or chair (both sold separately) to ensure stability, allowing you to set up your display quickly and efficiently. 

Overall Dimensions:

Height: 43"

Chest: 37"

Waist: 30"

Hips: 37"

Today I tried to installed jdownloader ( 2 version avail through searching), I installed one (following Techno Dad Life's video) but it failed to connect to my jdownloader acc, the 2nd one, plusminus/jdownloader2-headless, never managed to download properly in docker, I also tried to download it using command line, 2x300Mb files were extremely slow speed I decided to give up.

Recently I am not able to connect to hamachi server using the client / headless linux version. Looks like GFW is upgraded. I have to configure the proxy which looks like only available on GUI version. So,

Strapi, the open-source headless CMS, is designed to work seamlessly with various package managers, including PNPM. PNPM is known for its efficiency in disk space usage and its strictness in package linkage, which can lead to better performance and more reliable builds.

Strapi, a leading open-source headless CMS, can be set up using PNPM, an efficient package manager alternative to NPM. This section provides a step-by-step guide to initializing a Strapi project with PNPM.

Strapi, the leading open-source headless CMS, is known for its flexibility and developer-friendly approach. With the rise of package managers like PNPM, users have been exploring its compatibility and performance with Strapi. Here's an in-depth look at the community feedback on using Strapi with PNPM.

This is a rig that I built primarily for running Unreal Engine 4 to develop video games, as well as for playing video games and doing video editing, CAD, and other graphics work. I wanted to go SFF as it's going to be permanently mounted as a home theater PC, hooked up to a 1080p projector (BenQ TH585) for projecting games on to a 120" screen in the living room. When not being used through the projector, I remote into it as a headless PC via Parsec on my Macbook Pro for a more "regular" lap friendly work setup. It'll be used remotely like this mostly for Unreal Engine 4, DaVinci Resolve and other rendering applications. Parsec makes this possible with minimal latency, particularly over LAN.

There are occasions that I will have the computer monitoring through a home theater projector, but most of the time, it will be accessed remotely via Parsec. For anyone else wanting to be able to use a computer headless (no monitor) as I am and using remote desktop program like Parsec or Rainway, you'll need to get a headless dummy HDMI dongle that gets plugged into the video card in order to have Windows show video signal to the remote desktop. On this particular build, I have use the HDMI dongle permanently installed for remote access and the DisplayPort is connected to the projector.

I wanted to try using Eevee as a renderer to reduce the time taken to render an animation (even if I vastly prefer the quality of Cycles, but we were talking months to render my animation using Cycles, so of course I wanna try out Eevee instead). However, to my chagrin, I discovered that Eevee can't render in headless mode!

Using xvfb we can create a framebuffer that acts as a regular display inside a headless environment. Simply install it and create a system service that starts it. I've tested using a tiny display, 300x300x8, and it seemed to have no effect on the end result of the render, you may be able to go even smaller and less color depth. I'd love to try 1x1x1 because that is essentially attaching a lightbulb to your computer and I love the idea that Eevee can't run without a lightbulb attached.

The Console tab provides an interface with the Dash Core RPC (remote procedurecall) console. This is equivalent to the dash-cli command on headlessversions of Dash, such as dashd running on a masternode. Click the red icon to clear the console, and see the detailed documentation on RPC commands to learn about the possible commands you canissue. 2351a5e196

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