Privacy Policy

● We have few changes in our privacy policy to make it eveb easier to understand what data we collect, how it's processed and the controls you have. You can find more details about new European data protection lawa by reading our privacy policy. By continuting, you are confirming that you are over the age of 16 or under guidance of the holder of you parental responsibility and agree to our revisions.

● Our products collect some information from you in order to provide better service and beter user experience. Your privacy is a top priority to us, and this privacy policy explains how we collect,use,and protect your information

● When you use our service we automatically collect Non-Personal information about the device you use to access our service and your usage of our services.

● SET WALLPAPER: Set you photo as wallpaper

● WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE: The permission to writing data to external memory

● READ EXTERNAL STORAGE: Read media files (pictures,videos,etc.)



● Information collected by our Third Party Advertising Partner:

● We Work with third party advertising partner to provide personalized ads for you. Our partner may collect hardware and software information such as IP address, device ID and type, advertising IDs, device language, operating system,timezones, and indentifires associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify your device.

● our Product may in its sole discretion,change this privacy policy from time to time, any and all changes will be reflected here and data new versions are posted will be stated at top of this priority policy, so please review it periodically

● If you have any suggestion, feedback or requeste, please contact through developer email